  • ISBN:9787302480655
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:137
  • 出版时间:2017-12-01
  • 条形码:9787302480655 ; 978-7-302-48065-5


《模具设计与制造专业英语》以模具设计、模具制造为主线,全书共分6章,即冲压工艺及模具设计(Stamping Forming and Die Design)(30千字)、塑料模具设计(Plastics Molds)(45千字)、铸造模具设计(Casting Dies)(25千字)、数控加工(CNC Machining)(31千字)、模具特种加工(Mold Special Machining)(27千字)以及模具CAD/CAM/CAE(30千字)。从模具设计来说,涵盖了当前应用广泛的冲压成型、注射成型、铸造成型三大成型方法,介绍了3种成型方法的特点、适用范围、成型工艺及模具特点;在模具制造方面,突出在模具加工领域应用*广泛的两个*主要的加工手段数控加工、特种加工,引入模具新技术CAD/CAM/CAE。总的说来,内容的安排既考虑了现代模具行业的覆盖面,又反映了其发展趋势。在侧重阅读理解、掌握模具专业常用词汇基础上,突出模具专业特点。




目录 Chapter 1Stamping Forming and Die Design 1.1Introduction 1.2Blanking and Punching Dies 1.2.1Blanking 1.2.2Blanking Deformation Process 1.2.3Blanking Workpiece Quality 1.2.4Blanking and Punching Dies 1.2.5Blanking Tools 1.3Bending Dies 1.3.1Simple Bends 1.3.2Bending Allowance 1.3.3Bending Tool Chapter 2Plastics Molds 2.1Introduction 2.2The Properties of Plastics 2.2.1Thermosets 2.2.2Thermoplastics 2.2.3Fillers 2.2.4Properties of Plastics 2.3Injection Molds 2.3.1Injection Molding 2.3.2Injection Molds 2.3.3Mold Machine 2.4Other Molding Processes 2.4.1Compression Molding 2.4.2Transfer Molding 2.4.3Coinjection Molding 2.4.4GasAssisted Injection Molding 2.4.5Extrusion Molding 2.4.6Blow Molding Chapter 3Casting Dies 3.1Casting 3.2Sand Casting 3.2.1Sands 3.2.2Types of Sand Molds 3.2.3Patterns 3.2.4Cores 3.2.5SandMolding Machines 3.2.6The Sand Casting Operation 3.3Die Casting 3.3.1The Die Casting Cycle 3.3.2Die Casting Alloys 3.3.3Die Casting Dies 3.3.4Die Casting Machines Chapter 4CNC Machining 4.1Introduction to CNC 4.1.1Concept of NC and CNC 4.1.2Basic Component of NC Machine Tools 4.2The CNC Program 4.2.1Axes 4.2.2Programming 4.2.3CAM System Programming 4.3Machining Centers 4.4Automation of Manufacturing 4.4.1Introduction 4.4.2Flexible Manufacturing System 4.4.3Computer Integrated Manufacturing System Chapter 5Mold Special Machining 5.1Electrical Discharge Machining 5.1.1Principle of EDM 5.1.2Wire EDM 5.2Electrochemical Machining 5.2.1Working Principle of ECM 5.2.2ECM Equipment 5.2.3Applications of ECM 5.3Rapid Prototying Manufacturing 5.3.1Overview of Rapid Prototyping 5.3.2The Basic Process 5.3.3RP Techniques Chapter 6CAD/CAM/CAE 6.1The Computer in Die Design 6.2CAD/CAM 6.2.1CAD 6.2.2CAM 6.3CAE 6.3.1MPI Introduction 6.3.2MPI Modules 6.3.3CAE Example of MPI Glossary References

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