

1星价 ¥33.5 (7.4折)
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  • ISBN:9787300267098
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:256
  • 出版时间:2019-03-01
  • 条形码:9787300267098 ; 978-7-300-26709-8






Part I Foundations fo Lang ag Teaching Chapter 1 Language Views and Language Learning Theories 1.1 Views on language 1.2 Theories of language learning 1.3 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Chapter 2 Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 2.1 The grammar-translation method 2.2 The direct method 2.3 The audio-lingual method 2.4 Total physical response 2.5 Communicative language teaching 2.6 Task-based language teaching 2.7 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Part II Focusing on the Teacher Chapter 3 Teachers' Survival Kit for the First Day of Class 3.1 Preparing for the first day of class 3.2 Breaking the ice in the first class 3.3 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Chapter 4 Professional Development 4.1 Professional development and its role in language teaching 4.2 Professional qualities of a good language teacher 4.3 Developing professional qualities 4.4 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Chapter 5 Lesson Planning 5.1 Guidelines for lesson planning 5.2 Steps of lesson planning 5.3 Format of a lesson plan 5.4 Lesson plan sample 5.5 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Chapter 6 Classroom Management 6.1 Patterns of classroom interaction 6.2 Issues of classroom discipline 6.3 Strategies of classroom management 6.4 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading the Learner Part III Focusing on the Learner Chapter 7 Understanding English Learners 7.1 Learner differences 7.2 What to do with learner differences 7.3 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Chapter 8 Developing Learner Autonomy 8.1 Defining learner autonomy 8.2 The significance of developing learner autonomy 8.3 Teachers' role in developing learner autonomy 8.4 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Part IV Focusing on the Language Chapter 9 Teaching Pronunciation 9.1 The nature of pronunciation 9.2 Aspects of pronunciation 9.3 Principles for teaching pronunciation 9.4 Methods of teaching pronunciation 9.5 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Chapter 10 Teaching Vocabulary 10.1 The nature of vocabulary 10.2 The role of vocabulary 10.3 Aspects of vocabulary 10.4 Principles for teaching vocabulary 10.5 Methods of teaching vocabulary 10.6 Testing vocabulary 10.7 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Chapter 11 Teaching Grammar 11.1 The nature of grammar 11.2 The role of grammar 11.3 Principles for teaching grammar 11.4 Approaches to teaching grammar 11.5 Activities for grammar practice 11.6 Grammatical terminology 11.7 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Chapter 12 Teaching Listening 12.1 The nature of listening 12.2 The role of listening 12.3 Types of spoken language 12.4 Principles for teaching listening 12.5 Approaches to teaching listening skills 12.6 Activities for listening practice 12.7 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Chapter 13 Teaching Speaking 13.1 The nature of speaking 13.2 The role of speaking 13.3 Characteristics of spoken language 13.4 Principles for teaching speaking 13.5 Approaches to teaching speaking skills 13.6 Activities for speaking practice 13.7 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Chapter 14 Teaching Reading 14.1 The nature of reading 14.2 The role of reading 14.3 Types of written language 14.4 Principles for teaching reading 14.5 Approaches to teaching reading skills 14.6 Activities for reading practice 14.7 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Chapter 15 Teaching Writing 15.1 The nature of writing 15.2 The role of writing 15.3 Characteristics of written language 15.4 Principles for teaching writing 15.5 Approaches to teaching writing skills 15.6 Activities for writing practice 15.7 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading Part V Focusing on Technology in Language Instruction Chapter 16 Technologies in and out of the Language Classroom 16.1 Benefits and skills of applying technologies to language instruction. 16.2 Principles for applying technologies to language instruction 16.3 Uses of technologies in language instruction 16.4 Summary Sources and suggestions for further reading

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