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以前总听说小飞侠,引起我的好奇,原来是英国的“儿童寓言/神话/传说”呢。在一个名为Neverland的岛屿上,怪物(以鳄鱼🐊为代表)➡️印第安人➡️海盗🏴‍☠️➡️“迷路的小男孩”(以Peter Pan为首)形成了一个食物链。Wendy三姐弟被Peter Pan从人类社会“诱骗”带到岛屿后,逐渐被同化,除Wendy外,其余二兄弟逐渐遗忘自己的父母。Peter Pan骁勇善战,在最终回战斗,不仅只身一人成功营救被擒拿的同伴,而且带领男孩们杀死所有海盗,当然还有属于男人之间的战斗:Peter Pan vs. Captain James Hook,Hook跳船被鳄鱼的嘴巴接住,真属寓言套路结局。Peter Pan选择继续留在岛上,他也永远都不会长成大人。

2023-12-17 21:28:14
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2023-10-28 18:36:57
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  • ISBN:9787568274104
  • 装帧:250g铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:126
  • 出版时间:2018-02-01
  • 条形码:9787568274104 ; 978-7-5682-7410-4






Chapter 1 The Darling Family
Chapter 2 Seeing Peter Pan
Chapter 3 The Neverland Arrives
Chapter 4 Learning to Fly
Chapter 5 Neverland Awakes
Chapter 6 The Lost Boys' New Mother
Chapter 7 The Secret House
Chapter 8 Death Rock
Chapter 9 Trapped in the Lake
Chapter 10 Readyto Go Home
Chapter 11 Capture!
Chapter 12 Tinker Bell Saves Peter
Chapter 13 The Jolly Roger
Chapter 14 Fight to the Death
Chapter 15 Going Back Home
Chapter 16 A Bigger Family


  《床头灯英语·3000词读物(纯英文版):小飞侠彼得·潘》:  Their neighbors could all afford to hire nursesto take care of their children. The Darling familyhowever, could not afford a normal nurse. Insteadthey had to "hire" a different kind of nurse. TheDarlings bought a large dog named Nana, andNana was as good as a human nurse. Nana helpedto bath the children and get their clothes ready. Shewould comfort them when they had bad dreams inthe nights. She even walked with them to school inthe mornings, helping them cross the streets andcarrying an umbrella in her mouth when it rained.Every night, when Wendy, John, and Michaelwere going to bed, Nana would turn on a smallnight light, because the children were all afraid ofthe Neverland. They worried that the Neverlandwas always hiding outside and would come andcapture them if they were not careful. The childrendid not know what the Neverland was like, and eachchild had different ideas about what the people wholived there were like and about what things thathappened there. In fact, the Neverland didn't feel very scary. The children were only scared becausethey worried about losing their family and going toa world where anyt,hing could happen.Some ofthe children's dreams about the Neverlandwere similar. This was because they were all in thesame family and they had all heard the same storiesfrom their mother. Many stories talked about a boynamed Peter Pan. Peter Pan lived in Neverland withthe fairies and he could fly. Wendy especially believedin Peter Pan. Even Mrs. Darling rememberedstories about a boy named Peter Pan from when shewas a child."Peter Pan must be an old man now," jokedMrs. Darling to Wendy."No, mom!" cried Wendy, "Peter will nevergrow up. He will always be a boy about the sameage and height as me!"Mr. Darling laughed when Wendy spoke aboutPeter Pan. He did not believe in Peter Pan or theNeverland.  ……



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