

1星价 ¥18.0 (7.5折)
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  • ISBN:7811105276
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16
  • 页数:183
  • 出版时间:2008-12-01
  • 条形码:9787811105278 ; 978-7-81110-527-8




Unit 1 Features of Academic Writing 1.1 Complexity 1.2 Formality 1.3 Objectivity 1.4 Explicitness 1.5 HedgingUnit 2 Critical Reading and Writing 2.1 Reading Critically 2.2 Reading like a Writer 2.3 Writing like a Reader 2.4 Suggestions on Reading Critically Language Focus (1):Taking a Stance Language Focus (2):NominalizationUnit 3 The Front Matter of a Research Paper 3.1 Overview of the Research Paper 3.2 Acknowledgements Language Focus (3): Patterns of Gratitude Expressions 3.3 Titles 3.4 Abstracts Language Focus (4): Linguistic Features of AbstractsUnit 4 The Body of a Research Paper (1) 4.1 Introduction Sections 4.2 Claiming Centrality 4.3 Creating a Research Space 4.4 Occupying the Research Space 4.5 Reviewing the Literature Language Focus (5): Citation and Attribution Language Focus (6): Reporting VerbsUnit 5 The Body of a Research Paper (2) 5.1 Methods Sections Language Focus (7): Imperatives in Research Papers 5.2 Results Sections Language Focus (8): Epistemic Stance Markers 5.3 Discussion Sections Language Focus (9): Sentence Adverbs 5.4 Conclusion SectionsUnit 6 Writing Data Commentaries 6.1 Strength of Claim 6.2 Structure of Data Commentaries Language Focus (10): Attitudinal and Style Stance Markers 6.3 Moderating a Claim 6.4 Concluding a Commentary 6.5 Dealing with Diagrams and IllustrationsUnit 7 Writing Summaries 7.1 Pointers for Summary Writing 7.2 Avoiding Plagiarism Language Focus (11): Passive Voice Language Focus (12): Conditional TensesUnit 8 Critiques, Reviews and Reactions 8.1 Writing Critiques Language Focus (13): Scare Quotes 8.2 Reviews Language Focus (14): Shell Nouns 8.3 Reaction papers Language Focus (15): Metadiscourse DevicesReferences


《学术英语写作基础教程》从语言形式层面出发,系统分析了英语本族语学术语篇的语言特征,以不同类型的任务为练习形式,强化了对学术论文中的语言特色的认知和操练,使学习者从实际操作中理解和掌握学术语篇的语言特征、知识和技巧,从认知和技巧层面全面提高英语学术论文写作能力。 本教材既可作为学术论文写作的教学用书,也可作为英语专业高年级选修课或青年教师学术培训的选用教材。

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