

¥36.9 (8.8折) ?
1星价 ¥36.9
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  • ISBN:9787568922920
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:29cm
  • 页数:186页
  • 出版时间:2020-12-01
  • 条形码:9787568922920 ; 978-7-5689-2292-0




Unit 1 Chinese Musicians
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
TextA LangLang
Text B The Waves of the Yellow River
Part III Developing Skills
Writing Skills: Sentence patterns
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 2 World-Renowned Musicians
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
TextA Adele
Text B Experiencing Leonard Bernstein
Part III Developing Skills
Translation Skills: Selection and Extension of Word Meaning
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 3 Musicals
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A The Development of Musical Industry in China
Text B Andrew Lloyd Webber and Broadway Musicals
Part III Developing Skills
Writing Skills: Sentence Connectors
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 4 Musical Works and Performances
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A Set on a Glorious Classical Music Journey
Text B Channel Your Energy and Conquer the Stage
Part III Developing Skills
Translation Skills: Conversion of Part of Speech of Words
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 5 Leather Goods
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A Hermes: How Leather Goods Are Made
Text B Interesting Utilitarian Uses for Leather
Part III Developing Skills
Writing Skills: Complex Sentences
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 6 Green Design
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A China's Green Building Future
Text B Green Design Takes Root
Part III Developing Skills
Translation Skills: Amplification
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 7 Industrial Design
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A The Importance of Passionate Stories to Product Design
Text B Industrial Design
Part III Developing Skills
Writing Skills: Paragraph Development
Part IV Enjoying
Unit 8 The Olympics
Part I Watching, Listening and Speaking
Section A Video Watching
Section B Listening
Section C Speaking
Part II Reading
Text A. Carl Lewis
Text B Modern Olympic Games: a Genuine Continuation
Part Ill Developing Skills
Translation Skills: Omission
Part IV Enjoying

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