  • ISBN:9787561557518
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:271页
  • 出版时间:2020-05-01
  • 条形码:9787561557518 ; 978-7-5615-5751-8




本书主要介绍目前金融科技的典型应用场景, 包括智能性的供应链金融、智能机器人分析、数字货币、跨境支付等。


The First Part: Introduction Chapter 1 Finance and Technology 1.1 History 1.2 Evolution 1.3 Future Chapter 2 Development of Financial Technology 2.1 Chinese financial technology enterprise is pursuing development 2.2 Transformation of traditional financial institutions 2.3 Conclusion 2.4 Current situations of development of financial technology abroad Chapter 3 Supervision of Financial Technology 3.1 Development of supervision technology 3.2 What is supervision technology? 3.3 Financial technology supervision prirciple and framwork 3.4 Financial technology regulation at the national level 3.5 Development and outlook of financial technology 3.6 The future of financial technology supervision The Second Part: Technology Chapter 4 Blockchain Technology 4.1 Origin 4.2 Definition 4.3 Characteristics of blockchain technology 4.4 Blockchain technology foundation 4.5 Blockchain platform 4.6 Blockchain network architecture 4.7 Evolution of blockchain Chapter 5 Artificial Intelligence 5.1 Definition 5.2 Technology layering 5.3 Foundation 5.4 Classification The Third Part: Application of the Finartal Industry Chapter 6 Application of Banking 6.1 Data 6.2 Mobile 6.3 Intelligent 6.4 Platformization 6.5 Bank innovation in the payment field 6.6 Innovative practice of direct selling banks 6.7 Relationship between blockchain and banks Chapter 7 Application and Development of Insurance Industry 7.1 Internet technology brings a disruptive revolution to the business model of the insurance industry 7.2 Big data technology helps promote comprehensive upgrading of the insurance industry 7.3 Cloud computing technology is an accelerator that promotes innovation and development of the insurance industry 7.4 Blockchain technology brings new ideas and opportunities to the development of the insurance industry 7.5 Internet of things technology will disrupt the traditional business model of the insurance industry The Fourth Part: Cases Chapter 8. Cases of Financial Technology 8.1 Typical examples of financial technology abroad : 8.2 Typical Fintech cases domestically : 8.3 Global creative insurance technology companies


郝晋辉,美国波士顿大学读精算硕士, 在美国的四大会计所(PwC and KPMG ) 金融中心有15年工作经验,中国福建省厦门大学经济学的博士(金融学方向),毕业至今为闽南师范大学商学院专任教师。

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