  • ISBN:9787300275659
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:348
  • 出版时间:2020-09-01
  • 条形码:9787300275659 ; 978-7-300-27565-9




Part I“Seven?Characters a Line”Quatrains
1. A Poem Prompted by a Spring DayCheng Hao
2. A Spring DayZhu Xi春日朱熹
3. Spring NightSu Shi春宵苏轼
4. Early Spring in the Eastern Area of CityYang Juyuan
5. A Spring NightWang Anshi春夜王安石
6. Drizzle in Early SpringHan Yu初春小雨韩愈
7. The New Year?s DayWang Anshi元日王安石
8. Attending the Imperial Banquet on the Night of the
Lantern FestivalSu Shi上元侍宴苏轼
9. A Poem Prompted by the Spring SolsticeZhang Shi
10. Return from Polo PlayingChao Shuizhi
11. A Palace VerseWang Jian宫词王建
12. Examination in the Throne HallXia Song廷试夏竦
13. Paying Homage to the Palace of HuaqingDu Chang
14. A Verse for“Clear and Even”TuneLi Bai
15. Inscription on the Hotel Room WallZheng Hui
16. A QuatrainDu Fu绝句杜甫
17. The Cherry?Apple FlowerSu Shi海棠苏轼
18. The Pure Brightness DayDu Mu清明杜牧
19. The Pure Brightness DayWang Yucheng
20. The Day to Offer Sacrifice to the Land DeityWang Jia
21. The Cold Food DayHan Hong寒食韩?
22. Spring South of Changjiang RiverDu Mu
23. To Assistant Minister GaoGao Chan上高侍郎高蟾
24. A QuatrainMonk Zhi Nan绝句僧志南
25. Fail to Get into the GardenYe Shaoweng
26. On My VisitLi Bai客中行李白
27. Inscriptions on a ScreenLiu Jisun题屏刘季孙
28. My Casual VersificationDu Fu漫兴杜甫
29. Peach Flower at Qingquan CottageXie Bingde
30. Watching Peach Blossom at Xuandu Taoist TempleLiu Yuxi
31. Revisit the Xuandu Taoist TempleLiu Yuxi
32. The West Gully at ChuzhouWei Yingwu
33. Flower ShadowsXie Bingde花影谢枋得
34. The North MountainWang Anshi北山王安石
35. On the LakeXu Yuanjie湖上徐元杰
36. My Casual Versification(7)Du Fu
37. A Clear Day after RainWang Jia雨晴王驾
38. Late SpringCao Bin春暮曹豳
39. Fallen FlowersZhu Shuzhen落花朱淑真
40. Visiting a Small Garden in Late SpringWang Qi
41. The Oriole ShuttleLiu Kezhuang莺梭刘克庄
42. A Poem Prompted by Late SpringYe Cai
43. Mountain ClimbingLi She登山李涉
44. Chant of Lady Silkworm RaiserXie Bingde
45. Late SpringHan Yu晚春韩愈
46. Sorrow over the Elapse of SpringYang Wanli
47. Seeing off SpringWang Ling送春王令
48. Seeing off Spring on the Last Day of MarchJia Dao
49. Early Summer amidst My JourneySima Guang
50. An AppointmentZhao Shixiu有约赵师秀
51. Up from a Nap in Early SummerYang Wanli
52. On the Way to Sanqu PrefectureZeng Ji
53. Inspired by What I SeeZhu Shuzhen即景朱淑真
54. A Feast at the Zhang GardenDai Fugu
55. An Account of My Visit to the Southern Tower at E Zhou
Huang Tingjian鄂州南楼书事黄庭坚
56. In the Mountain Kiosk in SummerGao Pian
57. Farmers? LifeFan Chengda田家范成大
58. Life in the VillageWeng Juan村居即事翁卷
59. For Pomegranate FlowerHan Yu题榴花韩愈
60. An Evening in the CountryLei Zhen村晚雷震
61. Wall Inscription on Mr?Huyin?s CottageWang Anshi
62. The Dark Attire LaneLiu Yuxi乌衣巷刘禹锡
63. Seeing off Yuan Er before His Mission at An XiWang Wei
64. Inscription on the Stele at the North PavilionLi Bai
65. Inscription at Huainan TempleCheng Hao
66. The Autumn MoonZhu Xi秋月朱熹
67. At Night on the Double Seventh DayYang Pu
68. The First Day of AutumnLiu Han立秋刘翰
69. An Autumn NightDu Mu秋夕杜牧
70. The Mid?Autumn MoonSu Shi中秋月苏轼
71. Thoughts on the Riverside TowerZhao Gu
72. Inscription on the Hotel Wall in LinanLin Sheng
73. Seeing off Lin Zifang outside the Jing Ci Temple at Sunrise
Yang Wanli晓出净慈寺送林子方杨万里
