

1星价 ¥32.0 (6.4折)
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  • ISBN:9787300284712
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:292
  • 出版时间:2020-08-01
  • 条形码:9787300284712 ; 978-7-300-28471-2


1.选文体现政治性、思想性、科学性、时代性和趣味性。通过精挑细选的文章,带给学生958 个大学英语六级、托福、雅思、GRE 的生词和词组以及近四万词的精读,更带给学生家国情怀、科技素养和国际视野。 2.练习形式多样化,注重线上线下结合的立体化设计。教材中练习精简为思辨训练、英汉互译和阅读理解三大模块,其中思辨训练模块包括与课文内容相关的思考题和写作题。人大芸窗数字平台配套词汇、阅读理解、翻译及写作等丰富多样的练习,同时增加了补充习题,助力提升同学们的自主学习能力并为实现翻转课堂教学提供了可能。 3 . 配套齐全、益于教学。教材配有数字平台、教学课件、课文录音、教师用书、教学示范课等多种教学资源,供教师教学和学生自学。读者可登录人大芸窗(http://www.rdyc.cn)进行在线学习。 4 . 配套考试,教学实用。本教材与北京市高等教育学会研究生英语教学研究分会每年 1 月和 6 月组织的研究生英语学位课统考紧密结合。




Unit 1 Leaders and Leadership
Passage A President Xi Jinping's 2020 New Year Speech
Passage B Anecdotes of Yanzi
Write Academically: Preparing for a Research Paper
Unit 2 Language and Culture
Passage A World English: A Blessing or a Curse?
Passage B Humbled by Nature, Humble by Culture
Write Academically: Choosing a Topic
Unit 3 Ecology and Economy
Passage A Spillonomics: Underestimating Risk
Passage B Environmental Protection in the Eyes of the Poor
Write Academically: Constructing Research Proposal
Unit 4 Medical Research
Passage A What Genius and Autism Have in Common?
Passage B A Pill for Loneliness
Write Academically: Deciding on a Title
Unit 5 Leading Scientist and Pioneering Work
Passage A A Beautiful Mind
Passage B Mind over Machine
Write Academically: Creating an Outline
Unit 6 People and the World
Passage A A Christmas Sermon on Peace
Passage B Bill Clinton
Write Academically: Citation vs. Plagiarism
Unit 7 Space and Species
Passage A Our Picture of the Universe
Passage B If Half of All Species Go Extinct, Will One of Them Be Us?
Write Academically: Writing the Introduction
Unit 8 Career and Work
Passage A Start-Ups Aren't Cool Anymore
Passage B It’s Getting Harder for International STEM Students to Find Work after Graduation
Write Academically: Writing a Literature Review
Unit 9 Desire and Anxiety
Passage A Steve Jobs
Passage B Fearing Fear Itself
Write Academically: Presenting Methodology
Unit 10 Alone and Lonely
Passage A Spell of the Rising Moon
Passage B One Is the Loneliest Number: the History of a Western Problem
Write Academically: Composing Results and Discussion
Unit 11 Chip Wars and Tech Revolution
Passage A Chip Wars
Passage B Will Tech Revolution Overwhelm Global System?
Write Academically: Presenting Tables and Figures
Unit 12 Health and Disease
Passage A E-cigarettes: A Fairy Tale of a Healthy Alternative to Conventional
Passage B Is Obesity Really a Disease?
Write Academically: Writing Conclusion and Recommendation
Unit 13 Energy and Environment
Passage A Nuclear Energy Regulation Risk and the Environment
Passage B Why Don't More Cities Require Green Roofs?
Write Academically: References
Unit 14 Surveillance and Supervision
Passage A The Employer-Surveillance State
Passage B The Controversy over Parents Who Eat Lunch with Their Children at School
Write Academically: Writing an Abstract
Unit 15 Global Green Economy
Passage A Global Green Growth Engine in the Making
Passage B Get the Lead Out: Why the Best Way to Improve Health in Poor Countries Is to Clean up Industrial Pollution?
Write Academically: Preparing for Publication


