

1星价 ¥26.4 (5.5折)
2星价¥26.4 定价¥48.0
  • ISBN:9787511617873
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:129
  • 出版时间:2014-09-01
  • 条形码:9787511617873 ; 978-7-5116-1787-3


研究霉菌毒素的脱毒方法尤为重要。在众多的降解方法中,生物降解法较好,因此,研究霉菌毒素、特别是黄曲霉毒素的生物降解方法特别有必要。作者联合加拿大、日本等相关专家,联合做了益生菌酵解物对饲料霉菌毒素降解作用的研究、乳酸菌对寄生曲霉生长的抑制及其毒素降解的研究, 研发出了微生物及其酵解的天然抗霉菌毒素饲料添加剂产品,并对其使用效果进行了评估试验。


研究霉菌毒素的脱毒方法尤为重要。在众多的降解方法中,生物降解法较好,因此,研究霉菌毒素、特别是黄曲霉毒素的生物降解方法特别有必要。作者联合加拿大、日本等相关专家,联合做了益生菌酵解物对饲料霉菌毒素降解作用的研究、乳酸菌对寄生曲霉生长的抑制及其毒素降解的研究, 研发出了微生物及其酵解的天然抗霉菌毒素饲料添加剂产品,并对其使用效果进行了评估试验。


1.1 mycotoxin research progress
1.1.1 types of mycotoxins
1.1.2 the hazards of mycotoxins on livestock
1.2 the impact of mycotoxins on pigs
1.2.1 the impact of aflatoxins on pigs
1.2.2 the impact of zearalenone on pigs
1.2.3 the impact of don on pigs
1.2.4 the impact of t—2 toxin on pigs
1.2.5 the impact of ochratoxin on pigs
1.2.6 the impact of furmnisin on pigs
1.3 mycotoxin contamination in feed
1.3.1 the type of mycotox/n and the effect in feed
1.3.2 the limits of mycotoxins in the feed
1.3.3 reasons for mycotoxin contamination in feed
1.4 feed mycotoxin detoxification method
1.4.1 physical detoxification
1.4.2 chemical detoxification
1.4.3 enzyme detoxificaiton
1.4.4 biological detoxification
1.5 purpose and significance and experiment plan of the research
1.5.1 purose and significance of the research
1.5.2 experirrent plan of the research
2 material and method
2.1 material
2.1.1 swains
2.1.2 the main chemical agent and biologic agent
2.1.3 medium preparation
2.1. 4 the main equipment
2.1.5 the main experimental animal
2.2 the main experimental content and methods
2.2.1 screening of pmbiotics fermentation conditions and quality evaluation
2.2.2 the inhibitory effect of pmbiotics on the growth of aspergillus parasiticus and its influencing factors
2.2.3 the inhibitlon effects of anti—mycotoxin plants on aspergillus
2.2.4 method and technology of probiotics on zyrnolysis anti—mycotoxin
2.2.5 probiotics zyrnolite detection and feeding effects experiment
2.2.6 probiotics zymolite effect on glycolysis of mycotoxin in finisher feed
2.2.7 probiotics zymolite effect on glycolysis of mycotoxin in sow feed
2.2.8 establish addition of pmbiotics zymalite in regular feed and feeding effects
2.3 data processing
3 results and analysis
4 discussion
5 conclusion
6 innovation
appendix i market hog vaccination program
appendix ii sow vaccination program


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