

1星价 ¥23.4 (7.3折)
2星价¥23.4 定价¥32.0
  • ISBN:9787550406476
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:大32开
  • 页数:314
  • 出版时间:2012-08-01
  • 条形码:9787550406476 ; 978-7-5504-0647-6




chapter 1  introduction
1.1  a discoual turn of metaphor research
1.2  metaphor and discoue coherence
1.3  aims of the present study
1.4  an overview of the book
chapter 2  metaphor in discoue analysis
2.1  introduction
2.2  aspects of discoue functio of metaphor
2.3  metaphor in discoue compreheion
2.3.1  metaphor in comprehending literary discoue
2.3.2  metaphor in comprehending educational discoue
2.3.3  metaphor in comprehending scientific discoue
2.3.4  metaphor in critical discoue analysis
2.4  metaphor in discoue cotruction
2.4.1  metaphor and global cotruction of discoue
2.4.2  metaphor and local cotruction of discoue
2.5  summary
chapter 3  towards a metaphor theoretical approach to thestudy of discoue coherence
3.1  introduction
3.2  three approaches to coherence research: an overview
3.2.1  semantic approach to discoue coherence
3.2.2  pragmatic approach to discoue coherence
3.2.3  cognitive approach to discoue coherence
3.3  an integrative study of discoue coherence
3.4  exploring levels of metapho in discoue
3.4.1  cameron's applied linguistic approach
3.4.2  steen's metaphor checklist
3.4.3  charteris  black's discoue model of metaphor
3.4.4  a proposed model on levels of metapho in discoue
3.5  towards a metaphor theoretical framework fordiscoue
coherence research
3.5.1  cognitive  level metaphor in discouecoherence
3.5.2  pragmatic  level metaphor in discouecoherence
3.5.3  semantic  level metaphor in discouecoherence
3.6  summary
chapter 4  semantic level metaphor in discouecoherence
4.1  introduction
4.2  metaphor configuration in discoue
4.2.1  metaphor sequencing
4.2.2  metaphor merging
4.3  metaphor connection in discoue
4.3.1  metaphoric reference
4.3.2  metaphoric conjunction
4.3.3  metaphoric lexical cohesion
4.4  discoue context and the interpretation of sm indiscoue
4.4.1  pre  text
4.4.2  posttext
4.4.3  discoue context and metaphoric chunk
4.4.4  other effects of discoue context
4.5  summary
chapter 5  pragmatic level metaphor in discouecoherence
5.1  introduction/145
5.2  metaphor recognition in discoue: a speech actapproach
5.1  a metaphoric speech act model for discoue coherence
5.2.2  metaphor awareness
5.2.3  metaphor inference
5.3  metaphor negotiation in discoue: a conveationalanalysis
5.3.1  local structure of metaphoric conveation
5.3.2  global structure of metaphoric conveation
5.4  situational context and the interpretation of pm indiscoue
5.4.1  field
5.4.2  tenor
5.4.3  mode
5.5  summary
chapter 6  cognitive level metaphor in discouecoherence
6.1  introduction
6.2  metaphoric mapping in discoue
6.2.1  types of mapping and their realization in discoue
6.2.2  manne of mapping and their realization in discoue
6.3  metaphoric blending in discoue
6.3.1  composition
6.3.2  completion
6.3.3  elaboration
6.4  cognitive context and the interpretation of cm indiscoue
6.4.1  encyclopedic knowledge
6.4.2  socio cultural pattern
6.5  summary
chapter 7  conclusion
7.1  major findings of the present research
7.2  major implicatio
7.2.1  theoretical implicatio
7.2.2  pedagogical implicatio
7.3  limitatio and directio for future studies



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