Unit 1 Leaders and Leadership Lead-inPassage A is President Xi Jinping’s 2020 New Year Speech in which our President summarizes the major achievements made in 2019, looking forward to 2020, a year of milestone significance, giving thanks to those dedicated unsung heroes who are ordinary people living extraordinary lives, expressing his appreciation to all the hardworking people and wishing everyone a happy new year.Passage B―Anecdotes of Yanzi portrays Yan Ying (晏婴), an accomplished philosopher, statesman and politician, as the most creative thinker of the Spring and Autumn Period in ancient China.President Xi Jinping’s 2020 New Year SpeechComrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen,The year 2020 is arriving. From China’s capital Beijing, I'd like to extend my New Year wishes to you all! In 2019, we sweated and we toiled as we pressed ahead with concrete efforts for achievements. Thanks to our steady pursuit of high-quality development, China's GDP is expected to edge close to 100 trillion yuan with per capita figure reaching the level of 10,000 US dollars. Significant breakthroughs have been achieved in three tough battles1. Coordinated regional development accelerated further including in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Yangtze River Delta. Ecological rotection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin have become national strategies. About 340 impoverished counties and more than 10 million people have been lifted out of poverty. Our lunar probe Chang’e-4, for the first time in human history, landed on the far side of the moon; the Long March-5 Y3 rocket was uccessfully launched; the Xuelong 2 icebreaker set sail on its maiden voyage for the Antarctic; the construction of the global network of the Beidou Navigation Satellite System is sprinting towards the finish line; the commercial application of 5G technology is accelerating; the Beijing Daxing International Airport “phoenix spreads its wings”… All these achievements are the result of the efforts and sweat of those who strive in the new era, and they demonstrate the extraordinary Chinese splendor and Chinese strength.Over the past year, Reform and Opening-up has continuously generated vigor for development. The reform of Party and government institutions has been successfully completed. We’ve set up another batch of pilot Free Trade Zones, and expanded the one in Shanghai. The Science and Technology Innovation Board was launched smoothly. We’ve cut taxes and fees by more than 2 trillion yuan, and raised the individual income tax threshold. Many types of commonly-used medicines have seen their prices drop. Cheaper and faster internet connection has enabled faster flow of information. Garbage sorting is leading the new trend of a low-carbon lifestyle. This year we've also streamlined the work of officials at the grassroots level. New changes are taking place everywhere and the country is taking on a fresh look.Over the past year, we have steadily pushed forward reforms in our national defense and military systems. The armed forces have taken on a new look of a strong army in the new era. We held a grand military parade on National Day, celebrated the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Navy and the Air Force, and also hosted the 7th Military World Games. The country's first self-developed aircraft carrier was commissioned. The people’s army will always serve as a great wall of steel that guards our country. Let's salute those loyal soldiers who safeguard our home.


周红红,北京交通大学语言与传播学院公共英语教学部教授。曾荣获北京交通大学获青年 教师讲课比赛大奖,先后被评为铁道部优秀教师、铁道部青年拔尖人才和北京市高等院校优秀青年骨干教师并被北京交通大学聘为首届优秀主讲教师。2018-2022年教育部高等学校外国语言文学类专业教学指导委员会英语专业教学指导分委员会委员。表过教学、科研论文数十余篇,主编教材多部。邓耘,贵州大学外国语学院大外部副主任兼任公共外语教研室主任。副教授,硕士生导师,英国拉夫堡大学访问学者。研究方向为跨文化交际、中西文化对比、教学法及教学策略。2013年获得贵州省优秀教学成果奖二等奖;2017年获得贵州省研究生教学成果奖二等奖。主持并参与***、教育部、省教育厅、校级项目共10余项;发表论文近20篇;主编高校教材5部。

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