  • ISBN:9787302186991
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16
  • 页数:278 页
  • 出版时间:2009-01-01
  • 条形码:9787302186991 ; 978-7-302-18699-1


**章 教授和他的家庭成员第二章 一定要解开的谜团第三章 教授破解神秘文字第四章 使敌人屈服第五章 胜利之后是沮丧第六章 关于空前伟大的事业的讨论第七章 一位姑娘的鼓励第八章 认真准备第九章 冰岛!但下一站是哪里?第十章 与冰岛学者们的有趣对话第十一章 找到了去地心的向导第十二章 一片荒原第十三章 在北极圈内受到热情款待第十四章 北极可能并不适合居住第十五章 *终到达斯奈菲尔火山第十六章 大胆进入深坑第十七章 垂直向下第十八章 深层地下的奇迹第十九章 地质研究第二十章 开始遇到困难第二十一章 教授的心中充满怜悯第二十二章 找不到水第二十三章 找到了水第二十四章 进展顺利第二十五章 绝望之余第二十六章 *大的危险第二十七章 在地球内部迷了路第二十八章 听到回音第二十九章 终于得救第三十章 看到海洋第三十一章 航海准备第三十二章 神奇的地心第三十三章 怪兽之战第三十四章 巨大的喷泉第三十五章 闪电、暴风雨第三十六章 冷静的分析第三十七章 李登布洛克地质博物馆第三十八章 教授又开始行使职责第三十九章 看到了森林第四十章 准备爆破第四十一章 成功爆破后急速下降第四十二章 在令人害怕的黑暗中上升第四十三章 *后从火山口喷出第四十四章 阳光照耀蓝色的地中海第四十五章 完美结局


Journey to the Center of the Earth ,中文译名《地心游记》,这是一部充满传奇、冒险与幻想的科幻巨著,是法国著名作家、“现代科幻小说之父”儒勒·凡尔纳的代表作之一。性格古怪的德国教授奥托·李登布洛克发现了一些来自冰岛的远古的纸片,并试图了解上面的神秘文字。他的侄子阿克赛尔*终找到了这些文字的秘密,原来是一条通向地心的秘密地下通道。为了探索地底下的秘密,奥托·李登布洛克教授偕同侄子阿克赛尔和向导汉斯,进行了一次穿越地心的探险旅行。他们经历了一个又一个恢宏而令人惊心动魄的场面:地底深处的波涛汹涌的大海,巨大的蘑菇林,远古时期的海兽及令人心惊胆战的搏斗,以及原始古猿在地下森林中放牧乳齿象,海上的狂风暴雨,耀眼的电闪雷鸣,摄人心魄的岩浆奔腾等等。经过整整3个月在地底的艰辛跋涉,在完成地心穿行之后,终于在一次火山喷发中从火山口回到了地面。该书一经出版,很快就成为当时*受关注和*畅销的科幻作品,至今已被译成世界上多种文字,曾经先后多次被改编成电影。书中所展现的神奇故事伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。无论作为语言学习的课本,还是作为通俗的文学读本,该书对当代中国的青少年都将产生积极的影响。为了使读者能够了解英文故事概况,进而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,在每章的开始部分增加了中文导读。


It must be confessed that hitherto things had not gone on so badly, and that I had small reason to complain. If our difficulties became no worse, we might hope to reach our end. And to what a height of scientific glory we should then attain! I had become quite a Liedenbrock in my reasonings; seriously I had. But would this state of things last in the strange place we had come to? Perhaps it might.For several days steeper inclines, some even frightfully near to the perpendicular, brought us deeper and deeper into the mass of the interior of the earth. Some days we advanced nearer to the centre by a league and a half, or nearly two leagues. These were perilous descents, in which the skill and marvellous coolness of Hans were invaluable to us. That unimpassioned Icelander devoted himself with incomprehensible deliberation; and, thanks to him, we crossed many a dangerous spot which we should never have cleared alone.But his habit of silence gained upon him day by day, and was infecting us. External objects produce decided effects upon the brain. A man shut up between four walls soon loses the power to associate words and ideas together. How many prisoners in solitary confinement become idiots, if not mad, for want of exercise for the thinking faculty!During the fortnight following our last conversation, no incident occurred worthy of being recorded. But I have good reason for remembering one very serious event which took place at this time, and of which I could scarcely now forget the smallest details.By the 7th of August our successive descents had brought us to a depth of thirty leagues; that is, that for a space of thirty leagues there were over our heads solid beds of rock, ocean, continents, and towns. We must have been two hundred leagues from Iceland.On that day the tunnel went down a gentle slope. I was ahead of the others. My uncle was carrying one of Ruhmkorff's lamps and I the other. I was examining the beds of granite.Suddenly turn


儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828-1905),法国著名作家,现代科幻小说的奠基人,被誉为“科幻小说之父”。一生共创作了六十多部充满神奇与浪漫的科幻小说,其代表作有《气球上的五星期》、《地心游记》、《从地球到月球》、《海底两万里》、《八十天周游世界》、《格兰特船长的儿女》和《神秘岛》等,这些小说被译成世界上几十种文字,并多次被搬上银幕,在世界上广为流传。

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