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2020-06-07 08:31:48
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  • ISBN:9787302500087
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:484
  • 出版时间:2018-05-01
  • 条形码:9787302500087 ; 978-7-302-50008-7


《摩擦学原理(第5版)》反映了摩擦学研究进展以及作者和同事们从事该领域研究的成果,系统地阐述摩擦学的基本原理与应用,全面反映现代摩擦学的研究状况和发展趋势。 全书共22章,由润滑理论与润滑设计、摩擦磨损机理与控制、应用摩擦学等三部分组成。除摩擦学传统内容外,还论述了摩擦学与相关学科交叉而形成的研究领域。本书针对工程实际中各种摩擦学现象,着重阐述在摩擦过程中的变化规律和特征,进而介绍基本理论和分析计算方法以及实验测试技术,并说明它们在工程中的实际应用。 《摩擦学原理(第5版)》可作为机械设计与理论专业的研究生教材和高等院校机械工程各类专业师生的教学参考书,亦可供从事机械设计和研究的工程技术人员参考。


《摩擦学原理(第5版)》反映了摩擦学研究进展以及作者和同事们从事该领域研究的成果,系统地阐述摩擦学的基本原理与应用,全面反映现代摩擦学的研究状况和发展趋势。    全书共22章,由润滑理论与润滑设计、摩擦磨损机理与控制、应用摩擦学等三部分组成。除摩擦学传统内容外,还论述了摩擦学与相关学科交叉而形成的研究领域。本书针对工程实际中各种摩擦学现象,着重阐述在摩擦过程中的变化规律和特征,进而介绍基本理论和分析计算方法以及实验测试技术,并说明它们在工程中的实际应用。   《摩擦学原理(第5版)》可作为机械设计与理论专业的研究生教材和高等院校机械工程各类专业师生的教学参考书,亦可供从事机械设计和研究的工程技术人员参考。


Part OneLubrication Theory and Lubrication Design Chapter 1Properties of lubrication film 1.1Lubrication states 1.2Density of lubricants 1.3Viscosity of fluids 1.4NonNewtonian properties and rheological model 1.5Lubricant wettability 1.6Measurement and exchange of viscosity References Chapter 2Basic theory of hydrodynamic lubrication 2.1Reynolds equation 2.2Hydrodynamic lubrication 2.3Basic elasticity theory of contact problems 2.4Elastohydrodynamic lubrication (inlet analysis) 2.5Grease lubrication 2.6Elastohydrodynamic lubrication state diagrams References Chapter 3Numerical methods of lubrication calculation 3.1Numerical solutions of Reynolds equation 3.2Numerical solutions of energy equation 3.3Numerical solutions of elastohydrodynamic lubrication 3.4Multigrid level method used in lubrication problems References Chapter 4Lubrication design of typical mechanical elements 4.1Slider and thrust bearing 4.2Journal bearing 4.3Hydrostatic bearing 4.4Squeezing bearing 4.5Dynamic bearing 4.6Gas bearing 4.7Rolling contaet bearing 4.8Gear lubrication 4.9Cam lubrication References Chapter 5Lubrication of special fluid medias 5.1Magneto fluid lubrication 5.2Micropolar fluid lubrication 5.3Liquid crystal lubrication 5.4Double electric layer effect in water thin film lubrication 5.5Emulsion lubrication References Chapter 6Transformation of lubrication states and nano thin film lubrication 6.1Transformation of lubrication states 6.2Nano film lubrication of liquid 6.3Numerical analysis of thin film lubrication 6.4Nano film lubrication of gas References Chapter 7Boundary lubrication and additives 7.1Types of boundary lubrication 7.2Theory of boundary lubrication 7.3Additives of lubricant References Chapter 8Lubrication failure and mixed lubrication 8.1Influence of roughness and material viscoelastic property on lubrication failure 8.2Influence of fluid limiting shear stress on lubrication failure 8.3Influence of temperature on lubrication failure 8.4Mixed lubrication state References Part TwoFriction and Wear Mechanisms and Friction Control Chapter 9Surface topography and surface contacts 9.1Parameters of surface topography 9.2Statistic parameters of surface topography 9.3Rough surface contacts References Chapter 10Soliding friction and its applications 10.1Basic characteristics of friction 10.2Macro friction theory 10.3Micro friction theory 10.4Sliding friction 10.5Other friction problems and friction control References Chapter 11Fretting friction and its applications 11.1Development and classification of fretting tribology 11.2Theory of fretting friction 11.3Approches of improving fretting performance 11.4Researches on the applications of fretting tribology References Chapter 12Rolling friction and its applications 12.1Basic theories of rolling friction 12.2Wheelrail rolling friction and thermal analysis 12.3Application of rolling friction theory in design of lunar rover vehicle References Chapter 13Wear characteristics and mechanisms 13.1Wear classification 13.2Abrasive wear 13.3Adhesive wear 13.4Fatigue wear 13.5Corrosion wear References Chapter 14Macro wear laws and wear theories 14.1Materials of friction pair 14.2Curves of wear processes 14.3Surface quality and wear 14.4Adhesive wear theory 14.5Energy wear theory 14.6Spalling theory and fatigue wear theory 14.7Wear calculation References Chapter 15Antiwear designs and surface coatings 15.1Choice of lubricants and additives 15.2Principles of friction pair material choice 15.3Surface coatings 15.4Measurement of coating properties References Chapter 16Tribological experiments and state detection 16.1Methods and equipments of tribological experiments 16.2Measurement of wear 16.3State analysis of friction surface 16.4Detection of wear states 16.5Analysis of wear failure References Part ThreeApplied Tribology Chapter 17Micro tribology 17.1Micro friction 17.2Micro contact and adhesive phenomena 17.3Micro wear 17.4Molecular film and boundary lubrication References Chapter 18Metal forming tribology 18.1Mechanics basics in forming technology 18.2Forge tribology 18.3Drawing tribology 18.4Milling tribology 18.5Cutting tribology References Chapter 19Biological tribology 19.1Fundamental of mechanics on biological soft tissue 19.2Characteristics of liquid lubricant of joints 19.3Men and animal joint lubrication 19.4Friction and wear of joint 19.5Study on other biological tribology References Chapter 20Space tribology 20.1Space machinery and features of space tribology 20.2Analysis of space tribological properties 20.3Space lubricants 20.4Features of space lubrication 20.5Accelerating life tests and equipments References Chapter 21Ocean tribology 21.1Ocean enriro ment and ocean tribology characteristics 21.2Systems and equipments in ocean tribology 21.3Tribology characteristics of ocean materials 21.4Derelopment trend of ocean tribology References Chapter 22MEMS tribology 22.1Tribological problems in MEMS 22.2Friction analysis of MEMS 22.3Study on micromotor friction 22.4Wear analysis of MEMS References ChineseEnglish List and Index

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