

1星价 ¥165.0 (7.5折)
2星价¥165.0 定价¥220.0
  • ISBN:9787518347957
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:600页
  • 出版时间:2021-08-01
  • 条形码:9787518347957 ; 978-7-5183-4795-7


本书汇集了中国石油集团石油管工程技术研究院和石油管材及装备材料服役行为与结构安全国家重点实验室“十三五”重大科技成果、科技论文、发布标准和授权专利,从侧面反映了“十三五”科技工作的主要成果,涉及超高钢级管材断裂与变形控制技术、复杂工况油套管柱失效控制与完整性技术、地下储气库关键技术及应用,以及柔性复合管开发与应用等关键技术的研究及工程应用。 本书适于从事石油管研究的工程技术人员和管理人员阅读参考。


**篇 科技成果篇 大口径高压输气管道断裂控制技术及应用 大口径高压输气管道变形控制技术及应用 基于应变的稠油蒸汽热采井套管柱设计方法及工程应用 地下储气库运行与安全保障技术研究 海底管道腐蚀控制技术研发及应用 特殊用途管线钢管应用技术研究 输气管道提高强度设计系数工程应用研究 100亿立方米调峰能力储气库重大关键技术及应用 西部油田非金属管规范化选材与应用研究 管道全尺寸爆破试验场建设及试验关键技术 新型气密封特殊螺纹套管研发及应用 高钢级大口径焊管残余应力及控制技术研究 油气管道系统完整性关键技术与工业化应用 石油管材及装备防腐涂镀层开发与应用关键技术 高强度铝合金钻杆关键技术研究及应用 枯竭气藏型储气库管柱设计、选材与评价技术 X70大应变管线钢管及应用关键技术 复杂多场耦合工况环境中油井管柱腐蚀控制理论研究 石油钻采机械用材料技术体系研究 X80高强度管道服役安全关键技术研究及应用 西部油气田地面管网腐蚀评价及治理技术 稠油蒸汽热采井套管柱应变设计及工程应用配套技术 厚壁高钢级管线钢与钢管应用基础理论研究 高钢级管道断裂控制技术 OD1422mm X80管线钢管研制及应用技术 复杂工况油气井管柱腐蚀控制技术及工程应用 西部油气田集输管线内腐蚀控制技术及工程应用 石油工业用高性能膨胀管及其性能评价技术 第二篇 论文篇 输送管产品开发与工程应用技术支撑体系 石油科研院所推进高质量发展探索与实践 石油管及装备材料科技工作的进展与展望 复杂工况油套管柱失效控制与完整性技术研究进展及展望 石油管工程技术进展及展望 X80钢级φ1422mm大口径管道断裂控制技术 316L衬里复合管道主要失效形式及其完整性检测技术研究 高性能钻杆研发及应用进展 复合材料增强管线钢管研究进展 X90管线钢母材和焊缝在近中性模拟溶液中不同加载电位下的应力腐蚀行为 热影响区软化的X70管线环焊缝应变容量分析 油气输送管道用钢管标准的发展历程及趋势 煤层气井用抽油杆腐蚀疲劳寿命的影响因素 地下储气库注采管柱气密封螺纹接头优选分析 X90超高强度输气钢管材料本构关系及断裂准则 双金属机械复合管环焊工艺及强度匹配设计研究现状及趋势 柔性管内衬高密度聚乙烯的气体渗透行为研究 外径1422mm的X80钢级管材技术条件研究及产品开发 扩散温度对TC4合金表面Cu/Ni复合镀层结构及耐蚀性能的影响 Constitutive Equation for Describing True Stress-Strain Curves over a Large Range of Strains Failure Analysis of a Sucker Rod Fracture in an Oilfield Effect of Streaming Water Vapor on the Corrosion Behavior of Ti60 Alloy under a Solid NaCl Deposit in Water Vapor at 600℃ Corrosion Behavior of Reduced-Graphene-Oxide-Modified Epoxy Coatings on N80 Steel in 10. 0wt% NaCI Solution Downhole Corrosion Behavior of Ni-W Coated Carbon Steel in Spent Acid & Formation Water and Its Application in Full-Scale Tubing Fatigue and Corrosion Fatigue Behaviors of G105 and S135 High-Strength Drill Pipe Steels in Air and H2S Environment Analysis of Corrosion Behavior on External Surface of 110S Tubing The Microstructure Evolution of Dual-Phase Ferrite-Bainite X70 Pipeline Steel with Plastic Deformation at Different Strain Rates Deformation Stability of a Low-Cost Titanium AHoy Used for Petroleum Drilling Pipe Experimental and Simulation Investigation on Failure Mechanism of a Polyethylene Elbow Liner Used in an Oilfield Environment Failure Analysis and Solution to Bimetallic Lined Pipe Development and Application of Sour Service Pipeline Steel with Low Manganese Content Investigation on Leakage Cause of Oil Pipeline in the West Oilfield of China Failure Analysis of the 13Cr Valve Cage of Tubing Pump Used in an Oilfield Corrosion Behavior Research of Aluminized N80 Tubing in Water Injection Well Tribological Properties of Ni/Cu/Ni Coating on the Ti-6A1-4V AHoy after Annealing at Various Temperatures Effect of Type B Steel Sleeve Rehabilitate Girth Weld Defect on the Microstructure and Property of X80 Pipeline A Review of Dynamic Muhiaxial Experimental Techniques Analysis of Cracks in Polyvinylidene Fluoride Lined ReiIfforced Thermoplastic Pipe Used in Acidic Gas Fields Influence Factors of X80 Pipeline Steel Girth Welding with Self-Shielded Flux-Cored Wire Mechanical Properties of Girth Weld with Different Butt Materials Severed for Natural Gas Station Research on the Steel for Oil and Gas Pipelines in Sour Environment Assessment of Hydrogen Embrittlement via Image-Based Techniques in A1-Zn-Mg-Cu Aluminum Alloys Failure Analysis of Casing Dropping in Shale Oil Well during Large Scale Volume Fracturing A Comprehensive Analysis on the Longitudinal Fracture in the Tool Joints of Drill Pipes Effects of Chloride Concentration on CO2 Corrosion of Novel 3Cr2A1 Steel in Simulated Oil and Gas Well Environments Mechanical Performance of Casing in In-Situ Combustion Thermal Recovery Corrosion Inhibition Performance of 5-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1, 3, 5-Triazine-2-Thione for 10# Carbon Steel in NH4C1 Solution Investigation into the Failure Mechanism of Chromia Scale Thermally Grown on an Austenitic Stainless Steel in Pure Steam NbC-TiN Co-Precipitation Behavior and Mechanical Properties of X90 Pipeline Steels by Critical-Temperature Rolling Process Stress Analysis of Large Crude Oil Storage Tank Subjected to Harmonic Settlement Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of 15Cr-6Ni-2Mo Stainless Steel with/without Stress under the Coexistence of CO2 and H2S Fracture Failure Analysis of C110 Oil Tube in a Western Oil Field 第三篇 专利及标准 授权专利目录 发布标准目录 第四篇 “十三五"科技大事记

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