

1星价 ¥17.5 (7.0折)
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  • ISBN:9787310046522
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:281
  • 出版时间:2014-11-01
  • 条形码:9787310046522 ; 978-7-310-04652-2




Part Ⅰ: Reading Asian American Literature in New Frames
1. Toward a Bifocal View of Chinese American Literature
2. Commentary on Transnational Asian American Studies

Part Ⅱ: Beyond Borders of Nation and Race
3. Asian American Realism and the Literature of Globalization: The Local and the Global in Jhumpa Lahiri and Yiyun Li
4. Where Is Gary Locke in Chinese American Literature? Critiquing Chinese American Literary Transnationalism
5. Amitav Ghosh's Sea of Poppies: Individual Identity and the Imagined Nation
6. Debt, the Shifting Grammar of Life, and Manjula Padmanabhan's Harvest
7. "The Jammed": Representational Politics and Racialized Narratives of the Trafficked Asian Diaspora
8. Re-presenting the Global Filipino: The Story and Songs of Apl de Ap
9. Orientalism, Genre, and Transnational Korean/American

Part Ⅲ: Memories of War/Wars of Memory
10. On the Edges of Consciousness: Figuring Time in Joy Kogawa's Obasan
11. Border-Crossing in the World Republic of Letters: South Korean and Korean American Rearguard Fictions of the Korean War
12. Writing in the Dark: Memory, Memoirs and Re-Membering After Genocide

Part Ⅳ: Ideas of Home and Family
13. Memories Without Borders, Borders Without Memories
14. A Foreigner at Home: The Politics of Home in Francie Lin's The Foreigner
15. Family: The Site of Repression, Resistance, Empowerment, and Formation of Female Subjecthood
16. Transgenerational Trauma in Fae Myenne Ng's Bone
Notes on Contributors



  Many young Asian American literary and cultural studies scholars have been moving away from privileging the struggles of U.S. racial minorities for national belonging to a critique of war and empire, from the war against indigenous American Indians to the conquest of Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Hawaii, Guam, and the Philippines at the turn of the last century, to the imperialist wars in East, Southeast, and West Asia right up to today. They are interested in how concepts like transnationalism and diaspora might decenter the nation and emphasize trans-Pacific, trans Atlantic, and trans-hemispheric frames of analysis and collectively arrived at visions for knowledge production and socialjustice.  At this moment, we are all facing a moment of danger. Advances in communication technology and the increasing global mobility of people and ideas during the past two and a half decades have brought Asia and Asian America closer than ever in some ways. But at the same time, advocates of the commercialization of higher education have come to occupy positions of influence in U.S. universities, which have witnessed an ongoing process reorganization around business principles, such as requirements for financial self-sufficiency, new managerial and accounting regimes, collaborations with industry, recruitment of international students to increase revenue, the likening of students to consumers of services offered by faculty and other entrepreneurial behaviors. While it is still true that American universities are still circumscribed by the national, there is growing global conformity to the legal, econonuc, and cunicular imperatives of the worldwide tendency to commercialize higher education. We are all increasingly forced to produce knowledge as a commodity in the service of the nation-state while experiencing a neoliberal restructuring that is at base the Americanization of knowledge production.  So in universities across Asia as well, managing and attending universities are evolving into matters of investment and yield. With the globalization of mental labor and the institutional standardization of global academic rankings has come the obsessive pursuit of "global standards" that are in actuality the implementation of an American model haunted by colonial dynamics in which language politics are cultural colonialism par excellence, with Asian scholars obliged to use citation indexes in English language publications in a global academic publishing system that reinforces the hegemony of theoretical paradigms that dominate Anglophone scholarship. Unbelievably, to be credible on the world stage and to have their work circulated, scholars of Korean studies must conduct research and publish their writing in English.  If we call into question as a territorialization of East Asian Studies by U,S,-centered global capital and military political systems, we may see that the U.S. cannot be separated from but is rather integral to all that happens in Asia. Indeed, just as white people were not used to seeing themselves as raced and men used to think only women are gendered, the U.S- is no less an area to study than any other.  ……


  刘葵兰,北京外国语大学英语学院教授。研究方向:美国文学、亚/华裔美国文学;著有《变换的边界:亚裔美国作家和批评家访谈录》等。    金惠经,加州大学伯克利分校族裔研究教授、韩裔美国学者,著有《亚裔美国文学:作品及背景介绍》等。

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