

1星价 ¥19.0 (5.9折)
2星价¥19.0 定价¥32.0
  • ISBN:9787544773522
  • 装帧:精裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:191
  • 出版时间:2017-03-01
  • 条形码:9787544773522 ; 978-7-5447-7352-2


译林“有声双语经典”原版引进美国教育专家特为学生编写的英语名著,精选贴近中国学生英语习得水平的经典作品。丛书甄选优质中文译本,配以导读、作家作品简介和插图,并聘请资深高考听力卷主播朗读英语有声书。有声书播放平台操作便捷,只需扫描书中二维码,即可收听、下载。丛书选目涵盖各国经典文学作品,让孩子在阅读中提高文学鉴赏能力和英语听读能力。著名儿童文学作家黄蓓佳长文导读推荐。 《鲁滨逊漂流记》作为经典的冒险小说,自出版以来一直深受广大读者喜爱,成为畅销不衰的经典名著。主人公鲁滨逊勇于开拓的精神,即便是放在今天也毫不过时。该书入选语文“”必读书目,是中学生不得不读的佳作。




第1章 出海
第2章 海盗!
第3章 机敏逃脱
第4章 失事
第5章 岛
第6章 落脚
第7章 安顿
第8章 岛上探险
第9章 岛上生活
第10章 第六年
第11章 神秘的脚印
第12章 担惊受怕的生活
第13章 客人
第14章 教育星期五
第15章 俘虏
第16章 英国船
第17章 夺船
第18章 陌生的故乡
第19章 新的冒险

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Out to Sea
CHAPTER 2 Pirates!
CHAPTER 3 A Clever Escape
CHAPTER 4 Shipwrecked
CHAPTER 5 The Island
CHAPTER 6 A Proper Settlement
CHAPTER 7 Putting Things in Order
CHAPTER 8 Exploring the Island
CHAPTER 9 Island Life
CHAPTER 10 The Sixth Year
CHAPTER 11 The Mysterious Footprint
CHAPTER 12 Living in Fear
CHAPTER 13 A Guest
CHAPTER 14 Teaching Friday
CHAPTER 15 Captives
CHAPTER 16 The English Ship
CHAPTER 17 Securing the Ship
CHAPTER 18 Strange Homeland
CHAPTER 19 New Adventures



第1章 出海

我的名字叫鲁滨逊· 克鲁索,1632 年生于约克城。我还有两个哥哥,因而无望继承家业。父亲打算让我学法律,可我想要出海。
1651 年 9 月 1 日,我们起航去伦敦。不久,海上刮起了大风,卷起骇浪朝我们猛扑过来。船就像一匹暴怒的野马一般剧烈地摇晃颠簸。我的胃跟着一起翻江倒海起来,晕船晕得天昏地暗。

CHAPTER 1 Out to Sea
My name is Robinson Crusoe. I was born in 1632 in the city of York. Being the third son of the family, I had no great hope of inheritance. My father planned for me to study law. I wanted to go to sea.
“Don’t be foolish,” Father scolded when I brought up the subject. “The sea is for the very wealthy or the very poor. The poor need to find fortune. The wealthy seek fame. But your life will be comfortable and steady.”
Comfortable and steady seemed much like gloomy and dull to me. “I believe I can find greater happiness in adventure,” I suggested.
At this my father’s eyes filled with tears. “Do you not remember your brother? He craved a life of adventure and went to war. Where is he now? Would you go the same way?”
How could I press my case against such concern? I put all thoughts of the sea out of my mind for several weeks. But I could not settle down.
I finally spoke to my mother, hoping she might convince Father of my case. “Perhaps a short voyage,” I suggested. “If it turns to misery as Father predicts, I will come home.”
“How could you think such a thing?” Mother demanded. “After the talk you had with your father, we hoped such foolishness would have left you!”
Clearly I had only one option. I ran away. Not immediately, of course. I moped and complained for nearly a year. Then a friend suggested I travel with him by sea to London. Without a word to my parents, I boarded the boat.
On September 1, 1651, we set sail for London. Soon the wind blew heavily, driving waves against us. The ship leaped and bucked like an angry horse. My stomach leaped with it and I was most miserably sick.
I fell to my knees in my cabin and prayed that I would not die for disobeying my parents. Throughout the storm I bargained, begged, and promised. I would take up the law. I would be a good and obedient son.
Then the sea calmed. My stomach settled. The smooth sea with the sun upon it delighted me. And while I gazed upon the sea, my friend walked up and clapped me on the back.
“Did that capful of wind frighten you?” he asked.
“A capful!” I cried. “It was a terrible storm.”
“That squall was nothing,” he laughed. He must have noticed my doubtful face because he added with a grin, “Well, ’tis charming weather now. Let’s settle down and celebrate your survival.”
And so we did. In the merriment I forgot my vows. I forgot the storm. In the next five or six days of good weather, I committed myself completely to the sea. I was certain that I would never regret my choice.
A few days later, the sky darkened. The wind blew hard. I laughed in the face of the storm. All hands gathered on deck to make everything snug as we rode the rough seas.
My stomach began to answer the roll of the sea. I retired to my cabin, sure I would soon see clear skies again. Then I heard the ship’s master passing by my cabin door. “Have mercy on us,” he prayed. “Let us not be lost!”
That begging did not ride well on my mind or my stomach. I got up and stumbled out of my cabin. The sea rose and broke upon us every few minutes. We cut away our masts so that the wind might not push us over.
A voice cried out, “All hands to the pumps!”
The ship had sprung a leak.Though fear made me clumsy, I followed the rest of the men and joined my strength to theirs.
Suddenly, a great boom rocked the ship. I knew the storm had broken the ship in two! I collapsed in a heap on the floor. A man stepped calmly over my body and took my place at the pump.



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