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  • ISBN:9787040495409
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:180
  • 出版时间:2019-04-01
  • 条形码:9787040495409 ; 978-7-04-049540-9






Lesson 1 你是在哪儿长大的? Where did you grow up? 1.Learn to talk about your experiences 2.Learn to describe what has happened in the past 3.Learn to express your wishes 4.Learn to give reasons Lesson 2 你比以前更漂亮了。 You are prettier than ever. 1.Learn to describe changes in someone 2.Learn to describe someone's appearance and character 3.Learn to offer your congratulations 4.Leam to talk about your understanding of something Lesson 3 你是新搬来的吧? You have just moved here,haven't you? 1.Learn to describe the surrounding environment 2.Learntomake requests 3.Learn to make promises Lesson 4 我想换一件。 I want to change one. 1.Learn to demand a refund or to change an item 2.Learn to urge people to do things faster 3.Learn to express suggestion Lesson 5 你对什么运动感兴趣? What sports are you interested in? 1.Learn to talk about topics on exercise and health 2.Learn to list examples 3.Learnto offerhelp Lesson 6 周末过得怎么样? How was your weekend? 1.Learn to describe how something has gone on 2.Learn to show regret 3.Learn to talk about plans or arrangements Lesson 7 假期你打算去什么地方旅游? Where are you going for your holidays? 1.Learntobook an airticket andtobook a room 2.Learn to remind others 3.Learnto complain Lesson 8 你对丽江的印象怎么样? What's your impression of Lijiang? 1.Leam to describe your journey 2.Learn to show your regret 3.Learn to say how thankful you are Lesson 9 真不巧。 It's bad luck. 1.Learn how to act as a host or a guest 2.Learn to decline indirectly 3.Learn to express good wishes Lesson 10 *近你工作很忙吧? You have been busy recently,haven't you? 1.Learn to talk about work and study 2.Leam to praise and to show modesty 3.Learn to make suggestions Lesson 11 电脑什么时候能修好? When can the computer be fixed? 1.Leam to talk about repairing something 2.Learn to express speculations 3.Learn to express anxiety Lesson 12 没想到这么快就要分别了。 I never expected to be parted from you so soon. 1.Learn some expressions commonly used when saying goodbye 2.Learn to express resolution 3.Learn to express gratitude 词语表Vocabulary index 注释Notes 课文翻译Translation for texts 录音文本Scripts

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