

1星价 ¥273.6 (7.2折)
2星价¥273.6 定价¥380.0
  • ISBN:9787503760877
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:暂无
  • 出版时间:2010-12-01
  • 条形码:9787503760877 ; 978-7-5037-6087-7




1—1 国内生产总值指数 (3)
Indices of Gross Domestic Product
1—2 国内生产总值构成 (4)
Composition of Gross Domestic Product
1—3 三次产业贡献率 (5)
Share of the Contributions of the Three Strata of Industry to the Increase of GDP
1—4 三大需求对国内生产总值增长的贡献率和拉动 (6)
Share and Contribution of the Three Components of GDP by Expenditure Approach to the Growth of GDP
1—5 人口数及构成 (7)
Population and Its Composition
1—6 居民消费价格指数和商品零售价格指数 (8)
Consumer Price Indices and Retail Price Indices
1—7 城乡居民人民币储蓄存款 (9)
Savings Deposit in Urban and Rural Areas
1—8 城镇居民家庭基本情况 (10)
Basic Conditions of Urban Households
1—9 农村居民家庭基本情况 (11)
Basic COnditions of Rural Households
2—1 社会消费品零售总额增长情况 (15)
Growth Rate of Retail Sales of Consumer Goods
2—2 社会消费品零售总额分月情况(按销售单位所在地分) (16)
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods by Location Per Month
2—3 社会消费品零售总额分月情况(按行业分) (17)
Total Retail Sale of Consumer Goods by Sector Per Month
2—4 各地区社会消费品零售总额(按销售单位所在地分) (18)
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods by Region and Location
2—5 各地区社会消费品零售总额(按行业分) (19)
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods by Region and Sector
2—6 历年社会消费品零售总额、增长情况及构成(按销售单位所在地分) (20)
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods,Growth Rate and Composition in Past Years by Location
2—7 历年社会消费品零售总额、增长情况及构成(按行业分) (21)
Growth Rate and Composition of Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in Past Years by Sector
2—8 亿元以上商品交易市场基本情况 (22)
Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan
2—9 亿元以上商品交易市场摊位分类情况 (24)
Classification of Booths of Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan
2—10各地区亿元以上商品交易市场基本情况 (25)
Basic Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets of Transaction Value over 100 Million Yuan by Region
Wholesale And Retail Trades
3—1—1 限额以上批发和零售业企业基本情况(按登记注册类型分) (29)
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Status of Registration
3—1—2 限额以上批发和零售业企业基本情况(按国民经济行业分) (31)
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Sector
3—1—3 各地区限额以上批发业企业基本情况(按登记注册类型分) (33)
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Status
of Registration
3—1—4 各地区限额以上批发业企业基本情况(按国民经济行业分) (39)
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Sector
3—1—5 各地区限额以上零售业企业基本情况(按登记注册类型分) (48)
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Status of Registration
3—1—6 各地区限额以上零售业企业基本情况(按国民经济行业分) (54)
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Sector
3—2—1 限额以上批发和零售业企业商品购、销、存总额(按登记注册类型分) (64)
Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by
Status of Registration
3—2—2 限额以上批发和零售业企业商品购、销、存总额(按国民经济行业分) (68)
Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Sector
3—2—3 各地区限额以上批发和零售业企业商品购、销、存总额 (72)
Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail
Trades by Region
3—2—4 各地区限额以上批发业企业商品购、销、存总额 (73)
Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region
3—2—5 各地区限额以上批发业企业商品购、销、存总额(按登记注册类型分) (74)
Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wqaolesale Trades by Region
and Status of Registration
3—2—6 各地区限额以上批发业企业商品购、销、存总额(按国民经济行业分) (86)
Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region
and Sector
3—2—7 各地区限额以上零售业企业商品购、销、存总额 (107)
Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region
3—2—8 各地区限额以上零售业企业商品购、销、存总额(按登记注册类型分) f108)
Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region
and Status of Registration
3—2—9 各地区限额以上零售业企业商品购、销、存总额(按国民经济行业分) f1201
Total Purchases,Sales and Inventory of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region
and Sector
Sale Values of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Category
of Commodities
Sale Values of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Category
of Commodities and Region
3—3—1 限额以上批发和零售业企业年末资产负债811
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades
3—3—2 各地区限额以上批发和零售业企业年末资产负债901
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Region