74. Drinking on the Lake while the Rain Resumed after It
Had StoppedSu Shi饮湖上初晴后雨苏轼
75. On DutyZhou Bida入直周必大
76. Mounting the Canopy Kiosk on a Summer DayCai Que
77. On Duty at the Imperial AcademyHong Zikui
78. Bamboo BuildingsLi Jiayou竹楼李嘉佑
79. On Duty at the Edict Drafting OfficeBai Juyi
80. Reflections on ReadingZhu Xi观书有感朱熹
81. Float the BoatsZhu Xi泛舟朱熹
82. The Cold Spring PavilionLin Zhen冷泉亭林稹
83. A Winter SceneSu Shi冬景苏轼
84. Berthed at Night beside the Maple BridgeZhang Ji
85. A Winter NightDu Lei寒夜杜耒
86. Moon in the Frosty NightLi Shangyin霜夜李商隐
87. Plum BlossomWang Qi梅王淇
88. Early SpringBai Yuchan早春白玉蟾
89. Snow and Plum(1)Lu Meipo雪梅卢梅坡
90. Snow and Plum(2)Lu Meipo雪梅卢梅坡
91. In Reply to Zhong RuowengMu Tong
92. To Berth at the Qinhuai RiverDu Mu泊秦淮杜牧
93. The Returned Wild GooseQian Qi归雁钱起
94. Wall InscriptionAnonymous题壁无名氏

Part II“Seven?Characters a Line”Octaves
1. Early Morning Audience at the Daming PalaceJia Zhi
2. In the Tune of Jia?s Morning AudienceDu Fu
3. In the Tune of Jia?s Morning AudienceWang Wei
4. In the Tune of Jia?s Morning AudienceCen Shen
5. A Poem on the Lantern Festival at the Order of the
EmperorCai Xiang上元应制蔡襄
6. A Poem on the Lantern Festival at the Order of the
EmperorWang Gui上元应制王?
7. At His Majesty?s DinnerShen Quanqi侍宴沈?期
8. In Reply to Ding YuanzhenOuyang Xiu
9. A Chant for Inserting FlowersShao Yong
10. An AllegoryYan Shu寓意晏殊
11. A Note on the Cold Food DayZhao Ding
12. All Souls? DayHuang Tingjian清明黄庭坚
13. All Souls? DayGao Zhu清明高翥
14. Improvised by a Trip to the SuburbCheng Hao
15. On a SwingShi Huihong秋千释惠洪
16. The Qujiang River(1)Du Fu曲江(一)杜甫
17. The Qujiang River(2)Du Fu曲江(二)杜甫
18. The Tower of Yellow CraneCui Hao黄鹤楼崔颢
19. Thoughts on Staying away from HomeCui Tu
20. Reply to Li DanWei Yingwu答李儋韦应物
21. Village by the RiverDu Fu江村杜甫
22. On a Summer DayZhang Lei夏日张耒
23. After a Long Rain at Wang ChuanWang Wei
24. Fresh BambooLu You新竹陆游
25. A Night Reminiscing with My CousinDou Shuxiang
26. An ExtemporeCheng Hao偶成程颢
27. Touring the Moon?Shaped PondCheng Hao
28. Being Prompted by the Autumn(1)Du Fu
29. Being Prompted by the Autumn(3)Du Fu
30. Being Prompted by the Autumn(5)Du Fu
31. Being Prompted by the Autumn(7)Du Fu
32. Boating in the MoonlightDai Fugu月夜舟中戴复古
33. An Autumn Scene at Chang?anZhao Gu
34. Early AutumnDu Fu新秋杜甫
35. Mid AutumnLi Pu中秋李朴
36. In Cui Village at Lantian on the Ninth DayDu Fu
37. Autumn ThoughtsLu You秋思陆游
38. My Southern Neighbor ZhuDu Fu与朱山人杜甫
39. Listening to a FluteZhao Gu闻笛赵嘏
40. A Winter SceneLiu Kezhuang冬景刘克庄
41. The Winter SolsticeDu Fu冬至杜甫
42. PlumLin Bu梅花林逋
43. Words to my Nephew at the Languan PassHan Yu
44. War Is the Bane of My LifeWang Zhong干戈王中
45. My SolitudeChen Tuan归隐陈抟
46. The Widow in the MountainsDu Xunhe
47. Seeing Off the Heavenly MasterZhu Quan
48. Seeing Off Mao BowenZhu Houcong

Part III“Five?Characters a Line”Quatrains
1. Day Break in SpringMeng Haoran春晓孟浩然
2. An Unsuccessful VisitMeng Haoran
3. Seeing Off Mr?GuoWang Changling
4. The Luoyang AvenueChu Guangxi洛阳道储光羲
5. Sitting Alone in the Jingting MountainsLi Bai
6. On the Stork TowerWang Zhihuan登鹳鹊楼王之涣
7. The Princess Being Married to a Neighboring StateSun Ti
8. Her Grievance in SpringJin Changxu春怨金昌绪
9. Pear Flowers in the Courtyard of the Left OfficeQiu Wei
