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  • ISBN:9787561177402
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:160
  • 出版时间:2013-03-01
  • 条形码:9787561177402 ; 978-7-5611-7740-2


  本书适合英语专业低年级学生;听写基础不太扎实的专4(tem-4)考生;因词汇量不够而影响听写的考生。   作者从事英语专业基础教学与研究,一开始所带的教学班参加四级考试超过全国院校平均通过率28.2个百分点,超过全国专业外语院校平均通过率12.5个百分点开始,所带的教学班在全国英语专业四级统考中通过率始终100%,平均成绩、优秀率在学校众多平行班中名列前茅。此后所带的教学班参加四级统考,又考出了很好的成绩,通过率超过全国院校平均水平26.8个百分点,超过全国专业外语院校13.6个百分点,而且在十几个平行班中平均成绩是*高的,优秀人数也是*多的。听写一项满分15分,所带班级平均成绩达到了14分。   是不是学生基础很好?入学成绩统计表明,所带班级和平行班相比并不存在优势。教学经验表明,听写成功的关键是训练方法和训练材料。   所以,大家来看看本书吧,定不会让备考学生失望。


  《英语专业四级听写200篇》是给英语专业四级考生备考复习听写项目的专项训练。全书结构清晰,板块明了。分为三大部分,**部分是简单的训练技巧和指导,第二部分是基础训练100篇听写练习,第三部分是提高训练100篇听写练习。   全书完全模仿真正考试场景4遍录音,并且英音和美音两种录音,以帮助考生适应不同口音的材料训练。基础篇的预付按照考试要求120词/分钟,提高篇的语速则高于考试要求150词/分钟;而且停顿间隔12秒,也比正常考试缩短3秒。同时录音的停顿也以整句停顿为主。相信大家平时的训练都比正常考试的标准放高一点,那么到考试的时候,考试的难度就不再是难点了,居高临下,胸有成竹备战四级考试。


第1部分   听写训练指导

第2部分   基础训练100篇
passage 1  professor bumble8
passage 2   teamwork8
passage 3  mistakes are good teachers9
passage 4  time has the power to change attitude10
passage 5  experiences speak11
passage 6  representatives of civilization: pottery11
passage 7  words can make a difference12
passage 8  fairy tales13
passage 9  self-image13
passage 10  shopaholics14
passage 11  time management15
passage 12  charity shops16
passage 13  passive learning16
passage 14  different “styles” of directions17
passage 15  rain forests18
passage 16  juana lopez’s invention18
passage 17  rising sea level19
passage 18  what is a father?20
passage 19  little boy’s big idea21
passage 20  cultural differences21
passage 21  stress22
passage 22  love is a telephone23
passage 23  jealousy24
passage 24  differences between television and radioannouncers25
passage 25  the african elephant25
passage 26  operations on the brain26
passage 27  depression27
passage 28  white noise28
passage 29  cell phones28
passage 30  facing the enemies within29
passage 31  the tower of london30
passage 32  can’t30
passage 33  the first music road in the u.s.31
passage 34  easter32
passage 35  sleepwalking32
passage 36  why are some people lefthanded?33
passage 37  summon up courage33
passage 38  a burden you don’t deserve34
passage 39  culture35
passage 40  benjamin franklin36
passage 41  light pollution37
passage 42  monkeys that eat less live longer37
passage 43  dangerous leadbased paint common around theworld38
passage 44  expressions that are old and true39
passage 45  death valley: a beautiful but dangerousplace40
passage 46  death valley: the coming of the name40
passage 47  an old saying41
passage 48  study finds more trees on farms than wasthought42
passage 49  going digital: california’s textbookproject42
passage 50  american and british english43
passage 51  town and country life in england44
passage 52  a change in women’s life45
passage 53  a popular pastime of the english people46
passage 54  british and american police officers46
passage 55  living space47
passage 56  the united nations48
passage 57  plastic49
passage 58  display of goods49
passage 59  albert einstein50
passage 60  private cars51
passage 61  a henpecked husband and his wife52
passage 62  a young man’s promise52
passage 63  a kind neighbor53
passage 64  that isn’t our fault54
passage 65  a guide’s answer55
passage 66  a qualified pilot56
passage 67  living things react57
passage 68  flowering plants58
passage 69  finding the direction and location59
passage 70  waves59
passage 71  soils60
passage 72  crisis61
passage 73  america’s worst surprise62
passage 74  great depression in the u.s.63
passage 75  a place of our own64
passage 76  travel for work64
passage 77  intelligence65
passage 78  a free dress every week66
passage 79  time67
passage 80  cartoonists68
passage 81  water pollution69
passage 82  making a complaint70
passage 83  where do the british live71
passage 84  will computers replace human beings?72
passage 85  soccer73
passage 86  artists74
passage 87  professional sports in the u.s.75
passage 88&nbs



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