

1星价 ¥21.8 (5.6折)
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  • ISBN:9787564948580
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:176页
  • 出版时间:2021-09-01
  • 条形码:9787564948580 ; 978-7-5649-4858-0


本书使用结构方程建模,对我国职前英语教师对第二代计算机辅助外语教学技术的使用意向进行量化研究。尝试聚焦我国职前英语教师Web 2.0技术接受度,尤其是探讨影响该群体在未来教学中采纳Web 2.0应用的相关因素。全书用英语编写,由7章构成。首先通过回顾已有文献,梳理出相关因素,提出研究假设,构建理论模型。随后,综合使用问卷调查和半结构性访谈收集数据,依托结构方程模型对原型模型进行验证,并根据质性数据对模型进行调整。*后,对调整后的模型进行模型比对与校验,确保模型与数据的拟合效果。


List of Figures List of Tables Acronyms and Abbreviations Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 ICT Development in China 1.2 Integration of ICT in Education in China 1.3 English-Language Education in China 1.4 EFL Teacher Preparation in China 1.5 Research Problem 1.6 Research Questions 1.7 Significance of the Research 1.8 Research Methodology 1.9 Terminology 1.9.1 Computer assisted language learning 1.10 Structure of theBook Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.2.1 Communication 2.2.2 Collaboration 2.2.3 Generation 2.2.4 Social networking 2.2.5 Monitoring Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Research Model 3.1 Technology Acceptance 3.2 Theoretical Models in Technology Acceptance Research 3.2.1 Theory of reasoned action 3.2.2 Theory of planned behaviour 3.2.3 Decomposed theory of planned behaviour 3.2.4 Technology acceptance model 3.2.5 Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 3.3 Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge Model 3.4 Research Hypotheses 3.4.1 Perceived usefulness 3.4.2 Perceived ease of use 3.4.3 CALL 2.0 self-efficacy 3.4.4 Subjective norm 3.4.5 Facilitating conditions 3.4.6 Technological pedagogical and content knowledge 3.5 Summary Chapter 4 Methodology 4.1 Research Paradigm and Research Approach 4.2 Research Design and Research Methods 4.3 Participants 4.3.1 Case study site 4.3.2 Sampling strategy 4.4 Instruments 4.4.1 Phase-1 study questionnaire 4.4.2 Questionnaire rating scale 4.4.3 Questionnaire translation 4.4.4 Phase-1 study interview protocol 4.4.5 Phase-2 study questionnaire 4.5 Data Collection Procedures 4.5.1 Phase1 4.5.2 Phase2 4.6 Quantitative Data Analysis 4.6.1 Overview of structural equation modelling 4.6.2 Sample size requirement 4.6.3 Estimation method choice 4.6.4 Model fit indices 4.6.5 Measurement model and structural model tests 4.6.6 Measurement invariance 4.7 Qualitative Data Analysis 4.8 Ethical Considerations 4.8.1 Consent form 4.8.2 Data storage/retention/destruction/future use 4.8.3 Privacy (anonymity and confidentiality) 4.8.4 Rights to withdraw 4.8.5 Power relations Chapter 5 Phase-1 Study 5.1 Survey Study 5.1.1 Demographics of the questionnaire survey participants 5.1.2 Statistical analysis 5.2 Interview Study 5.2.1 Demographics of the interviewees 5.2.2 Results of qualitative analysis 5.3 Summary Chapter 6 Phase-2 Study 6.1 Demographics 6.2 Analyses 6.2.1 Descriptive statistics 6.2.2 Measurement invariance assessment 6.2.3 Structural invariance assessment 6.2.4 Measurement model test for the expanded facilitating conditions 6.2.5 Structural test with the expanded facilitating conditions 6.3 Results Chapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 Findings 7.1.1 Perceived usefulness 7.1.2 Perceived ease of use 7.1.3 CALL 2.0 self-efficacy 7.1.4 Subjective norms 7.1.5 Facilitating conditions 7.1.6 Technological pedagogical and content knowledge 7.2 Limitations 7.3 Theoretical Implications 7.3.1 Technology acceptance modelling 7.3.2 Computer assisted language learning 7.4 Practical Implications 7.4.1 EFL teacher education 7.4.2 School leaders 7.4.3 Policy makers 7.5 Contribution Appendix A. Draft Questionnaire for Translation Appendix B. Phase-1 Questionnaire (Chinese) Appendix C. Common Parameter Notations in SEM Appendix D. Coding Book Appendix E. Some Common Web 2.0 Tools in China Appendix F. Phase-2 Questionnaire References

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