10. Longing for the Intimacy with His MajestyLinghu Chu
11. The Villa of the Yuan FamilyHe Zhizhang
12. Seeing off Zhao Zong at NightYang Jiong
13. My Bamboo Forest RetreatWang Wei竹里馆王维
14. Seeing off Zhu DaMeng Haoran送朱大入秦孟浩然
15. A Chang Gan TuneCui Hao长干行崔颢
16. An Interlude in HistoryGao Shi咏史高适
17. After My ResignationLi Shizhi罢相作李适之
18. The Knight I MetQian Qi逢侠者钱起
19. Looking at the Lushan Mountains from my BoatQian Qi
20. Reply to Li HuanWei Yingwu答李浣韦应物
21. Prelude to the Autumn WindLiu Yuxi
22. To Landlord QiuWei Yingwu秋夜寄丘员外韦应物
23. A Day in AutumnGeng Wei秋日耿
24. On the Lake in AutumnXue Ying秋日湖上薛莹
25. The Imperial CourtLi Ang宫中题李昂
26. The Hermit Was Not InJia Dao寻隐者不遇贾岛
27. Being Startled by Autumn on the Fen RiverSu Ting
28. Behind ScheduleZhang Yue蜀道后期张说
29. Thoughts in the Still NightLi Bai静夜思李白
30. The Song of Qiu PuLi Bai秋浦歌李白
31. To Examiner QiaoChen Ziang赠乔侍御陈子昂
32. Reply to the Wuling ViceroyWang Changling
33. Missing the Home Garden in Chang?an on the Double?Ninth
Day while on a MarchCen Shen
34. The Concubine?s GrievanceHuangfu Ran
35. For the Bamboo Forest TempleZhu Fang
36. The Qu Yuan TempleDai Shulun三闾庙戴叔伦
37. Farewell by the Yishui RiverLuo Binwang
38. Departing Mr?LuSikong Shu别卢秦卿司空曙
39. An AnswerThe High Hermit答人太上隐者

Part IV“Five?Characters a Line”Octaves
1. Going through Jianmen Pass from SichuanLi Longji
2. Reply to Prime Minister LuDu Shenyan
3. In Praise of Zhongnan MountainsDu Shenyan
4. Saying Goodbye to a Friend in a Spring NightChen Ziang
5. Banquet at the Palace of the PrincessLi Qiao
6. A Poem Rhyming with the Sound of“Lin”Zhang Yue
7. Seeing off a FriendLi Bai送友人李白
8. Seeing off a Friend to SichuanLi Bai送友人入蜀李白
9. At the Foot of Beigu MountainsWang Wan
10. The Villa of the Su FamilyZu Yong苏氏别业祖咏
11. On Duty in a Spring NightDu Fu春宿左省杜甫
12. Inscription for the Mural in the Monk?s RoomDu Fu
13. The Zhongshan MountainsWang Wei终南山王维
14. To Inspector DuCen Shen寄左省杜拾遗岑参
15. The Temple of Absolute ControlCen Shen
16. Ascending the Yanzhou City TowerDu Fu
17. Before Du Takes His Office in ShuWang Bo
18. Seeing off Cui RongDu Shenyan送崔融杜审言
19. On Her Majesty?s Sacrificial OfferSong Zhiwen
20. An Inscription for the Room of the Respected
MonkMeng Haoran题义公禅房孟浩然
21. To Zhang Jiuxu When I Got DrunkGao Shi
22. The Yutai TempleDu Fu玉台观杜甫
23. Viewing a Landscape PaintingDu Fu
24. My Mind during a Nocturnal TripDu Fu
25. Ascending the Yueyang TowerDu Fu
26. My Travel in the SouthZu Yong江南旅情祖咏
27. Spending a Night at the Longxing TempleQi Wuqian
28. An Inscription for the Monk?s RoomChang Jian
29. An Inscription at the Songting Courier StationZhang Hu
30. The Sheng Guo TempleMonk Chumo
31. A View of the FieldsWang Ji野望王绩
32. Before Cui Joins the Battle in the EastChen Ziang
33. Encountering Rain at Night when Enjoying the
Cool Accompanied by Singing Girls(1)
Du Fu携妓纳凉晚际遇雨?其一杜甫
34. Encountering Rain at Night when Enjoying the
Cool Accompanied by Singing Girls(2)
Du Fu携妓纳凉晚际遇雨?其二杜甫
35. Spending a Night at the Garret of the Yunmen
TempleSun Ti宿云门寺阁孙逖
36. Ascending the North Xie Tiao TowerLi Bai
37. By the Side of Dongting LakeMeng Haoran
38. Visiting the Xiangji TempleWang Wei
39. Before Zheng Was Ostracized to FujianGao Shi
40. Assorted Poems at QinzhouDu Fu秦州杂诗杜甫
41. The Da Yu TempleDu Fu禹庙杜甫