3—3—3 各地区限额以上批发业企业年末资产负债191)
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region
3—3—4 各地区限额以上批发业企业年末资产负债(按登记注册类型分)921
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Status
of Registration
3—3—5 各地区限额以上批发业企业年末资产负债(按国民经济行业分)204)
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Sector
3—3—6 各地区限额以上零售业企业年末资产负债225、
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade bv Region
3—3—7 各地区限额以上零售业企业年末资产负债(按登记注册类型分)226、
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Status
of Registration
3—3—8 各地区限额以上零售业企业年末资产负债(按国民经济行业分)238)
Assets and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Sector
3—4—1 限额以上批发和零售业企业损益及分配259、
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades
3—4—2 各地区限额以上批发和零售业企业损益及分配274、
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale and Retail Trades by Region
3—4—3 各地区限额以上批发业企业损益及分配(276
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade bv Region
3—4—4 各地区限额以上批发业企业损益及分配(按登记注册类型分)278、
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Status
of Registration
3—4—5 各地区限额以上批发业企业损益及分配(按国民经济行业分)3021
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Sector
3—4—6 各地区限额以上零售业企业损益及分配344、
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade bv Region
3—4—7 各地区限额以上零售业企业损益及分配(按登记注册类型分)346
Income and distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Status
of Registration
3—4—8 各地区限额以上零售业企业损益及分配(按国民经济行业分)370)
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade bv Region and Seetor
3—4—9 限额以上批发和零售业企业工资福利及增值税 (412
Wages,Welfarism and VAT of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wbolesale and Retail Trades
3—4—10各地区限额以上批发业企业工资福利及增值税(按登记注册类型分) (416)
Wages,Welfarism and VAT of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Status
of Registration
3—4—1l各地区限额以上批发企业工资福利及增值税(按国民经济行业分) (422)
Wages,Welfarism and VAT of Enterprises above Designated Size of Wholesale Trade by Region and Sector
3—4—12各地区限额以上零售企业T资福利及增值税(按登记注册类型分) (433)
Wages,Welfarism and VAT of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Status
of Registration
3—4—13各地区限额以上零售企业工资福利及增值税(按国民经济行业分) (439)
Wages,Welfarism and VAT of Enterprises above Designated Size of Retail Trade by Region and Sector
3—5—1 按业态分连锁零售企业基本情况 (450)
Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Business Categories
3—5—2 按登记注册类型分连锁零售企业基本情况 (451)
Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Status of Registration
3—5—3 按行业分连锁零售企业基本情况 (453)
Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Sector
3—5—4 各地区连锁零售企业基本情况 (455)
Basic Conditions of Chain Retail Enterprises by Region
Hotels And Catering Services
4—1—1 按登记注册类型、国民经济行业分限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业基本情况 (459)
Basic Conditions of Hotels and Catering Services above Designated Size by Status of Registration and Sector
4—1—2 各地区限额以上住宿业企业基本情况(按登记注册类型分) (461)
Basic Conditions of Hotels above Designated Size by Region and Status of Registration
4—1—3 各地区限额以上住宿业企业基本情况(按国民经济行业分) (467)
Basic Conditions of Hotels above Designated Size by Region and Sector
4—1—4 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业基本情况(按登记注册类型分) (468)
Basic Conditions on Catering Services above Designated Size by Region and Status of Registration
4—1—5 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业基本情况(按国民经济行业分)(474)
Basic Conditions on Catering Services above Designated Size by Region and Sector
4—2—1 按登记注册类型、国民经济行业分限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业经营情况(476)
Business of Hotels and Catering Services above Designated Size by Status of Registration and Sector
4—2—2 各地区限额以上住宿业企业经营情况 (480)
Business of Hotels above Designated Size by Region
4—2—3 各地区限额以上住宿业企业经营隋况(按登记注册类型分) (481)
Business of Hotels above Designated Size by Region and Status of Registration
4—2—4 各地区限额以上住宿业企业经营情况(按国民经济行业分) (493)
Business of Hotels above Designated Size by Region and Sector
4—2—5 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业经营情况(496)
Business of Catering Services above Designated Size by Region
