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1星价 ¥22.9 (7.9折)
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  • ISBN:9787313058805
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:192
  • 出版时间:2009-09-01
  • 条形码:9787313058805 ; 978-7-313-05880-5






**部分 分类练习
part a spot dictation
answer key
part b statements
answer key
part c talks and conversations
answer key
part d listening and translation
answer key
第二部分 听力材料
part a spot dictation
part b statements
part c talks and conversation
part d listening and translation




Passage 6Like American Indians and Orientals, Eskimos are part of the Mongoloid race. Their skin is thecolor of copper. They have straight black hair, dark eyes, high cheekbones.The Eskimos live in the far north, where the temperature can sometimes drop as low as 60degrees below zero Fahrenheit. Some Eskimos used to live in houses that are called igloos. Igloo isthe Eskimo word for house and it can be made of many different things. For example, igloos that aremade of Sod, or soil that is mixed with grass and roots are also referred to as innies. When Eskimosbuild a sod house, they first cut a deep hole in the permafrost, the layer of earth that is frozenforever and then line the hole. An Eskimo goes into the sod house through a long, low undergroundtunnel. The inside of all innies is the same. The whole family eats and sleeps on this platform.Sometimes there is a table and another platform to hold supplies.Another type of igloo is the snow igloo. It is used only by hunters when they are in the far northand need shelter for a short period of time. A circle of fifteen snow blocks forms the bottom row.Then more rows of smaller blocks are placed on top of these. A hole is left at the top of the snowigloo to let air in and out and loose snow is spread over the outside to keep out the cold and wind.The tunnel that serves as the entrance is lower than the igloo floor and the outside end of the tunnelis covered with an animal skin, so that the cold air cannot get in.During the summer, many Eskimos live in tents, which at one time were made of caribou skin,but now are made of canvas.Passage 7Generally speaking there are two different types of supermarket Shoppers. those who aresystematic and those who are unsystematic. Systematic shoppers are organized. They usually shopfrom a market list. They know exactly what they need to buy. They go directly to the right sectionwithout hesitation. They usually follow the same path when they shop. They might begin on,

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