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2024-01-30 22:23:38
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  • ISBN:9787568273572
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:167
  • 出版时间:2018-02-01
  • 条形码:9787568273572 ; 978-7-5682-7357-2


★这套《床头灯英语丛书》,囊括了诸多英语名著,都是我们这代人在青少年时期曾汲取营养、启迪审美、塑造三观的世界文学经典之作,或思想蕴涵深厚,或行文清新细腻,或情节曲折感人,都有很高的文学审美价值和语言学习价值。 要让青少年真正地爱读名著,社会、老师和家长要形成一种合力,从高处着眼,从细处入手,激发阅读兴趣,引导阅读方式,营造阅读氛围,做好高质量的阅读陪伴。必须要说的是,这套丛书的中英双语形式,恰如其分地降低了阅读英文原著的门槛,为更广泛的英语学习者和爱好者们提供了便利。让大家既能欣赏原汁原味的英文作品,切实感受到世界名著的魅力,也能在遇到阅读障碍时对照中文翻译,得心应手,这些都是单纯的译本所不能达到的效果。 《床头灯英语丛书》是阅读经典与实用学习的得兼之作,值得青少年朋友们阅读学习。 ——师传宝 中国外语教育研究中心中小学英语教育研究中心秘书长、英语周报社副总编辑 ★想学好英语,多读经典好书是捷径之一。《床头灯英语丛书》有语言、有思维、有文化、有审美、有情感、有人生百味。英语名谚说:“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”运动强健躯体,阅读滋养灵魂。快来把阅读变成你的生存方式吧!它将给你一双隐形的翅膀,让你的人生从此自由而丰满。 ——陈力 人民教育出版社编审、《义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(新版)》责编 ★阅读给我们打开了一扇窗。透过窗我们看到了别人,也看到了世界,通过这扇窗,我们也更好地看到了自己。 ——陈新忠 北京教育科学研究院基础教研中心英语教研员、教育部《高中课程标准》修订组核心成员 ★我有一位同事,他是数学教师,但英语学得很棒。我曾经问他:“你的英语学得如此地道纯正,有什么秘诀吗?”他坦诚回答:“我只是读了几本床头灯英语小说。”可见,对于学习英语而言,名著阅读可以起到事半功倍的作用,也完全符合英语课程标准的理念。 ——何书利 北京教育学院朝阳分院教师专业发展中心主任、北京市英语学科骨干教师 ★20世纪60年代,我也是中学生,曾经阅读过所推荐书目中的大部分简写本,夯实了基础,开阔了思维,增加了兴趣,让我受益良多。我号召中学生朋友们翻开书,一本本读,会大有裨益! ——范存智 北大附中资深英语教师、人民教育出版社新课标教材培训教师、北京教育考试院高考和会考试卷评价课题组成员、英语沙龙杂志顾问、北京教育出版社教育科学研究院副院长




Chapter 1 The Prison Door
Chapter 2 The Market Place
Chapter 3 The Recognition
Chapter 4 The Interview
Chapter 5 Hester at Her Needle
Chapter 6 Pearl
Chapter 7 The Governor’s Office
Chapter 8 The Strange Child and the Minister
Chapter 9 The Mysterious Roger Chillingworth
Chapter 10 The Doctor and His Patient
Chapter 11 The Inside ofa Heart
Chapter 12 The Minister’S Thought
Chapter 13 AnotherViewofHester
Chapter 14 Hester and the Doctor
Chapter 15 Hester and Pearl
Chapter 16 A ForestW_alk
Chapter 17 The Minister and His Follower
Chapter 18 A Flood ofSunshine
Chapter 19 The Child atthe Stream
Chapter 20 The Minister in Confusion
Chapter 21 The New England Holiday
Chapter 22 The March
Chapter 23 The Discovery of the Scarlet Letter
Chapter 24 Conclusion


  《床头灯英语·3000词读物(纯英文版):红字》:  "Why do we talk of marks, whether on her dress or on her forehead?" cried another female,the ugliest as well as the most pitiless of the women. "This woman has brought shame to our community, and should die. Is there no law for it? Of course there is in the words of God."  "Be quiet, now, foolish women!" exclaimed a man in the crowd. "The prison door is opening, and here comes Mistress Prynne herself."  The door of the prison sprang open, and there appeared, like a black shadow coming into the  sunshine, the prison guard, with a sword at his side.This person represented the strictness of Puritan law, which it was his duty to give the final punishment to the criminals. He carried his sword in his left hand, and laid his right hand on the shoulder of a young woman, who he dragged forward. At the doorway to the prison, she resisted him, showing her 'oravery and independence, as she stepped into the sunlight. She held a child, a baby of three  months old, who turned its head from the light. The baby's life had, until then, been only in the dark prison, it had never seen the light of day.  When the young woman-the mother of this child-stood in front of the crowd, she held the baloy close to her chest, not to show motherly love,but to hide her sign of punishment. In a moment,however, she showed the front of her dress to the waiting crowd. They soon viewed an elegantly sewn letter "A," which was artistically done in fine red cloth surrounded by rich gold thread.The rare piece showed a great amount of skill,which Hester had done herself. The elegant piece was of much greater quality than was allowed in the town.  ……

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