

1星价 ¥34.6 (8.2折)
2星价¥34.6 定价¥42.0
  • ISBN:9787521328745
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:272
  • 出版时间:2021-09-01
  • 条形码:9787521328745 ; 978-7-5213-2874-5


适读人群 :学生,教师“当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库”(升级版)是主要面向高校英语专业高年级本科生、研究生及英语教师的一套大型、开放的系列丛书。本升级版或保留原有经典图书品种,或继之以经典图书的新版,或引进国外语言学与应用语言学领域的新锐力作以进一步拓展学科领域,希望它能继续对我国语言学教学与研究和外语教学与研究起到积极的推动作用。





Preface xxxiii
Acknowledgements xxxiv

1 What is pragmatics? 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Defining pragmatics 1
1.3 From abstract meaning to contextual meaning 2
1.4 Utterance meaning: the first level of speaker meaning 16
1.5 Force: the second level of speaker meaning 18
1.6 Definitions of pragmatics (revisited) 21
1.7 Summary 23

2 Speech acts 28
2.1 J. L. Austin 28
2.2 Ordinary language philosophy 29
2.3 Logical positivism and truth conditional semantics 29
2.4 The performative hypothesis 32
2.5 Utterances as actions 49
2.6 Conclusion 51

3 Conversational implicature 55
3.1 Introduction 55
3.2 H. P. Grice 56
3.3 Implicature 57
3.4 The Cooperative Principle 61
3.5 The four conversational maxims 63
3.6 Flouting a maxim 65
3.7 Other categories of non-observance of the conversationalmaxims 72
3.8 Testing for implicature 78
3.9 Conclusion 84

4 Approaches to pragmatics 87
4.1 Introduction 87
4.2 Problems with Grice's theory 87
4.3 Grice's informal approach 93
4.4 J. R. Searle 93
4.5 Searle’s formal approach to the categorization of speech acts 105
4.6 Rules versus principles 107
4.7 Conclusion 114

5 Pragmatics and indirectness 119
5.1 Introduction 119
5.2 Pragmatics and indirectness 119
5.3 How do we know how indirect to be? 124
5.4 Measuring indirectness 133
5.5 Why use indirectness? 142
5.6 Conclusion 146

6 Theories of politeness 149
6.1 Introduction 149
6.2 Delimiting the concept of politeness 149
6.3 Politeness explained in terms of principles and maxims 158
6.4 Politeness and the management of face 168
6.5 Politeness viewed as a conversational contract 176
6.6 Politeness measured along pragmatic scales 177
6.7 Conclusion 178

7 The construction of meaning 183
7.1 Introduction 183
7.2 How does pragmatics fit into linguistics? 184
7.3 Pragmatics versus sociolinguistics 185
7.4 Activity types versus speech events 187
7.5 The construction of meaning 195
7.6 What counts as evidence in pragmatics? 204
7.7 Conclusion 208

References 211
Index of names 219
Index of subjects 221


珍妮·托马斯(Jenny Thomas),英国语用学者,曾在法国等多国任教,也在英国的兰开斯特大学工作过,后为英国威尔士大学(班戈)语言学系的系主任、教授,现已退休。她还是语言学国际权威期刊Journal of Pragmatics和Text的编委。她的学术兴趣主要集中在语用学、话语分析、跨文化交际等。

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