  • ISBN:9787302658627
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:140
  • 出版时间:2024-04-01
  • 条形码:9787302658627 ; 978-7-302-65862-7


本书是一本集国际贸易实务讲解和商务沟通实践运用于一体的商务类专业教材,立足中国文化背景,秉持全球视野和未来眼光。本书从概念到案例,从理论到应用,阐述外贸业务环节的科学原理,分析商务沟通的过程和要素,阐明解决具体问题的策略和技巧。全书共分为十二章。**章为英文商务信函写作的基本知识,包括商务信函的结构、格式、内容以及写作方法;第二章到第十二章按国际商务流程,讲述建立与促进商务关系、询盘及回复、报价和发盘、还盘和接受、订单及其履行、合同签订、支付方式、包装、保险、装运、索赔与理赔等业务环节,为读者提供一整套商务沟通的行为指南。 本书可作为高等院校国际经济与贸易、国际金融、国际物流、商务英语等专业学生的教材,亦可为从事外贸工作的专业人士提供学习参考。


Chapter 1 Essentials of Business Letter Writing 1
1.1 Brief Introduction 1
1.2 Requirements for Business Letter and Email Writers 1
1.3 Seven Guidelines in Business Letter Writing 2
1.4 The Layout of Emails 4
1.5 The Layout of Business Letters 5
1.6 Addressing Envelopes 6
1.7 The Format of Business Letter 7
1.8 Case Study 9
1.9 Business Ethics 9
Chapter 2 Establishing Business Relations 13
2.1 The Significance of Establishing Business Relations 13
2.2 The Channels of Establishing Business Relations 13
2.3 Writing Skills 14
2.4 Typical Expressions 14
2.5 Sample Letters 15
2.6 Situational Conversation 17
2.7 Useful Patterns & Examples 18
2.8 Case Study 20
2.9 Business Ethics 20
Chapter 3 Enquiry and Reply 23
3.1 The Importance and Nature of Enquiry 23
3.2 Categories of Enquiry 23
3.3 Writing Skills 24
3.4 Typical Expressions 24
3.5 Sample Letters 25
3.6 Situational Conversation 27
3.7 Useful Patterns & Examples 28
3.8 Case Study 29
3.9 Business Ethics 30
Chapter 4 Quotation and Offer 34
4.1 The Importance and Nature of Offer 35
4.2 Categories of Offer 35
4.3 Differences Between Offer and Quotation 36
4.4 Writing Skills 36
4.5 Typical Expressions 36
4.6 Sample Letters 37
4.7 Situational Conversation 39
4.8 Useful Patterns & Examples 39
4.9 Case Study 41
4.10 Business Ethics 41
Chapter 5 Order and Acknowledgement 44
5.1 Orders and Their Effects 44
5.2 Acknowledgement 45
5.3 Writing Skills and Typical Expressions 45
5.4 Sample Letters 47
5.5 Situational Conversation 50
5.6 Useful Patterns & Examples 51
5.7 Case Study 52
5.8 Business Ethics 52
Chapter 6 Sales Contract 58
6.1 Functions of Contract 58
6.2 Contents of Contract 58
6.3 Writing Skills 59
6.4 Typical Writing Steps 60
6.5 Sample Letters 60
6.6 Situational Conversation 63
6.7 Useful Patterns & Examples 63
6.8 Case Study 65
6.9 Business Ethics 65
Chapter 7 Payment Methods 70
7.1 Modes of Payment 70
7.2 Writing Skills and Typical Expressions 71
7.3 Sample Letters 72
7.4 Useful Patterns & Examples 75
7.5 Case Study 77
7.6 Business Ethics 77
Chapter 8 Letter of Credit 81
8.1 Definition of L/C 81
8.2 Stages in a Documentary Credit Transaction 82
8.3 Content of Credit 82
8.4 Writing Skills and Typical Expressions 83
8.5 Sample Letters 84
8.6 Useful Patterns and Examples 91
8.7 Case Study 92
8.8 Business Ethics 92
Chapter 9 Packing 96
9.1 Types of Packing 96
9.2 Function of Packing 96
9.3 Writing Skills 97
9.4 Typical Expressions 97
9.5 Sample Letters 98
9.6 Useful Patterns & Examples 100
9.7 Case Study 101
9.8 Business Ethics 101
Chapter 10 Shipment 105
10.1 About Shipment 105
10.2 Method of Shipment 106
10.3 Writing Skills and Typical Expressions 106
10.4 Sample Letters 107
10.5 Useful Patterns and Examples 112
10.6 Case Study 113
10.7 Business Ethics 113
Chapter 11 Insurance 115
11.1 About International Cargo Transportation Insurance 115
11.2 The Field of International Cargo Insurance 116
11.3 Writing Skills and Typical Expressions 116
11.4 Sample Letters 118
11.5 Useful Patterns & Examples 123
11.6 Case Study 124
11.7 Business Ethics 125
Chapter 12 Claim and Settlement 128
12.1 Brief Introduction of Complaints and Claims 128
12.2 The Different Types of Claims 129
12.3 Writing Skills 129
12.4 Typical Expressions 129
12.5 Sample Letters 131
12.6 Situational Conversation 133
12.7 Useful Patterns & Examples 134
12.8 Case Study 136
12.9 Business Ethics 136
参考文献 139



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