4—2—6 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业经营情况(按登记注册类型分) (497)
Business of Catering Services above Designated Size by Region and Status of Registration
4—2—7 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业经营情况(按国民经济行业分) (509)
Business of Catering Services above Designated Size by Region and Sector
4—3—1 按登记注册类型、国民经济行业分限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业年末资产负债 (513)
Balance Sheet of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services by Status
of Registration and Sector at the Year-end
4—3—2 各地区限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业年末资产负债 (518)
Balance Sheet of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services by Region at the Year—end
4—3—3 各地区限额以上住宿业企业年末资产负债 (519)
Balance Sheet of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region at the Year—end
4—3—4 各地区限额以上住宿业企业年末资产负债(按登记注册类型分) (520)
Balance Sheet of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Status of Registration
at t}le Year—end
4—3—5 各地区限额以上住宿业企业年末资产负债(按国民经济行业分) (532)
Balance Sheet of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Sector
4—3—6 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业年末资产负债 (535)
Balance Sheet of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region at the Year—end
4—3—7 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业年末资产负债(按登记注册类型分) (536)
Balance Sheet of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Status
of Registration at the Year—end
4—3—8 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业年末资产负债(按国民经济行业分)(548)
Balance Sheet of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Sector at
the Year.end
4—4—1 按登记注册类型、国民经济行业分限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业损益及分配(552)
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services by Status
of Registration and Sector
4—4—2 各地区限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业损益及分配 (560)
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services by Region
4—4—3 各地区限额以上住宿业企业损益及分配 (562)
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region
4—4—4 各地区限额以上住宿业企业损益及分配(按登记注册类型分) (564)
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Status of Registration
4—4—5 各地区限额以上住宿业企业损益及分配(按国民经济行业分) (588)
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Sector
4—4—6 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业损益及分配 (594)
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region
4—4—7 各地区限额以上餐饮业损益及分配(按登记注册类型分) (596)
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Status
of Registration
4—4—8 各地区限额以上餐饮业企业损益及分配(按国民经济行业分) (620)
Income and Distribution of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Sector
4—4—9 按登记注册类型、国民经济行业分限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业工资福利 (628)
Wage and Welfarism of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels and Catering Services by Status of
Registration and Sector
4—4—10各地区限额以上住宿业企业工资福利(按登记注册类型分) (630)
Wage and Welfarism of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Status of Registration
4—4—11各地区限额以上住宿业企业工资福利(按国民经济行业分) (636)
Wage and Welfarism of Enterprises above Designated Size of Hotels by Region and Sector
4—4—12各地区限额以上餐饮业企业工资福利(按登记注册类型分) (637)
Wage and Welfarism of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Status of Registration
4—4—13各地区限额以上餐饮业企业工资福利(按国民经济行业分) (643)
Wage and Welfarism of Enterprises above Designated Size of Catering Services by Region and Sector
4—5—1 按业态分连锁餐饮企业基本情况 (645)
Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Business Categories
4—5—2 按登记注册类型分连锁餐饮企业基本情况 (646)
Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Status of Registration
4—5—3 按行业分连锁餐饮企业基本情况 (648)
Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Sector
4—5—4 各地区连锁餐饮企业基本情况 (649)
Basic Conditions of Chain Catering Enterprises by Region
Balance Of Payments
5—1 国际收支概况 (653)
Brief Table of BOP of China
5—2 国际收支平衡表 (654)
Balance of Payments
5—3 外债概况 (656)
Notes of Chinag External Debt at the Year—end
5—4 外债来源 (657)
Source of Chinag External Debt
5—5 外债来源构成 (658)
