成功职场英语:学生用书:Student book

成功职场英语:学生用书:Student book

1星价 ¥13.8 (6.0折)
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  • ISBN:9787544630078
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:28cm
  • 页数:145
  • 出版时间:2013-01-01
  • 条形码:9787544630078 ; 978-7-5446-3007-8




为全面贯彻教育部关于《大学英语课程教学要求》的精神,充分满足当前大学英语教学的实际需求,外教社策划出版了“大学英语拓展课程系列”,该系列包括: 学术英语类(EAP):侧重培养高级英语技能,为大学生进一步学习深造打下更为扎实的英语语言、文化基础。 专业英语类(ESP):侧重提升专业英语能力,以使大学生轻松通过英语获取本专业知识和信息。 职场英语类(EOP):侧重提升职场英语能力,为大学生将来在工作中用英语进行交际打下扎实的基础。 《成功职场英语》旨在培养大学生的职场英语交际能力,适合所有专业学生使用。 选材均为职场中核心的话题,包括:寻找工作、更换住所、职场技能、职场用语等。 以真实的职场话题为主线,巧妙结合专业知识和职场交际技巧;有别于仅注重阅读和专业词汇的传统专业英语教材,注重培养与各专业方向相关的、实用的职场英语交际能力。 由5单元组成,每单元6课,各单元围绕一个主题展开,方便课堂教学。 每个单元后有一个Team Project,旨在培养学生的团队合作精神。 训练形式多样化,旨在培养职场环境中的英语听、说、读、写技能。 书后为每个单元配备了附加活动、阅读材料、写作材料、复习题和单元测试,丰富了学习内容。此外,还提供了语法要点、专业词汇表,方便学生查阅。 配有教师用书和mp3录音下载。


to the student
 unit 1 praparing for challenges
 lesson 1 the reason i'm applying is…
 lesson 2 just applying for the m.a. is hard
 lesson 3 if tuition weren't so expensive…
 lesson 4 there are other options…
 lesson 5 internet changes distance education
 lesson 6 being evaluated is rough
 team project 1
unit 2 getting the job
 lesson 1 i'd like to work here because…
 lesson 2 dear hiring manager
 lesson 3 this resume is impressive
 lesson 4 writing your resume
 lesson 5 if i were you, i would wear…
 lesson 6 interviews make me nervous
 team project 2
unit 3 relocating for work
 lesson 1 life is less formal here
 lesson 2 time to choose a roommate
 lesson 3 there's so much to consider
 lesson 4 dealing with the landlord
 lesson 5 abbreviations drive me crazy
 lesson 6 there are cockroaches everywhere
 team project 3
unit 4 doing the job
 lesson 1 let's find the problem
 lesson 2 we need to set goals
 lesson 3 what's the action plan
 lesson 4 it's time for a decision
 lesson 5 we need time management training
 lesson 6 who's the new marketing manager
 team project 4
unit 5 solving problems
 lesson 1 where's the shipment
 lesson 2 when do we get our stuff
 lesson 3 let's call a meeting
 lesson 4 as you can see on the diagram…
 lesson 5 thanks for coming to the meeting
 lesson 6 it's time to move on
 team project 5
unit reviews
additional activities
reading resources
writing resources
unit tests
grammar resource


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