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1星价 ¥46.5 (7.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787302641988
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:196
  • 出版时间:2023-12-01
  • 条形码:9787302641988 ; 978-7-302-64198-8


本书基于内容和语言融合教学理念,以英语语言为载体,以立德树人为导向,以跨文化交际意识和能力培养为目标进行教学设计。本书共10个单元,每个单元包括两篇跨文化交际阅读文章、若干文化知识拓展及两个主题案例分析。各单元以文本阅读为主线,涵盖跨文化交际的基础理论、交际过程与实践应用等方面,旨在引导学生理解、尊重、包容世界多元文化,拓展其国际视野。阅读文本后配有形式多样的练习题,以提高学生的语言综合运用能力和跨文化交际能力。本书为“线上+线下”相结合的新形态教材,每个单元的Text B部分为线上学习,充分赋能教师的混合式教学实践,增强学生的自主学习能力。 本书的读者对象为普通高校修读相关课程的本科生,以及致力于提升英语跨文化读写能力的大众读者。


Unit 1 Imperatives for Intercultural Communication Lead-in The Roads Linking the East with the West Text A Why Study Intercultural Communication? Expanding Intercultural Knowledge Text B Work Together to Build the Silk Road Economic Belt o and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Case Study Unit 2 Communication and Culture Lead-in A Monkey Exploring the Great World Text A Communication and Culture: The Voice and the Echo Expanding Intercultural Knowledge Text B Questions of Culture Case Study Unit 3 Perception and Culture Lead-in Gift Text A Becoming a Sensitive Intercultural Perceiver Expanding Intercultural Knowledge Гext B How Ten Years in China Changed Me Forever Case Studvy Unit 4 Barriers to Intercultural Communication Lead-in How to Get Them to Jump? Text A Barriers to Effective Intercultural Communication Expanding Intercultural Knowledge Text B Increasing Racial Discrimination Against Asians Exposes Overall Racist Nature of U.S. Society Case Study Unit 5 Identity and Culture Lead-in Who Am l? Text A Cultural Identity: Issues of Belonging Expanding Intercultural Knowledge Text B Am Not Your Asian Stereotype Case Study Cultural Values Unit 6 Lead-in Proverbs and Values Text A Values and Value Orientations Across Cultures Expanding Intercultural Knowledge Text B Eastern vs. Western Parenting Case Study Unit 7 Language and Culture Lead-in Eastern vs. Western Verbal Styles Text A The Connection Between Language and Culture Expanding Intercultural Knowledge Text B How Language Shapes the Way We Think Case Study Unit 8 Nonverbal Communication and Culture Lead-in Obama's Bow in Japan Text A The Silent Language Expanding Intercultural Knowledge Text B Understanding Personal Space Across Cultures Case Study Intercultural Conflict Management

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