  • ISBN:9787205079550
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:48开
  • 页数:214
  • 出版时间:2023-04-01
  • 条形码:9787205079550 ; 978-7-205-07955-0


·但丁被放逐期间写的长诗《神曲》中的第二部 ·《神曲》是西方世界除了《圣经》以外,影响力*大的一本书,是世界文学史上里程碑式的伟大作品 ·但丁本人也成为西方三大著名诗人之一,被称为意大利语之父,文学的三大精神源泉之一


"《神曲》是但丁1307年至1321在放逐期间写的一 部长诗。全诗分为三部《地狱篇》(已经收录并出版在 “*经典英语文库”**辑里)、《炼狱篇》、《天堂 篇》。每部33首,*前面增加一首序诗,共100首,描 绘了诗人但丁在维吉尔和贝阿特丽采的指引下,幻游地 狱、炼狱、天堂三界的故事。"



I. The Shores of Purgatory. The Four Stars. Cato of Utica.

The Rush. / 1

II. The Celestial Pilot. Casella. The Departure. / 8

III. Discourse on the Limits of Reason.

The Foot of the Mountain.

Those who died in Contumacy of Holy Church.

Manfredi. / 14

IV. Farther Ascent. Nature of the Mountain.

The Negligent, who postponed Repentance till the last Hour.

Belacqua. / 21

V. Those who died by Violence, but repentant.

Buonconte di Monfeltro. La Pia. / 28

VI. Dante's Inquiry on Prayers for the Dead.

Sordello. Italy. / 36

VII. The Valley of Flowers. Negligent Princes. / 41

VIII. The Guardian Angels and the Serpent. Nino di Gallura.

The Three Stars. Currado Malaspina. / 48

IX. Dante's Dream of the Eagle.

The Gate of Purgatory and the Angel.

Seven P's. The Keys. / 55

X. The Needle's Eye. The First Circle: The Proud.

The Sculptures on the Wall. / 62

XI. The Humble Prayer. Omberto di Santafiore.

Oderisi d' Agobbio. Provenzan Salvani. / 68 XII. The Sculptures on the Pavement.

Ascent to the Second Circle. / 74

XIII. The Second Circle: The Envious. Sapia of Siena. / 80

XIV. Guido del Duca and Renier da Calboli.

Cities of the Arno Valley.

Denunciation of Stubbornness. / 88

XV. The Third Circle: The Irascible. Dante's Visions.

The Smoke. / 93

XVI. Marco Lombardo.

Lament over the State of the World. / 99

XVII. Dante's Dream of Anger.

The Fourth Circle: The Slothful.

Virgil's Discourse of Love. / 106

XVIII. Virgil further discourses of Love and Free Will.

The Abbot of San Zeno. / 113

XIX. Dante's Dream of the Siren.

The Fifth Circle: The Avaricious and Prodigal.

Pope Adrian V. / 119

XX. Hugh Capet. Corruption of the French Crown.

Prophecy of the Abduction of Pope Boniface VIII and

the Sacrilege of Philip the Fair. The Earthquake. / 125

XXI. The Poet Statius. Praise of Virgil. / 131

XXII. Statius' Denunciation of Avarice.

The Sixth Circle: The Gluttonous.

The Mystic Tree. / 136

XXIII. Forese.

Reproof of immodest Florentine Women. / 142

XXIV. Buonagiunta da Lucca. Pope Martin IV, and others.

Inquiry into the State of Poetry. / 149 XXV. Discourse of Statius on Generation.

The Seventh Circle: The Wanton. / 155

XXVI. Sodomites.

Guido Guinicelli and Arnaldo Daniello. / 160

XXVII. The Wall of Fire and the Angel of God.

Dante's Sleep upon the Stairway,

and his Dream of Leah and Rachel.

Arrival at the Terrestrial Paradise. / 167

XXVIII. The River Lethe. Matilda.

The Nature of the Terrestrial Paradise. / 174

XXIX. The Triumph of the Church. / 181

XXX. Virgil's Departure. Beatrice. Dante's Shame. / 189

XXXI. Reproaches of Beatrice and Confession of Dante.

The Passage of Lethe. The Seven Virtues.

The Griffon. / 194

XXXII. The Tree of Knowledge.

Allegory of the Chariot. / 200

XXXIII. Lament over the State of the Church.

Final Reproaches of Beatrice.

The River Eunoe. / 208



从古希腊、古罗马文学开始,一直到20世纪漫长的 西方文学史中,中世纪的教会文学、骑士文学、英雄史 诗等都是不可或缺的一部分。而中世纪文学,更是由于 有了但丁《神曲》这部划时代的重磅作品而增色许多。 正如恩格斯所说,但丁是“中世纪*后一位诗人,同时 又是新时代的*初一位诗人”。

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