42. The Area North of the Qinling MountainsLi Qi
43. Sharing My Thoughts with Wang at Lake DongtingZhang Wei
44. Crossing the Yangzi RiverDing Xianzhi
45. Nightingale at the You PrefectureZhang Yue


Why do I say this is a most widely read book of poetry? Because I figured out that from the time this book came into being to the year of 1949,there had been a large number of children who had read and studied this book?I shall give an account of how I came out with this number in the note below.This book is entitled in Chinese phonetic alphabet―Qianjiashi,which means is poems written by one thousand poets?But there are only 226 poems by 122 poets in this book?Why is this? Because its source book―Anthology of Poetry of Different Categories by One Thousand Bards was composed of twenty?two volumes in fourteen sections、one hundred and thirty three categories and four hundred and forty two entries and totaled 1?281 quatrains and octaves by 368 poets?So,the words“one thousand”should not be treated as an exact figure,but an adjective to indicate a large number of poets.The compiler of this book was the then Minister of Engineering Mr?Liu Kezhuang(1187―1269),who was an important member of Folk Society School of literature?However,his collection was not for the purpose of enlightenment,but rather for the aim of appraisal and appreciation.It was Xie Bingde(1226―1289)who rendered the book into a form of enlightenment for children?Xie was once a Chief Administrator of a prefecture,assistant ministers at several ministries?When the Yuan troops were invading,he rallied up over ten thousand militia with his own money and fought against the Yuan dynasty army?During the war,his wife,one daughter,two brothers and three nephews were killed by the aggressors?After the country was lost,he lived in seclusion,on teaching,selling his calligraphy and straw shoes he made at Jianyang,Fujian Province?He was finally identified and sent to the capital,where the Yuan rulers wanted him to work for the new regime?Xie refused and fasted for five days to death(he purposely ate a little food on the way up to the capital)?It was during his secluded and teaching period he compiled the present form of this book?Neighbors of his asked him to teach their children,and it so happened that Liu Kezhuang was from this region and was very influential there?So he chose some poems from Liu?s book and had it printed?Jianyang was one of the three printing centers of China at the time?It was profitable to print such a primer,which was so popular?Ever since this primer came into being,schools,both private and public,used this book to teach children poetry.You may wish to know that Three Hundred Tang Poems came out much later?It was compiled by Heng Tang Tui Shi,whose original name was Sun Zhu(1711―1778).Three Hundred Song Poems was even later,it was compiled by Zhu Xiaozang(1857―1931),whose another name was a Villager from Shangjiang?These two books were not intended for children,but we must say they have been as popular as the primer.The primer is divided into four parts:The first part is devoted to“seven?characters a line”quatrains,the second part to“seven?characters a line”octaves,the third part to“five?characters a line”quatrains and the fourth part to“five?characters a line”octaves.The