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2019-09-09 12:47:18
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  • ISBN:9787560099842
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:274
  • 出版时间:2010-09-01
  • 条形码:9787560099842 ; 978-7-5600-9984-2




灿烂文化 灵动艺术 从智慧与信仰到创造与交流,从艺术与美感到民俗与风情,展示古代中国的灿烂文化和当代社会的丰富内涵。
绘声绘色 诗意享受 清新的文字与精美的插图交相辉映,呈现中华文明立体而流动的美好画面,折射中国人的审美观和生活情趣。对比文化堋练思维练习活动的设计融入了中西方文化的比较,有助于学生开拓视野,培养文化意识与思辨能力。
模拟情境 强调应用 围绕学生在日常生活和学习中遇到的文化交流问题设计任务,使学生融入其中。实现语言与文化两个层面的输出。


part i wisdom and beliefs
 unit 1 confucian thought on heaven and humanity
 unit 2 laozi’s philosophy ofnon—action
 unit 3 sunzi’s art ofwar:source forall books on war
 unit 4 the temple of heaven:reverence with awe and gratitude
 unit 5 eco-awareness in traditional chinese culture
part ii greativity and exchange
 unit 6 chinese characters:poetic symbols
 unit 7 the silk road
 unit 8 openness ofthe great tang
 unit 9 zheng he’s voyages to the western seas
 unit 10 the great wlau
 unit 11 the forbidden city:glorious and awe—inspiring
part iii art and aesthetics
 unit 12 music:govem the country,nourish the mind




插图:3 Laozi was first introduced into Europe possibly as early as the 15th century and has been one of the most translated philosophical works of ancient China. Many of Laozi's enlightening views are based on his philosophy of naturalness and non-action. Naturalness and Non-action.4 "Naturalness" is an important concept of Laozi's philosophy. It refers to a natural state of being, an attitude of following the way of nature. Laozi emphasized that everything in the world has its own way of being and development: birds fly in the sky, fish swim in the water, clouds float in the sky, flowers bloom and flowers fall. All these phenomena occur independently and naturally without following any human will, and humans should not try to change anything natural. Laozi admonished (告诫) people to give up on any desire to control the world. Following the way of nature is the way to resolving conflicts between humans and the world.5 "Non-action" is another important concept of Laozi's philosophy. It is the guarantee of"naturalness". Laozi said, "(Dao or the Way) acts through non-action," by which he didnot mean that one should do nothing and passively wait for something to be achieved.Neither did he deny human creativity. What he meant is that human enterprises shouldbe built on the basis of naturalness, not on any attempts to interrupt the rhythm of nature.Human creativity should be in compliance with (依从) the ways of nature.Laozi said, "Great ingenuity (足智多谋) appears to be stupidity." This is the essence of"naturalness" and "non-action". "Great ingenuity" refers to the highest level of ingenuity,arising so naturally that it does not resemble ingenuity at all. Ingenuity can be achievedthrough human effort, but "great ingenuity" is superior to ordinary ingenuity. To Laozi,resorting to deceit (期骗) is true futility (无益的事) and would accomplish just the oppositeresult. Those who intend to play tricks are not genuine and therefore are not natural. Deceitis detrimental to naturalness and to the harmony of life.

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