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1星价 ¥25.3 (8.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787122447333
  • 装帧:平装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:138
  • 出版时间:2024-07-01
  • 条形码:9787122447333 ; 978-7-122-44733-3


《环境工程专业英语与写作》共分为十一个单元,涵盖了人与环境、生态学、大气污染、水污染与废水处理、固体废物及其处理、噪声及其影响、土壤污染与修复和环境监测与现代仪器分析等专题。每个单元包括课文、阅读材料、写作技巧和练习,从不同的维度锻炼读者的阅读和写作能力。本书将翻译和写作技巧等内容与课文有机衔接,有助于学生全面掌握环境工程及相关专业英语与写作的知识。 本书可作为环境科学与工程、给排水科学与工程等专业的专业英语写作教材,也可供相关专业人员参考学习。


Unit 1 Environmental Science 1
Text 1 Environment and Environmental Engineering 1
Reading material 1 Introduction to Environmental Science 5
写作技巧 科技文献的修辞特点 7
Exercises 10 Unit 2 Environmental Problems 13
Text 2 Impact of Humans upon Environment 13
Reading Material 2 Addressing Context Dependence in Ecology 18
写作技巧 被动句的译法 19
Exercises 21 Unit 3 Ecology 24
Text 3 Bioindicator and Environment Protect 24
Reading Material 3 Links between Community Ecology Theory and Ecological Restoration are on the Rise 28
写作技巧 长句的译法 30
Exercises 31 Unit 4 Environment Management 33
Text 4 Principle of EIA Administration and Practice 33
Reading Material 4 Integrating Climate Change in Environmental Impact Assessment: A Review of Requirements across 19 EIA Regimes 36
写作技巧 翻译中词义的改换和词序的调整 38
Exercises 41 Unit 5 Environmental Monitor 44
Text 5 Biological Monitoring in Terrestrial Systems 44
Reading Material 5 A Review of Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring in China 48
写作技巧 科技文献中部分常用结构的互译 50
Exercises 55 Unit 6 Air Pollution 57
Text 6 The Ozone Depletion 57
Reading Material 6 Health Impacts of Air Pollution in China 61
写作技巧 汉译英技巧 64
Exercises 65 Unit 7 Water Pollution 68
Text 7 Water Pollution 68
Reading Material 7 Effects of Water Pollution on Human Health and Disease Heterogeneity: A Review 71
写作技巧 标题的写作 74
Exercises 75 Unit 8 Solid Waste 78
Text 8 Solid Waste 78
Reading Material 8 Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Review of Waste to Energy (WtE) Approaches 81
写作技巧 摘要的写作 82
Exercises 84 Unit 9 Noise 87
Text 9 Noise 87
Reading Material 9 Urban Noise and Psychological Distress: A Systematic Review 90
写作技巧 正文的写作 92
Exercises 94 Unit 10 Soil Pollution and Remediation 96
Text 10 Techniques for Removal Pollutants from Soil 96
Reading Material 10 Review of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution in China: Spatial Distribution, Primary Sources, and Remediation Alternatives 98
写作技巧 致谢和参考文献 102
Exercises 105 Unit 11 Modern Instrumental Analysis 107
Text 11 Modern Instruments for Environmental Sample Analysis 107
Reading Material 11 Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Environmental Analysis, Monitoring and Assessment 109
写作技巧 科技论文的投稿 111
Exercises 113 附录 词汇 115 参考文献 137



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