  • ISBN:9787544679077
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:160
  • 出版时间:2024-01-01
  • 条形码:9787544679077 ; 978-7-5446-7907-7


本教材由16章组成,每章按选读的作者命名,选读内容包括诗歌、短篇小说、散文、长篇小说节选、戏剧节选等。每一章包含“作家介绍”“作品选读”“能力提升训练”三大板块,其中,“作品选读”部分附有注释和参考译文。作者针对选读内容设计了两类问题,一类是提高理解能力的问题,一类是提高批判性恩维能力的问题。同时,针对两类问题编成答题要点,放在选读部分的 。“能力提升训练”部分是通过阅读诗歌、名句摘录、作品选段等材料回答问题,能力提升训练的问题也编成了答题要点,放在一的 后。本教材的编写具有六大特点,一是代表性,二是针对性,三是欣赏性,四是批判性,五是实践性,六是人文性。本教材主要是针对民办本科院校和公立二本院校英语、翻译、商务英语专业学生而编写,也适合于报考英语及其相关专业的考研学生和广大英语文学爱好者。


【目录】 Chapter 1 William Shakespeare Selected Reading: Sonnet 18 Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Chapter 2 Jane Austen Selected Reading: Pride and Prejudice Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise:Pride and Prejudice Chapter 3 John Milton Selected Reading: Paradise Lost Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise: The Second Coming Chapter 4 Mary Shelley Selected Reading: Frankenstein Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise:Emma Chapter5 Alfred Tennyson Selected Reading: Break, Break, Break Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise:Kubla Khan Chapter 6 Oscar Wilde Selected Reading: The Importance of Being Earnest Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise:Pygmalion Chapter 7 MatthewArnold Selected Reading: Dover Beach Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise:My Last Duchess Chapter 8 Jomo Kenyatta Selected Reading: The Gentlemen of the Jungle Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise:Heart of Darkness Chapter 9 Emily Dickinson Selected Reading: Tell All the Truth But Tell It Slant Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise: This Is My Letter to the World Chapter 10 Arthur Miller Selected Reading: Death of a Salesman Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise: Rip Van Winkle Chapter 11 Robert Frost Selected Reading: Birches Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise: There Was a Child Went Forth Every Day Chapter 12 Henry David Thoreau Selected Reading: Walden Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise: Nature Chapter 13 Wallace Stevens Selected Reading: Anecdoteof the Jar Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise: The Red Wheelbarrow Chapter 14 Ernest Hemingway Selected Reading: A Clean, Well-Lighted Place Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise: The Red Badge of Courage Chapter 15 Sylvia Plath Selected Reading:Ariel Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise: Because I Could Not Stop for Death— Chapter 16 Sandra Cisneros Selected Reading: The House on Mango Street Sharpen-Your-Ability Exercise: The Awakening Bibliography

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