

¥49.9 (7.1折) ?
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  • ISBN:9787302614227
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:272
  • 出版时间:2022-09-01
  • 条形码:9787302614227 ; 978-7-302-61422-7


本教程对文化、交际、语言、跨文化交际等相关概念进行了详细讲解。通过对英语国家较为典型的主流文化现象进行描述、阐释和讨论,培养学生对目的语文化的兴趣和理解力,进而使学生主动观察、分析、对比、评价文化及文化差异现象,使学生能够较为客观、系统、全面地认识英语国家的文化,从而拓宽学生的国际视野,增强学生的跨文化交际意识,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。 与本教程配套的多媒体学习网站“文泉课堂”提供微课、有声教材、案例库等立体化多模态学习资源。登录“中国大学MOOC”在线学习平台或“优课联盟”慕课平台,输入“大学英语跨文化交际”课程名称,即可选课。


本教程对文化、交际、语言、跨文化交际等相关概念进行了详细讲解。通过对英语国家较为典型的主流文化现象进行描述、阐释和讨论,培养学生对目的语文化的兴趣和理解力,进而使学生主动观察、分析、对比、评价文化及文化差异现象,使学生能够较为客观、系统、全面地认识英语国家的文化,从而拓宽学生的国际视野,增强学生的跨文化交际意识,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。 与本教程配套的多媒体学习网站“文泉课堂”提供微课、有声教材、案例库等立体化多模态学习资源。登录“中国大学MOOC”在线学习平台或“优课联盟”慕课平台,输入“大学英语跨文化交际”课程名称,即可选课。


Chapter1 Culture and Communication 1

本章导读 2

Learning Objectives 3

Chapter Outline 3

Pre-class Activities—Lead-in Case 4

In-class Learning 7

Text A The Nature of Culture 7

Text B Characteristics of Culture11

Text C Cultural Identity 17

Text D Communication and Intercultural Communication 20

Summary—From the Intercultural Perspective 29

Assessment 30

Chapter2 Culture’s Influence on Perception Page 33

本章导读 34

Learning Objectives 35

Chapter Outline 35

Pre-class Activities—Lead-in Case 36

In-class Learning 38

Text A Overview: Human Perception 38

Text B Cross-cultural Differences in Sensation and Perception 44

Text C How to Improve Your Perceptual Skills in Intercultural Communication 52

Summary—From the Intercultural Perspective 58

Assessment 60

Chapter3 Intercultural Communication Barriers Page 63

本章导读 64

Learning Objectives 65

Chapter Outline 65

Pre-class Activities—Lead-in Case 66

In-class Learning 68

Text A Emotional Problems as Barriers to Intercultural Communication 68

Text B Attitudinal Problems as Barriers to Intercultural Communication 72

Text C Translation Problems as Language Barriers 79

Summary—From the Intercultural Perspective 85

Assessment 87

Chapter4 Verbal Intercultural Communication Page 89

本章导读 90

Learning Objectives 91

Chapter Outline 91

Pre-class Activities—Lead-in Case 92

In-class Learning 94

Text A Language and Culture 94

Text B Verbal Communication Styles 99

Text C Language Diversity 104

Summary—From the Intercultural Perspective 112

Assessment 113

Chapter 5 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication Page115

本章导读 116

Learning Objectives 117

Chapter Outline 117

Pre-class Activities—Lead-in Case 118

In-class Learning 120

Text A Definition and Functions of Nonverbal Communication 120

Text B Paralanguage and Silence 125

Text C Time and Space 128

Text D Other Categories of Nonverbal Communication 133

Summary—From the Intercultural Perspective 144

Assessment 146

Chapter6 Culture Patterns Page 149

本章导读 150

Learning Objectives 151

Chapter Outline 151

Pre-class Activities—Lead-in Case 152

In-class Learning 154

Text A Components of Cultural Patterns 154

Text B Edward T Hall’s Context–Culture Theory 160

Text C Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientation 164

Text D Hofstede’s Dimensions of Cultural Variability 171

Summary—From the Intercultural Perspective 181

Assessment 183

Chapter7 Cultural Influences on Contexts Page 185

本章导读 186

Learning Objectives 187

Chapter Outline 187

Pre-class Activities—Lead-in Case 188

In-class Learning 190

Text A The Business Context 190

Text B The Educational Context 198

Text C The Health Care Context 202

Summary—From the Intercultural Perspective 208

Assessment 209

Chapter8 Intercultural Adaptation Page 211

本章导读 212

Learning Objectives 213

Chapter Outline 213

Pre-class Activities—Lead-in Case 214

In-class Learning 216

Text A Acculturation 216

Text B Culture Shock 221

Text C Intercultural Adaptation 225

Text D Intercultural Communication Competence 231

Summary—From the Intercultural Perspective 235

Assessment 237

Conclusion 240

Appendix A Terms 241

Appendix B Keys and Sample Answers 245

Appendix C Text Sources 248

Appendix D Case Sources 254



严明,教授(二级),黑龙江省教学名师,现任黑龙江大学副校长,博士生导师,长期积极推进大学英语教学改革,已成功建立大学英语教学改革示范点,并在产出导向人才培养、国际化人才培养以及全球化工程师培养等方面取得丰硕成果;近五年,在《现代外语》、《外语学刊》、《外语界》等核心期刊发表8篇教改论文并且反响很好(共计被引用103次);主持并完成教育部高教司委托项目1项,高教出版社委托项目1项,黑龙江省教改项目2项;利用新媒体新技术实现课程育人,建设《大学英语跨文化交际》慕课,上线爱课程(中国大学MOOC)、优课联盟和黑龙江大学自主学习平台;2019年课程获得省级线上线下精品课,2020年获得首批国*级一流本科线下课程。主编国家“十一五”、“十二五”规划教材《大学英语跨文化交际教程》,目前已被百余所大专院校采用。2016年获得黑龙江省第十七届社会科学优秀成果二等奖和黑龙江省第四届外语学科优秀科研成果一等奖 ,2019年获得黑龙江省教学成果一等奖。

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