text of this writing is headed by translation of each poem,then the poem is presented in both the Chinese phonetic alphabet and Chinese characters,to be followed by some notes,which would provide some background knowledge about the poet and the poem and other things that the translator thought readers may need to know?An index of poets is attached at the end of the book.Poetry is a way of expression?Poems in this book tell us how Tang and Song poets responded to their living conditions,how they said farewell to their relatives and friends,how they missed their homes,how they appreciated their beautiful landscape and so on?When pupils learned these poems,in particular since the Song Dynasty,they were asked to use first of all their eyes,their mouths and their mind?In using their eyes,they should not miss any character in reading;in using their mouths they should read aloud,because they believed that after they had read aloud one thousand times,the meaning of what they read could come into their minds;in using their mind they should memorize what they were reading.The purpose of this book is to draw a profile of ancient Chinese poetry to English readers?In spite of the unique forms of poetry,I hope readers can easily find out the emotions and impulses of the poets included in the book,to feel the“soul”of the ancient Chinese poets through their responses to their realities?Such an experience may help readers to have a grasp of what traditional Chinese culture is,and may further their understanding of contemporary Chinese and their culture.The origin of the book was published by ZhongHua Book Co?in 2009,its text the publisher used was based on Poetry by One thousand Bards with Illustrations and Annotations printed by stone blocks by Shanghai Jinzhang Book Company.我为什么说这本诗集拥有的读者*多?因为,我算了一下,从此书问世到1949年,有大量儿童阅读并学习过它。具体的算法列在前言的末尾,供读者参考。这本书中文名叫《千家诗》,也就是说它收录了1 000名诗人的作品。然而,书中只有122位诗人的226首诗,这是怎么回事呢?因为其母体《分门纂类唐宋时贤千家诗选》共分22卷、14门、133类、442目,收录了368位诗人的1 281首绝句和律诗。因此,所谓“千家”不是一个确切的数字,只是形容诗人之众。此诗选的编撰者刘克庄(1187―1269),号后村,曾任工部尚书,是江湖派*出色的诗人之一。然而,他辑诗的初衷不是为了启蒙后学,而是为了评判和欣赏。将诗选缩减为儿童启蒙读物的是谢枋得(1226―1289)。他曾任江东提刑、江西招谕使、知信州,担任过六部侍郎。元军进犯后,他用自己的钱财,组织起万人民团反抗元军。在战争中,他的妻子、一个女儿、两个弟兄、三个侄子均遭杀害。战争失利后,他被迫隐姓埋名,逃亡福建,流寓建阳,以卖卜教书度日。后来他被人认出,被俘并送往元都北京。元军对他进行劝降,他予以严词拒绝,之后连续五日绝食(他在来北京的路上有意少食)而死。他在建阳隐居期间,编成了这本蒙学著作,由于他隐居处的街坊邻居请他教授他们的孩子,他就用这本书做教材。他编这本书的原因之一,是刘克庄就是建阳人,而且在当地影响巨大,对刘的诗选进行改编就成了很自然的事。更何况,建阳是当时中国的三大印刷中心之一。由于此书改编后,需求量大,因此印刷它是有利可图的。此书刊行之后,许多学堂、私塾都用它做教授儿童诗歌的教材。读者或许知道《唐诗三百首》问世的时间要晚得多。其编者是蘅塘退士,此人原名孙洙(1711―1778)。《宋词三百首》就更晚了,其编者是朱孝臧(1857―1931),其别号上?村民。这两部书不是专为儿童而编,但是我们必须说它们受欢迎的程度不亚于《千家诗》。《千家诗》共分四卷:卷一是七绝,卷二是七律,卷三是五绝,卷四是五律。本双语文本首先给出的是每首诗的英译,其次给出的是诗的中文文本并加注拼音,*后给出的是关于诗人和诗歌的背景材料以及译者认为读者需要了解的有关内容。诗歌是表达的一种方式。本书所收诗篇告诉我们唐宋诗人是如何看待他们的生活条件、如何告别亲朋、如何思念家乡、如何欣赏秀美的景色的。孩童读诗的时候,特别是宋朝之后,要眼、嘴、脑并用。用眼阅读,不能丢掉一个字;用嘴高声朗读,人们坚信朗读千遍之后,诗歌中的含义就会入脑;用脑就是要记忆诗篇。本书试图为英语读者提供一个关于中国古诗的梗概。除了解诗歌独特的形式外,我希望读者能感受到诗人们的感情和灵感,从诗人对他们所在现实的反应中触摸到中国古代诗人的“灵魂”。这种阅读经历会让读者对什么是中国传统文化有所领悟,进而促进他们对当代中国人及其文化的了解。本译文所依据的中文文本是中华书局2009年出版的《千家诗》,其底本是上海锦章书局的石印本《绘图千家诗注释》。


王荣华,1998—2002年任中国驻冰岛共和国大使,现任国际儒学联合会顾问、外交笔会理事、对外经济贸易大学中国语言文学学院特聘教授、济南大学客座教授、国际中西哲学比较研究会会员。著有:英文作品The Story of China Studies和The Rooster Crows,译注作品《声律启蒙》、《三字经》、《千字文》和《千家诗》,编注作品《百家姓》,以及中文作品《四方步,六人行——国学大师的故事》等。

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