

¥33.4 (5.7折) ?
1星价 ¥33.4
2星价¥33.4 定价¥59.0
  • ISBN:9787512434653
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:252页
  • 出版时间:2022-09-01
  • 条形码:9787512434653 ; 978-7-5124-3465-3


  《民用航空飞行员陆空通话英语(第2版)》是为航空飞行和管制人员编写的陆空通话英语教材,依据ICAO DOC 9835和航行服务程序《空中交通管理》(DOC 4444)等技术性文件编写,内容包括“General Knowledge of Radiotelephony Communication”和“Radiotelephony Communication Procedures”两个模块,共7个单元,包含陆空通话基本知识、从“Before Start”到“After Landing”的飞行程序中的标准通话术语和紧急遇险情况下的特情通话用语等。既吸取了国内教材对通话标准及相关飞行知识阐述的系统性和科学性,又借鉴了国外教材内容设计的灵活多样性。  本教材适用范围包括飞行技术、空管和交通运输等涉及陆空通话英语的大学本科生以及飞行、空管和交通运输等相关领域的专业人员。


Chapter One General Knowledge of Radiotelephony Communication
UNIT 1 Transmission of Letters and Numbers + Standard Words and Phrases
Lesson 1 Pronunciation of Letters and Numbers
1.1 Pronunciation of Letters
1.2 Pronunciation of Numbers
Lesson 2 Transmission of Call Signs, Types of Aircraft and Transponder Code
2.1 Transmission of Aireraft Call Signs and Control Units
2.2 Transmission of Types of Aireraft and Transponder Code
Lesson 3 Transmission of Altitude, Altimeter Setting Value, Beacon, Way Point and Air Route
3.1 Transmission of Altitude and Altimeter Setting Value
3.2 Transmission of Beacon, Way Point and Air Route
Lesson 4 Transmission of Runway Number,Distance, Speed, Heading and Bearing
4.1 Transmission of Runway Number, Distance and Speed
4.2 Transmission of Heading and Bearing
Lesson 5 Transmission of Time, Frequency and SID/STAR Code
5.1 Transmission of Time and Frequency
5.2 Transmission of SID/STAR Code
5.3 Airport Identifier
Lesson 6 Transmission of Numbers in Meteorological Information
6.1 Transmission of Temperature, Dew Point, Cloud Height and Cloud Coverage
6.2 Transmission of Wind Direction and Speed, Visibility and RVR
Lesson 7 Standard Words and Phrases
UNIT 2 Situations Related to Radiotelephony
Lesson 8 Transfer of Communications
Lesson 9 Distress and Urgency Call
9.1 Distress Call (Mayday Call)
9.2 Urgency Call (Pan-pan Call)

Chapter Two Radiotelephony Communication Procedures
UNIT 3 Preflight
Lesson 10 Before Start
10.1 Departure Information and ATC Clearance
10.2 Radio Check and Readability
10.3 Non-routine Procedures
10.4 Communication Topic
Lesson 11 Pushback and Start-up
11.1 Pushback
11.2 Start up
11.3 Non-Routine Procedures
11.4 Communication Topic
Lesson 12 Taxi and Line-up
12.1 Taxi
12.2 Line-up
12.3 Non-Routine Procedures
12.4 Communication Topic
Review of Unit 3
UNIT 4 Takeoff and Climb
Lesson 13 Takeoff
13.1 Takeoff Clearance
13.2 Non-routine Procedures
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix II
Appendix Ⅲ

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