

1星价 ¥32.1 (7.0折)
2星价¥32.1 定价¥45.9
  • ISBN:9787521312270
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:182
  • 出版时间:2019-11-01
  • 条形码:9787521312270 ; 978-7-5213-1227-0


本书提出了语言测试领域一种新的测评范式——面向学习的测评(Learning Oriented Assessment,简称LOA)。该模式具有系统性、生态性和社会—认知性,是将终结性评价和形成性评价相结合的探索,不仅有助于我们理解学习的本质,而且对外语教师转变教学理念、创新教学方法、实施更加有效的教学与测评,以及国内语言政策的制定、课程大纲的设计、教学内容的组织也具有重要的启发意义。

本书共分九章:*、二章总体引介LOA,着重介绍以任务为驱动的四个“世界”——“个人”“教育”“社会”“测评”,探究LOA 的发展根源和概况;第三章至第五章提出了LOA 涉及的三个基本问题:什么是学习?什么是语言学习?要学习什么? 第六章至第七章聚焦正规教育背景下语言学习的组织、大规模
测试实践、课堂中LOA 的本质;第八、九章提出了大规模测试与课堂评价结合的综合模式和LOA 全面实施的问题及步骤。


本书提出了语言测试领域一种新的测评范式——面向学习的测试(Learning Oriented Assessment,简称LOA)。该模式具有系统性、生态性和社会—认知性,是将终结性评价和形成性评价相结合的探索,不仅有助于我们理解学习的本质,而且对外语教师转变教学理念、创新教学方法、实施更加有效的教学与测评,以及靠前语言政策的制定、课程大纲的设计、教学内容的组织也具有重要的启发意义。本书共分九章:、二章总体引介LOA,着重介绍以任务为驱动的四个"世界"——"个人""教育""社会""测试",探究LOA 的发展根源和概况;第三章至第五章提出了LOA 涉及的三个基本问题:什么是学习?什么是语言学习?要学习什么? 第六章至第七章聚焦正规教育背景下语言学习的组织、大规模测试实践、课堂中LOA的本质;第八、九章提出了大规模测试与课堂评价结合的综合模式和LOA 全面实施的问题及步骤。



导 读 辜向东 李玉龙 iv
Abbreviations xv
Acknowledgements xvi
Series Editors’note xviii
1 Learning Oriented Assessment: An overview 1
1.1 The organisation of this volume 7
1.2 What is learning? 8
1.3 What is language learning? 9
1.4 What is to be learned? 10
1.5 The roles of assessment in learning 11
1.6 Aligning large-scale and classroom assessment 14
1.7 In summary 15
2 The roots of Learning Oriented Assessment 17
2.1 Cambridge English and Learning Oriented Assessment 18
2.2 Origins and emphases of learning-oriented approaches 18
2.3 Defining learning-oriented assessment: Process, policy or
principles? 27
2.4 Specific learning-oriented methods 32
3 What is learning? 35
3.1 Constructivism 35
3.2 An appropriate model of cognition and learning 37
3.3 Task-based interaction 39
3.4 Roles of teachers and learners 47
3.5 In summary 54
4 What is language learning? 56
4.1 Languages as a special case 56
4.2 The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages 57
4.3 Natural language acquisition 59
4.4 Second Language Acquisition research 60
4.5 In summary 66
5 What is to be learned? 67
5.1 The desired outcomes of learning 67
5.2 The nature of language proficiency: Construct definition 71
5.3 The content of learning: Curricular objectives 75
5.4 In summary 76
6 The role of large-scale assessment in learning 78
6.1 Proficiency testing: The importance of criterion reference 79
6.2 Scale construction 80
6.3 Item Response Theory 82
6.4 Item banking 83
6.5 Performance assessment 85
6.6 Validity and reliability of large-scale assessment 86
6.7 Large-scale assessment: Evidence of and for learning 90
6.8 In summary 91
7 Learning-oriented assessment in the classroom 93
7.1 The nature of classroom learning-oriented assessment 93
7.2 Domain-specific and generalisable learning skills 95
7.3 Learning-centred and content-centred act


NEIL JONES,剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部,IRT语言测试运用博士。NICK SAVILLE,欧洲语言测试者协会主席、剑桥大学考试委员会测试研发总监,语言测评博士。

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