- ISBN:9787544635240
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:32开
- 页数:499
- 出版时间:2014-03-01
- 条形码:9787544635240 ; 978-7-5446-3524-0
《英语中级口译证书考试:中级阅读教程(第四版)/上海外语口译证书培训与考试系列丛书》编写的主要特点: 1)紧扣《上海市英语中级口译证书考试大纲》,实用性、针对性强。 2)围绕每一单元的主题,配置相应的英语词汇等方面的练习。 3)围绕每一单元的主题,配置相应的英语写作等方面的练习。 4)提供有关英语阅读技能的系列讲座。 5)附参考答案。 6)本书由上海市英语口译证书专家组审定。 《中级阅读教程》共分为十六单元,可供一学期教学使用。考虑到每周教学为三课时,每一单元可分为readinga,readingb和readingc,每一单元均配置围绕该单元主题的useofenglish,每一个单元向读者提供有关英语写作的练习及有关英语阅读技能的系列讲座。《阅读教程》入选的文章内容广泛,涉及people;food;house;shopping;transport;environmentalprotection;thenaturalworld;weatherandclimate;administration;themedia;crime;scienceandtechnology;entertainment;economy;health;education等。
为适应时代要求,帮助考生更好地准备和顺利通过上海市英语中级口译资格证书考试,上海外语教育出版社推出“英语中级口译资格证书考试”系列教程第四版。修订后的教材进一步拓展了教材范围,更加注重内容的新颖性和应用性。同时,该套教材适应社会需求,强调理论与实践的有机融合。这套教材的2014年修订版具有很强的针对性和实用性,不仅对希望通过参加培训、考试获得“上海英语中级口译证书”的读者十分有用,对于提高英语学习者的口译水平、综合能力和整体素质等也大有裨益。 ★ 英语中级口译资格证书考试指定用书:*权威、使用*广泛;★ 著名高校专门从事口译教学的专家学者联袂编写:包含口译、翻译、听力、口语、阅读五门课程;★ 为越来越多的高校和学生所青睐的高级英语课程教材:前三版发行总印数超过250万册;★ 第四版大幅度修订,精益求精:大量更新内容,充实热点话题,拓展选材范围,注重选材时效。 《中级阅读教程》第四版紧扣《上海市英语中级口译证书考试大纲》,实用性、针对性强;共分为十六单元,围绕每一单元的主题配置了相应的英语词汇与写作等方面的练习;提供有关英语阅读技能的系列讲座。
reading a the wisdom of queens
reading b steve jobs (1955-20,11)
reading c how to keep your marriage happy
use of english
topics for discussion and writing. alfred nobel. a man of peace
阅读技能系列讲座(1): what is reading comprehension?
unit two food
reading a the new food fight
reading b the pleasures of eating
reading c food preservation
use of english
topics for discussion and writing: a healthy diet for everyone
阅读技能系列讲座(2): classroom procedures
unit three house
reading a building a house
reading b a roof over our heads
reading c living alone
use of english
topics for discussion and writing: 5 biggest home repair rip-offs
阅读技能系列讲座(3): surveying the chapter or article
unit four shopping
reading a an english christmas
reading b cents and sensibility
reading c six insurance policies
use of english
topics for discussion and writing: new ways to make a bundle
阅读技能系列讲座(4): what are some of the organization patterns
that authors use?
unit five transport
reading a just plane dangerous?
reading b we lost the cabin
reading c transportation
use of english
topics for discussion and writing: motoring offences
阅读技能系列讲座(5): how do authors connect sentences and
relate ideas?
unit six environmental protection
reading a droughtbusters
reading b disappearing lakes
reading c the changing face of the arctic
use of english
topics for discussion and writing. ancient artifacts and ancient
阅读技能系列讲座(6): what you need to do to make inferences
unit seven the natural world
reading a call of the wild
reading b the whale
reading c wild at heart
use of english
topics for discussion and writing: mars: our neighbor in space
阅读技能系列讲座(7): what you need to do to make references
unit eiaht weather and climate
reading a air and wind
reading b what makes the weather
reading c a climate cure's dark side
use of english
topics for discussion and writing: saving lives with weather
阅读技能系列讲座(8): what you need to do to discover persuasive
purpose, controversy, and point of view
unit nine administration
reading a the british prime minister
reading b the federal system of government
reading c the art of problem solving
use of english
topics for discussion and writing. maps= the keys to our world
阅读技能系列讲座(9): what you need to do to analyze and evaluate
the persuasive techniques and methods of reasoning
unit ten the media
reading a reuter
reading b informing the world
reading c ghosts on the telly
use of english
topics for discussion and writing. lessons from billy graham
阅读技能系列讲座(lo): what you need to do to improve predicting,
previewing and anticipation (1)
unit eleven crime
reading a london's streets of rage
reading b an accident or a crime?
reading c cyber thieves!
use of english
topics for discussion and writing. solving crimes with modern
阅读技能系列讲座(11): what you need to do to improve predicting,
previewing and anticipation (2)
unit twelve science and technology
reading a american icon
reading b digital divide
reading c safeguarding your secrets online
use of english
topics for discussion and writing= the world expo
阅读技能系列讲座(12): what you need to do to improve skimming
and scanning
unit thirteen entertainment
reading a &nbs
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