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  • ISBN:9787513500692
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32
  • 页数:106页
  • 出版时间:2010-09-01
  • 条形码:9787513500692 ; 978-7-5135-0069-2




Chapter I Into the PrimitiveChapter II The Law of Club and Fan8Chapter III The Dominant Primordial BeastChapter IV Who Has Won to MastershipChapter V The Toil of Trace and TrailChapter VI For the Love of a ManChapter VII The Sounding of the Cell




插图:His father, Elmo, a huge St Bernard, had been the Judge's inseparablecompanion, and Buck bid fair to follow in the way of his father. He wasnot so large, ——he weighed only one hundred and forty pounds, ——for hismother, Shep, had been a Scotch shepherd dog. Nevertheless, one hundredand forty pounds, to which was added the dignity that comes of good livingand universal respect, enabled him to carry himself in right royal fashion.During the four years since his puppyhood he had lived the life of a satedaristocrat; he had a fine pride in himself, was even a trifle egotistical, ascountry gentlemen sometimes become because of their insular situation.But he had saved himself by not becoming a mere pampered house-dog.Hunting and kindred outdoor delights had kept down the fat and hardenedhis muscles; and to him, as to the cold-tubbing races, the love of water hadbeen a tonic and a health preserver.And this was the manner of dog Buck was in the fall of 1897, whenthe Klondyke strike dragged men from all the world into the frozenNorth. But Buck did not read the newspapers, and he did not know thatManuel, one of the gardener's helpers, was an undesirable acquaintance.Manuel had one besetting sin. He loved to play Chinese lottery. Also, inhis gambling, he had one besetting weakness faith in a system; and thismade his damnation certain. For to play a system requires money, whilethe wages of a gardener's helper do not lap over the needs of a wife andnumerous progeny.


作者:(美国)杰克·伦敦(Jack London)杰克·伦敦(Jack Lon)(1876-1916年),美国20世纪著名的现实主义作家,是美国文学史上*重要的作家之一。出生于美国加利福尼亚旧金山的一个破产农民家庭。从1900年起,他连续发表了许多中短篇小说,因其作品大都带有浓厚的社会主义色彩,因此有人认为他是宣扬社会主义的作家,但也有人认为他是表现个人主义与民众哲学的自然主义作家。他的作品不仅在美国本土广为流传,而且受到世界各国人民的欢迎,是*受中国读者欢迎的外国作家之一。杰克·伦敦一生著述颇丰,其中*著名的有《马丁·伊登》、《野性的呼唤》、《雪虎》、《热爱生命》等。

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