旅游专业英语实用教程 第二版

包邮旅游专业英语实用教程 第二版

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1星价 ¥55.6
2星价¥55.6 定价¥78.0
  • ISBN:9787302434146
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:296
  • 出版时间:2021-09-01
  • 条形码:9787302434146 ; 978-7-302-43414-6


  《旅游专业英语实用教程(第二版)》是“普通高校专业英语教程系列”中的一本,为切实提高读者的专业英语能力而设计。  该书分13个单元,每个单元包括对话、阅读、词汇、缩略语、难句讲解、习题、技能训练、旅游小百科、著名景点介绍等。该书还提供配套的音频,能够帮助提高读者的听说能力。  《旅游专业英语实用教程(第二版)》既可作为高等本科院校、高等专科院校旅游相关专业的专业英语教材,也可以作为旅游从业人员自学或者相关行业的培训教材。


Unit 1 Introduction to Tourism Industry
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Tourism Industry
Part Three Text B Tourism in China
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 2 Preparations Before Tour
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Prepare for a Tour
Part Three Text B A Guide to China Tour
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 3 Travel Agency
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Introduction to Travel Agency
Part Three Text B How to Choose the Best Travel Agency
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 4 Airport
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Procedures of Boarding a Plane
Part Three Text B Check-in Online
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 5 En Route
Part One Dialogue and Broadcasting
Part Two Text A En Route
Part Three Text B Air Transportation
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 6 Arrival
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Entering the Country
Part Three Text B Learn About the Airport
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 7 Ground Transportation
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Transportation Service at International Airport
Part Three Text B Train Travel
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 8 Cruise
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Cruising Industry
Part Three Text B Cruise Industry Catering to Families
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 9 Hotel
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Hotels
Part Three Text B Finding Hotel Bargains
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 10 Restaurant
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Chinese Food
Part Three Text B Food in French Restaurant
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 11 Sightseeing
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Leisurely Sightseeing in Hong Kong
Part Three Text B How to Make Your Itinerary
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 12 Shopping
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Shopping in China
Part Three Text B Shopping in the USA
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

Unit 13 Leaving
Part One Dialogues
Part Two Text A Things to Do Before Leaving
Part Three Text B Returning Home After Traveling Abroad May Be Problematic
Part Four Skill Training Forms
Practical Writing
Part Five Related Information
Part Six Guide to World Famous Sight

附录1 词汇总表
附录2 模拟试题

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