中国巨变:1978~2008=China Emerging:1978-2008

包邮中国巨变:1978~2008=China Emerging:1978-2008

1星价 ¥55.0 (7.6折)
2星价¥55.0 定价¥72.0
  • ISBN:9787508513638
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16
  • 页数:195 页
  • 出版时间:2008-11-21
  • 条形码:9787508513638 ; 978-7-5085-1363-8


过去30年中国经济的崛起,无疑是人类历史上*令人瞩目的事件之一,也是中华民族奋进史上*值得记录的一段光辉岁月。 在西方人眼里,中国的巨变始终是一个谜。这里有着极其特殊的文化背景与意识形态,有着异常复杂的经济格局与利益冲突,如何引领一个拥有十几亿人口的农业大国迈向现代化,堪称是“前无古人,后无来者”的巨大命题,其探索之艰辛、震荡之激烈超乎任何人的想象。


This book selects year by year thirty representative eventsthat have attracted attention in the international communityas the starting points to give an overall account of China'sdevelopment and progress. Supplemented with related data links(such as the media reviews and the overseas comparative datain those years, etc.), a three-dimensional review of the course of the reform and opening-up has been presented.


1The Beginning:1 978-1 983/3DengOpenstheDoortotheWorld/4Where Will the Money Come from?/15Shenzhen Special Economic Zone/21Reform at Capital Steel/27Shooting Stars in the Countryside/342 Commotion and Tumult:1 984-1 992/411984.the“Founding Year”of Major Chinese Enterprises/42A TwO-track Pricing Policy and a Trip to Hainan Island/52Allowing Prices to“Break through the Pass”/63“Harnessing and Rectifying”/693 Radical Dreams:1 993-1 997/83Ruling over Chaos with an“Iron Wrist”/85Price Wars/97Becoming One ofthe Fortune 500/103Unexpected Changes/1l14 Swamps and Landmines:1998-2002/119Some Hairpins/120The Birthing of the Stock Market.and Its Chronic Problems/129Stride on over the Rainbow/138The China Threat/1475 Responsibility and Reason:2003-2008/153SARS,Housing Bubbles,Electricity Panics/154Trade Frictions/162Internet Economics/176Great Nation Passion/184Crossroads/191Acknowledgments /196


This book selects year by year thirty representative eventsthat have attracted attention in the international communityas the starting points to give an overall account of China'sdevelopment and progress. Supplemented with related data links(such as the media reviews and the overseas comparative datain those years, etc.), a three-dimensional review of the course of the reform and opening-up has been presented.


作者:吴晓波 译者:(美国)艾梅霞 (Avery.M)

Wu Xiao Bo was born in 1968,A graduate of the School of Journalism at Fudan University in Shanghai,he is both a journalist and a publisher in the fields of business,finance,and economics. He is publisher of the"Blue Lion" imprint of business titles.Formwely a visiting scholar at Harvard Univwesity,he currently works at the newspaper cakked the Oiriental Morning Post. His publications include Great Failures, Great Failures ll,Passing Through a Cornfield,Extremly Prifutabke,Alarger Fate,and China's Thirty Tumultuous Yeaes,in two volumes.

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