  • ISBN:9787577201665
  • 装帧:平装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:302
  • 出版时间:2024-01-01
  • 条形码:9787577201665 ; 978-7-5772-0166-5






**章旅游接待业绪论 Chapter 1Introduction of tourism hospitality industry
**节旅游接待业的概念与内涵/1 Concepts and connotations of tourism hospitality industry 第二节旅游接待业的基本特征与分类/11 Features and classifications of tourism hospitality industry 第三节旅游接待业研究的集中领域/13 Focused research areas of tourism hospitality industry
第二章旅游接待业管理理念与方法 Chapter 2Managerial ideas and methods of tourism hospitality industry **节旅游接待业管理的基本意识/21 Basic managerial consciousness of tourism hospitality industry 第二节旅游接待业管理的核心理念/32 Core managerial principles of tourism hospitality industry 第三节旅游接待业管理的科学方法/38 Scientific managerial methods of tourism hospitality industry
第三章传统旅游接待业务管理 Chapter 3Traditional tourism hospitality management **节酒店接待业务管理/48 Hotel hospitality management 第二节景区接待业务管理/67 Scenic hospitality management 第三节旅行社接待业务管理/75
Travel agency hospitality management
第四章新型旅游接待业务管理 Chapter 4New tourism hospitality management **节新型旅游接待业态概述/84 Overview of new tourism hospitality industry 第二节汽车营地旅游接待业务管理/87 Auto camp tourism hospitality management 第三节邮轮旅游接待业务管理/98 Cruise tourism hospitality management 第四节民宿旅游接待业务管理/107 Homestay tourism hospitality management
第五章跨界旅游接待业务管理 Chapter 5Crossindustry tourism hospitality management **节跨界旅游接待业概述/117 Overview of crossindustry tourism hospitality industry 第二节在线旅游接待业务管理/125 Online tourism hospitality management 第三节会展旅游接待业务管理/132 Exhibition tourism hospitality management 第四节特色小镇旅游接待业务管理/140 Characteristic towns tourism hospitality management
第六章旅游接待业顾客关系管理 Chapter 6Customer relationship management of tourism hospitality industry **节旅游接待业顾客关系管理概述/149 Overview of customer relationship management of tourism hospitality industry 第二节旅游接待业顾客关系管理的系统内容/155 Systematic contents of customer relationship management of tourism hospitality industry 第三节旅游接待业CRM的实施流程与策略/166 CRM processes and strategies of tourism hospitality industry
第七章旅游接待业服务质量管理 Chapter 7Service quality management of tourism hospitality industry **节旅游接待业服务质量管理概述/177 Overview of service quality management of tourism hospitality industry 第二节旅游接待业服务质量管理体系/186 System of service quality management of tourism hospitality industry 第三节旅游接待业全面质量管理/192 Whole quality management of tourism hospitality industry 第八章旅游接待业管理信息系统 Chapter 8Management information system of tourism hospitality industry **节旅游接待业管理信息系统概述/206 Overview of management information system in tourism hospitality industry 第二节旅游接待业管理信息系统开发概述/213 Overview of management information system development in tourism hospitality industry 第三节旅游接待业管理信息系统的运行管理/219 Operation management of management information system
in tourism hospitality industry 第四节旅游接待业管理信息系统的安全管理/223 Security management of management information system in tourism hospitality industry
第九章旅游接待业品牌战略管理 Chapter 9Brand strategy management of tourism hospitality industry **节旅游接待业品牌发展概述/228 Overview of brand development of tourism hospitality industry 第二节旅游接待业品牌塑造与推广/234 Brand building and promotion of tourism hospitality industry 第三节旅游接待业品牌战略/243 Brand Strategies of tourism hospitality industry 第十章旅游接待业服务管理创新 Chapter 10Service management innovation of tourism hospitality industry **节旅游接待业服务理念创新/254 Service concept innovation of tourism hospitality industry 第二节旅游接待业服务技术创新/259 Service technology innovation of tourism hospitality industry 第三节旅游接待业服务产品创新/262 Service product innovation of tourism hospitality industry 第四节旅游接待业服务模式创新/265 Service mode innovation of tourism hospitality industry 第五节旅游接待业服务市场创新/277 Service market innovation of tourism hospitality industry
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