中国古典文学趣谈:诗:Shi poem

中国古典文学趣谈:诗:Shi poem

1星价 ¥32.9 (5.5折)
2星价¥32.9 定价¥59.8
  • ISBN:9787508517469
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:148
  • 出版时间:2010-01-01
  • 条形码:9787508517469 ; 978-7-5085-1746-9


classical poems are an integral part ofchinese culture. the poems have beenmemorized, savoured and handed downfrom one generation to the next. famouslines are quoted frequently in both daily lifeconversations and official speeches.
  shi and ci, though both classical chinesepoems, are different in many ways. thinvolnmo fon ci. some of the mostwel-known ci poems, mostly from the songdynasty (960-1279), are psented in thisbook.
the unique bilingual format captures thecadence and the spirit of each poem. thehanyu pinyin to all chinese charactersmakes it possible for people who cannotread chinese language can also appreciatethe poems. the author explains the poemsin such a way that you will find readingclassical chinese poems can be easy andfun. enjoy the book!


1. introduction
2. dui lian : the art of the couplet
3. the rules for composing hi
4. translating a chinese poem
5. why yue fei musi die
6. the lost tone
7. du fu : the man and his times
8. the narrative poems of du fu
9. du fu : a mixed bag of poems
10. the mood poems of du fu
11. du fu as a friend ofei bai
12. a teacher who was also an actbr
13. the obscure poems of li shangy!n
14. "the richly decorated se"
15. li shangyin's glorious sunse

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