Structure of Chinag External Debt
5—6 外债风险指标 (659)
Risk Indicators on Foreign Debts
5—7 人民币市场汇率(年平均汇价) (660)
Reference Exchange Rate of Renminbi(Period Average)
5—8 人民币市场汇率(年末价) (661)
Reference Exchange Rate of Renminbi(End of Period)
5—9 国家外汇储备和外债余额 (662)
Foreign Exchange Reserves and Outstanding External Debt
Foreign Trade
6—1 进出口额(按美元计算) (665)
Total ValHe of Imports and Exports By USD
6—2 进出口额(按人民币计算) (666)
Total Value of Imports and Exports by RMB
6—3 进出口额指数(按美元计算) (667)
Indices of Total Value of Imports and Exports by USD
6—4 进出口额增长速度(按美元计算) (668)
Growth Rates of Import and Export Value by USD
6—5 中国出口额占国内生产总值的比重 (669)
Chinag Export Proportion in GDP
6—6 中国出口额占世界出口总额的比重和位次 (670)
Chinag Export Share and Ranking in the Wodd
6—7 分贸易方式进出口总额 (671)
Imports and Exports by Customs Regime
6—8 一般贸易与加工贸易进出El额 (672)
Imports and Exports by Conventional Trade and Processing Trade
6—9 一般贸易与加工贸易进出口增长速度 (673)
Growth Rates of Imports and Exports by Conventional Trade and Processing Trade
6—10按国际贸易标准分类的进出口简表 (674)
Brief Table of Imports and Exports by SITC
6—11按国际贸易标准分类的进出口增长速度 (675)
Growth Rates of Imports and Exports by SITC
6—12按国际贸易标准分类的出口商品金额 (676)
Value of Exports by SITC
6—13按国际贸易标准分类的进口商品金额 (676)
Value of Imports by SITC
6—14按国际贸易标准分类的出口商品构成 (677)
Composition of Exports by SITC
6—15按国际贸易标准分类的进口商品构成 (677)
Composition of Imports by SITC
6—16出口商品分类章金额 (678)
Value of Exports by HS
6—17进口商品分类章金额 (683)
Value of Imports by HS
6—18一般贸易项下进出口商品分类章金额 (688)
Value of Imports and Exports in Ordinary by HS
6—19加工贸易项下进出口商品分类章金额 (693)
Value of Imports and Exports in Processing Trade by HS
6—20对香港地区进出口商品分类章金额 (698)
Value of Exports and Imports from Hongkong by HS
6—21对台湾地区进出口商品分类章金额 (703)
Value of Exports and Imports from Taiwan Province by HS
6—22对日本进出口商品分类章金额 (708)
Value of Exports and Imports from Japan by HS
Value of Exports to and Imports from EU by HS
6—24对美国进出口商品分类章金额 (718)
Value of Exports and Imports from United States by HS
6—25我国同各国(地区)海关进出口总额 (723)
Chinag Foreign Trade with Related Countries and Territories
6—26主要出口商品数量和金额 (728)
Major Export Commodities in Quantity and Value
6—27主要进口商品数量和金额 (732)
Major Import Commodities in Quantity and Value
6—28各地区进出口总额(按境内目的地、货源地分) (734)
Import and Export Value by Re,on in Border According to Destination or Source of Goods
6—29各地区进出口总额(按经营单位所在地分) (735)
Import and Export Value by Location of Importers and Exporters
6—30外商投资企业出口额 (736)
Exports of Foreign—funded Enterprises
6—31外商投资企业进口额 (737)
Imports of Foreign—funded Enterprises
6—32各地外商投资企业进出口额 (738)
Exports and Imports of Foreign—funded Enterprises by Region in Border
6—33各地中外合资企业进出口额 (739)
Exports and Imports of Equity Joint Ventures by Region in Border
6—34各地中外合作企业进出口额 (740)
Exports and Imports of Contractual Joint Ventures by Region in Border
6—35各地外商独资企业进出口额 (741)
Exports and Imports of Wholly Foreign—owned Enterprises by Region in Border
6—36经济特区中外合资企业进出口额 (742)
Exports and Imports of Equity Joint Ventures in Special Economic Zone
6—37经济特区中外合作企业进出口额 (742)
Exports and Imports of Contractual Joint Ventures in Special Economic Zone
6—38经济特区外商独资企业进出口额 (742)
Exports and Imports of Wholly Foreign—owned Enterprises in Special Economic Zone
Foreign Capital
7—1 利用外资合同金额 (745)
Contractual Amount of Foreign Capital
7—2 实际利用外资额 (746)
Amount of Foreign Capital Used
7—3 分方式外商投资 (747)
Foreign Direct and Other Investment by Form
7—4 外商直接投资行业分布(2008) (748)
Foreign Direct Investment by Sector
7—5 分国别(地区)外商实际投资金额 (749)
Utilization of Foreign Direct and Other Investment by Country or Region
7—6 历年外商投资企业登记概况 (753)
Status of Registered Enterprises with Foreign Capital
7—7 各地年末登记的外商投资企业数 (754)
Registered Enterprise with Foreign Capital by Region or Department at the Year—end
7—8 年末登记外商投资企业行业分布情况 (755)
Registered Foreign——funded Enterprises by Sector at the Year·-end
7—9 分国别(地区)外商投资企业年末登记数 (756)
Registered Enterprises with Foreign Capital by Country or Region at the Year—end
Investment of Registered Enterprises with Foreign Capital by Country or Region at the Year—end
