21世纪应用型精品规划教材  旅游管理专业旅游英语

包邮21世纪应用型精品规划教材 旅游管理专业旅游英语

¥29.9 (7.5折) ?
1星价 ¥29.9
2星价¥29.9 定价¥39.8
  • ISBN:9787302549604
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:236
  • 出版时间:2020-04-01
  • 条形码:9787302549604 ; 978-7-302-54960-4




《旅游英语》把旅游行业知识和英语语言运用技能作为学习目标,将英语语言技能的学习融合到旅游行业新兴话题中进行编写。《旅游英语》内容按照从整体到局部的原则,分为旅游服务、酒店行业、旅游景区、会展服务和中国传统文化5个模块12个单元,内容涵盖旅游行业、旅行社、酒店行业、“互联网+旅游”、邮轮业、旅游景区、会展业和“一带一路”旅游文化等知识。 同时,《旅游英语》在内容编排上以企业的需求和高职高专学生为目标对象。此外,在国家“一带一路”倡议背景下,广州作为海上丝绸之路的起点,故而《旅游英语》又结合了地方旅游特色以及“一带一路”沿线的旅游文化,使得书中内容能够与时俱进,更符合为培养地方经济服务的旅游英语人才之所需。


目 录

Module One Travel Services 1

Unit 1 Tourism and Tourism Industry 3

Passage A Tourism Industry 4

Passage B Tourism in China 8

Writing: Resume简历 13

Supplementary Reading 16

Unit 2 Travel Agency 19

Passage A Travel Agency 20

Passage B Tour Guide 25

Writing: Welcome Speech欢迎词 30

Supplementary Reading 32

Unit 3 Online Travel Service 35

Passage A Booming Time for Online

Travel Services 36

Passage B How is Technology

Transforming Chinese

Tourism 41

Writing: Visa Application and Invitation签证的申请与邀请 47

Supplementary Reading 54

Module Two Hospitality 57

Unit 4 Hospitality Industry 59

Passage A The Hospitality Industry 60

Passage B Club Med 65

Writing: Reservation Letter预订信 69

Supplementary Reading 72

Unit 5 Food and Beverage Services 75

Passage A Chinese Cuisine 76

Passage B Western Cuisine 82

Writing: Menu菜单 87

Supplementary Reading 90

Module Three Tourist Attractions 93

Unit 6 Tourism Product 95

Passage A Types of Tourism 96

Passage B Customized Tour 101

Writing: Tourism Advertisement and


宣传册 107

Supplementary Reading 109

Unit 7 Tourist Attractions 112

Passage A World Heritage 113

Passage B Mount Huangshan 118

Writing: Tour Commentary 导游词 123

Supplementary Reading 126

Unit 8 Cruising 128

Passage A An Introduction of

Cruising 129

Passage B Carnival Cruise 134

Writing: Tour Itinerary旅游线路 138

Supplementary Reading 143

Module Four MICE 145

Unit 9 Introduction to MICE 147

Passage A MICE 148

Passage B Incentive Travel 153

Writing: Other forms in Tourism旅游

其他相关表格 158

Supplementary Reading 161

Unit 10 Canton Fair 164

Passage A Canton Fair 165

Passage B Travel Services for

MICE 170

Writing: Tour Contract旅游合同 175

Supplementary Reading 182

Module Five Traditional Chinese

Culture 185

Unit 11 Traditional Chinese Culture and

Festivals 187

Passage A A Glimpse of Traditional

Chinese Culture 188



Passage B A Brief Introduction to

Traditional Chinese

Festivals 195

Writing: Farewell Speech 欢送词 202

Supplementary Reading 204

Unit 12 Chinese Arts 207

Passage A Peking Opera 208

Passage B Chinese Calligraphy 213

Writing: Tourism Questionnaire 旅游

调查问卷 219

Supplementary Reading 223

参考文献 227















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