

1星价 ¥15.0 (6.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787544616089
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:296
  • 出版时间:2010-03-01
  • 条形码:9787544616089 ; 978-7-5446-1608-9




本书内容编排上以一学期为限,设计了16个单元。各单元语言教材的选题涉及语言学习、交际原理、日常生活、科学技术、旅游观光、社会热点、教育政策、环境保护、经济贸易等方面的内容,为口语表达实践提供话题、表达方式、思路和操练等方面的参照性材料。每一单元都采用相似的体例,包括:“核心课文(the core text)”、“访谈范例(sample interview)”、“知识性阅读材料与小组讨论(information input andgroup discussion)”,以及“演讲范例与表达练习(sample speech andoral practice)”四方面具有一定内在联系的内容。


unit one
unit two
unit three
unit four
unit five
unit six
unit seven
unit eight
unit nine
unit ten
unit eleven
unit twelve
unit thirteen
unit fourteen
unit fifteen
unit sixteen


《英语高级口译资格证书考试:高级口语教程(第3版)》内容编排上以一学期为限,设计了16个单元。各单元语言教材的选题涉及语言学习、交际原理、日常生活、科学技术、旅游观光、社会热点、教育政策、环境保护、经济贸易等方面的内容,为口语表达实践提供话题、表达方式、思路和操练等方面的参照性材料。每一单元都采用相似的体例,包括:“核心课文(The Core Text)”、“访谈范例(Sample Interview)”、“知识性阅读材料与小组讨论(Information Input andGroup Discussion)”,以及“演讲范例与表达练习(Sample Speech andOral Practice)”四方面具有一定内在联系的内容。


The least professional and most offensive position is resting one leg or ankle on top of yourother knee. Some people call this the "Figure Four." It can makeyou look arrogant.The distance you keep from others is crucial if you want toestablish good rapport. Standing too close or "in someone's face"will mark you as pushy. Positioning yourself too far away willmake you seem standoffish. Neither is what you want, so findthe happy medium. Most importantly, do what makes the otherperso.n feel comfortable. If the person with whom you arespeaking keeps backing away from you, stop. Either that personneeds space or you need a breath mint.How to Make a Good PresentationMany oral presentations of individuals are 10 to 20 minutes longwith 15 minutes being the most common. It is very difficult to getand then keep your audience's attention long enough for them to getand then be convinced of your point. Your presentation has to bevery clear and concise with a few very well selected, absolutely clearvisual aids. Unless you happen to be the first speaker, your audienceis already fatigued from hearing other talks and the competitionfrom extraneous sounds and the slow pace of talking vs. thinking hasprobably left much of the audience daydreaming about moreinteresting topics. You will lose your audience after just one momentof droning on semi-intelligibly about numbers in front of anunreadable slide covered with unintelligible lines or a table stuffedwith even more numbers. Some pointers include:When you speak, make sure that your topic is obviously relevantto the audience's clinical interests or they won't begin to listen.Decide just what message you want to get across, and then planyour talk and slides based on how you are going to do it.Tell the audience what you are going to tell them, tell it tothem, and tell them what you told them —— then ask for questions.People have a lot of trouble following oral presentations becausethey can't flip back a page o

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