Investment of Registered Enterprises with Foreign Capital by Region or Department at the Year—end
7一12分国别(地区)外商投资企业年末注册资本 (765)
Registered Capital of Foreign—-funded Enterprise by Country or Region at the Year-—end
7—13各地外商投资企业年末注册资本 (769)
Registered Capital of Foreign——funded Enterprise by Region or Department at the Year--end
7—14分国别(地区)外商投资企业年末外方注册资本 (770)
Registered Foreign Capital of Foreign—funded Enterprise by Country or Region at the Year--end
7一15各地外商投资企业年末外方注册资本 (774)
Registered Foreign Capital of Foreign——funded Enterprise by Region or Department at the Year-·end
International Cooperation
8一I 对外经济合作概况 (777)
Foreign Economic Cooperation
8—2 对外承包工程概况 (778)
Foreign Engineering Projects
8—3 对外劳务合作概况 (779)
Foreign Labour Services
8—4 对外设计咨询概况 (780)
Foreign Design Consultation Services
8—5 分国别(地区)对外承包工程合同数额 (781)
Contracts Signed for Foreign Engineering Projects by Country or Region
8—6 分国别(地区)对外劳务合作合同数额 (785)
Contracts Signed for Foreign Labour Services by Country or Region
8—7 分国别(地区)对外设计咨询合同数额 (788)
Contracts Signed for Foreign Design and Consulting by Country or Region
8—8 分国别(地区)对外承包工程营业额 (791)
Turnover of Foreign Engineering Projects by Country or Region
8—9 分国别(地区)对外劳务合作营业额 (795)
Turnover of Foreign Labour Services by Country or Region
8—10分国别(地区)对外设计咨询营业额 (799)
Turnover of Foreign Design and Consulting by Country or Region
8—11分国别(地区)年末在境外从事承包工程人员 (802)
Personnel Abroad for Engineering Projects Classified by Country or Region at the Year。end
8—12分国别(地区)年末在境外从事劳务合作人员 (806)
PeIsonnel Abroad for Labour Services Classified by Country or Region at the Year—end
8—13分国别(地区)年末在境外从事设计咨询人员 (810)
Personnel Abroad for Design and Consttlting Classified by Country or Region at the Year—end
8—14各地签订对外承包工程合同数额 (812)
Contracts Signed for Foreign Engineering Projects by Region
8—15各地签订对外劳务合作合同数额 (813)
Contracts Signed for Foreign Labour Services by Region
Contracts Signed for Foreign Design and Consuhing by Region
8—17各地对外承包工程营业额 (815)
Turnover of Foreign Engineering Projeets by Region
8—18各地对外劳务合作营业额 (816)
Turnover of Foreign Labour Services by Region
8一t9各地对外设计咨询营业额 (817)
Tumover of Foreign Design and Consulting by Region
8—20各地年末在境外从事承包工程人数 (818)
Personnel Abroad for Foreign Engineering Projeets Classified by Region At the Year—end
8—21各地年末在境外从事劳务合作人数 (819)
Personnel Abroad for Foreign Labour Services Classified by Region At the Year—end
8—22各地年末在境外从事设计咨询人数 (820)
Personnel Abroad for Foreign Design and Consuhing Classified by Region At the Year—end
9—1 历年入境旅游人数 (823)
Visitor Arrivals
9—2 历年入境旅游人数增长速度 (824)
9—3 历年国际旅游(外汇)收入和过夜旅游者人数情况 (825)
International Tourism Receipts and Tourist Arrivals
9—4 入境外国旅游者分组构成 (826)
Foreign Visitor Arrivals by Sex,Age,Purpose and Mode of Transport
9—5 按国籍分入境外国旅游者人数 (827)
Foreign Visitor Arrivals by Nationality
9—6 国际旅游外汇收入构成 (832)
Breakdown of International Tourism Receipts
9—7 各地国际旅游(外汇)收入 (833)
International Tourism Receipts by Locality
9—8 各地接待入境旅游者情况 (834)
International Tourists by Region
9—9 分地区入境旅游者人均天花费额 (835)
Average Daily Per Capita Expenditure of International Tourists by Region
9—10主要城市接待入境旅游者情况 (837)
International Tourists to Major Cities
9—11历年国内旅游情况 (839)
Major Statistics of Domestic Tourism
10—1全国前500家批发业企业主要经济指标 (843)
Main Economic Indicators of Wholesale Companies of Top 500
10—2全国前500家零售业企业主要经济指标 (853)
Main Economic Indicators of Retail Companies of Top 500
10—3全国前100家住宿业企业主要经济指标 (863)
Main Economic Indicators of Hotels of Top 100
10—4全国前100家餐饮业企业主要经济指标 (865)
Main Economic Indicators of Enterprises of Catering Services of Top 100
10—5全国前100家商品交易市场 (867)
Commodity Exchange Markets of Top 1000
10—6销售额10亿元以上连锁零售企业 (868)
Chain Retail Enterprises of Sales Value above 1 Billion Yuan
10—7营业额亿元以上连锁餐饮企业 (875)
Chain Catering Enterprises of Revenue above 100 Million Yuan
附录I 简要说明和主要统计指标解释 (877)
APPENDIX I Brief Introduction and Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
附录Ⅱ 英文缩略语及符号 (888)
APPENDIX 1I Abbreviations and Symbols in English

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