

1星价 ¥20.2 (5.8折)
2星价¥20.2 定价¥35.0
  • ISBN:7115195811
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16
  • 页数:128 页
  • 出版时间:2009-01-01
  • 条形码:9787115195814 ; 978-7-115-19581-4


English365is a Business English and general Englishcourse. It is for learners who want to develop theirEnglish skills for their work and their social andtravel needs, and therefore reflects the work-lifebalance of busy working adults. Student's Book 2 isfor lower-intermediate to intermediate level learners.The Teacher's Book provides:an introduction to the course and how to work with itdetailed notes on the units in the Student's Book30 extra photocopiable classroom activities,each one linked to a unit in the Student's Book,supported byteacher's notes10 extra photocopiabte activities designed toincrease students' awareness of their ownlearning styles and to improve the effectivenessof their learning, also supported by teacher'snotes.


简介   《新剑桥生活与商务英语365》系列分3个级别,主要针对在职人员,是一套将工作和生活融为一体,时尚而系统的新锐商务英语教材。英文原版2005年获英国文化协会elt图书创新奖。如果你在工作中要用英语进行交流,并常常需要商务外出或会见宾客,那么这套书正适用于你。它是一套在商务、生活与休闲中寻求平衡,在语法、词汇、发音、与专业沟通技巧之间寻求平衡,在听、说、读、写实践技能之间寻求平衡的书。书中的每一单元都会为你提供在生活与商务活动中*直接和*鲜活的英语知识。《新剑桥生活与商务英语365》为教师用书2。


Thanks and acknowledgementsStudent's Book Contents1 Introduction to English365 Book 2WelcomeCourse componentsOrganisation of the Student's BookStarting up the course2 Introduction to the Teacher's BookGetting readyCommon elementsTeaching type 1 unitsTeaching type 2 unitsTeaching type 3 units3 Teacher's notes: Units 1-301 Working internationally2 Power for life3 Edinburgh - the festival city4 Changing direction5 Job swap6 Tourist attraction7 From Mexico to Germany8 Globalisation9 Here is the news10 Executive search11 Making money12 Ecotourism13 Changing culture14 The customer is always right15 An interesting place to iveRevision 1 Units 1-1516 Taiwan - still a tiger17 RoboDog18 Learning styles19 Britain at work in 201020 How the rich travel21 Great cinema22 Your personal brand image23 Managing people24 Social issues25 The coffee business26 Intelligent skis27 You are what you eat28 That's entertainment!29 Life coaching30 Work or lifestyle?Revision 2 Units 16-304 Extra classroom activitiesTeacher's notes1 Jobs and current projects2 The organisation quiz3 Finding your way round4 Telling a story5 Swapping jobs8 How are you feeling?7 How do things compare?8 To move or not to move9 Happy headlines10 It's my turn11 That's really rich!12 Environmental case study13 The future14 Can you help?15 Home improvements16 Promoting your organisation17 What can it be?18 Can I help you?19 Solving problems20 Launching a new product21 Film classics22 Responsibilities, rules and advice23 An appraisal interview24 A serious problem25 What would you do if ...?26 There's a problem, I'm afraid27 Guess who's coming to dinner28 Useless facts29 The way things are30 Saying goodbye5 Better learning activitiesTeacher's notes1 Why do you want to learn English?2 Defining general targets3 Fixing targets and making plans4 What kind of learner are you?5 Learning grammar6 Language learning resources7 I can't find the word8 Your vocabulary notebook9 Keeping a diary10 Metaphors for language learningTeacher's diary



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