  • ISBN:9787544680271
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:304
  • 出版时间:2024-01-01
  • 条形码:9787544680271 ; 978-7-5446-8027-1


图书名称 :中国概况(英文版) 书号 :9787544680271 版次 :1 出版时间 :2024-01-01 作者 :程爱民, 主编 开本 :16


CHAPTER 1 Geography Ⅰ A Look at China from the World 1.China's Geographical Location 2.Administrative Divisions in China 3.Population and Ethnicity Ⅱ China's Natural Environment 1.China's Topography and Landforms 2.The Mountains in China 3.The Rivers in China Ⅲ Famous Chinese Cities 1.Beijing 2.Shanghai 3.Hong Kong Ⅳ Tour in China 1.A Natural Journey 2.A Cultural Journey Questions CHAPTER 2 History Ⅰ Ancient Chinese History 1.The Yellow Emperor and the Formation of the Chinese Nation 2.Qin Shihuang and China's Unification 3.Han Wudi and the Silk Road 4.Tang Xuanzong and the Kaiyuan Age of Prosperity 5.Song Taizu and the Economic Prosperity 6.Yuan Shizu and the Territorial Expansion 7.Ming Chengzu and Zheng He'S Voyages to the“Western Oceans” 8.Qing Gaozong and the Prosperity of the Kangxi and Qianlong Periods Ⅱ Modern Chinese History 1.The Opium Wars 2.The Revolution of 3.The Birth of the Communist Party of China 4.The War of Resistance Against Japan 5.The War of Liberation Ⅲ Contemporary Chinese History i.The Founding of the People's Republic of China 2.The Diplomacy of the People's Republic of China 3.The RefOrm and Opening—up 4.Entering a New Era Ouestions …… CHAPTER 3 Philosophy CHAPTER 4 Religion CHAPTER 5 Literature & Art CHAPTER 6 Language CHAPTER 7 Calligraphy & Painting CHAPTER 8 Economy CHAPTER 9 Science & Technology CHAPTER 10 Education CHAPTER 11 Healthcare CHAPTER 12 Sports & Wushu

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