中国式抗癌:中医治疗肿瘤成功案例:successful cases of nontoxic treatment

包邮中国式抗癌:中医治疗肿瘤成功案例:successful cases of nontoxic treatment

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  • ISBN:9787510445958
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:458
  • 出版时间:2014-09-01
  • 条形码:9787510445958 ; 978-7-5104-4595-8


本书作者总结了一百个由中医治愈的癌症病例,对每个病案都作了评估和分析,对所用药、方作了注释;介绍了160个疗效确实的抗癌药方和抗各种癌的常用中药,无毒的抗癌药组和无毒的抗癌中药,抗癌防癌的营养素和食物疗法,以及作者的抗癌心得和理念。   this book was written by dr. xie wenwei, a chinese physician with 30 years of clinical experience. dr. xie was motivated to seek new ways to cure cancer by using chinese medical therapy when his only son died from cancer several years ago. he has achieved considerable success in this field.   dr. xie lists in this book 100 successful cases. along with each case, dr. xie makes a penetrating analysis and provides comments on the administered herbs and formulae. simultaneously, he illustrates the mechanism of traditional chinese medicine in curing cancer, a concept which may still seem to be mysterious to many westerners.   this book provides 160 effective anticancer prescriptions and various commonly used traditional chinese medicine techniques for fighting cancer, plus nutrients and food-therapy recipes for cancer resistance and cancer prevention. it also serves as an indispensable reference for people who are engaged in research on cancer treatments, those who are suffering from cancer and those close to the victims.  


1 、100个无毒抗癌成功案例,160个疗效确实的抗癌药方和抗各种癌的常用中药,无毒的抗癌药组和无毒的抗癌中药,抗癌防癌的营养素和食物疗法,以及作者的抗癌心得和理念。   100 successful cases, 160 effective anticancer prescriptions and various commonly used traditional chinese medicine techniques for fighting cancer, plus nutrients and food-therapy recipes for cancer resistance and cancer prevention.   2、*新无毒抗癌治疗模式:   中药+食疗+超声热疗+癌基因封闭+高旋磁疗   the latest nontoxic anticancer ways:   tcm + anticancer diet + hifu + closed hif-1 gene + hs magnetic therapy  


Part 1 Case ExamplesNasopharyngeal CarcinomaPulmonary CarcinomaEsophageal CarcinomaCarcinoma of StomachHepatic CarcinomaPancreatic CancerIntestinal CancerMammary CancerOophoromaOophoritic CystCarcinoma of UterusChorioepitheliomaHysteromyomaCarcinoma of Urinary BladderOrchioncusThyroid CancerThyromaCerebromaOsteomaLeukemiaHodgkin's DiseaseLymphomaLymphangiomaPheochromocytoma of AdrenalSkin CarcinomaTongue CarcinomaCarcinoma of TonsilSoft Palate TumorMaxillofacial TumorLip CancerLaryngocarcinomaMultiple PimelomaAngiomaPart 2 Anticancer FormulaeFive Formulae for Skin CarcinomaThree Formulae for Nasopharyngeal CarcinomaEight Formulae for Pulmonary CancerSeven Formulae for Esophageal CarcinomaEleven Formulae for Carcinoma of StomachEleven Formulae for Hepatic CarcinomaSeven Formulae for Pancreatic CancerFour Formulae for Intestinal CancerThirteen Formulae for Mammary CancerTwelve Formulae for Carcinoma of CervixTwo Formulae for OophoromaSix Formulae for ChorioepitheliomaFour Formulae for Renal CarcinomaFive Formulae for Carcinoma of Urinary BladderTwo Formulae for Prostatic Carcinoma…… Part 3 A List of Anticancer Medicinal Herbs for Clinical Application392Part 4 On Complementary Treatment of Cancer by Western and Traditional Chinese MedicinesPostscriptAppendix 1 My View on the Struggle Against CancerAppendix 2 Conquering the Hardness with Gentleness


谢文纬生于1949年,1969年赴内蒙古建设兵团下乡,其间作过兽医7年。1977年恢复高考,进入北京中医药大学中医系学习,毕业后在北京朝阳医院任中医师。1984年赴美国克利夫兰市从事癌症、免疫、病毒领域的研究,*后在美国凯斯西部大学附属医学院任高级研究员,并在美国医学院首开中医课。   1996年谢医生回国创办北**方癌症研究中心,潜心研究中医抗癌机理和临床效应,*终创造出中医无毒大剂量抗癌法,救治病人无数。谢医生近期出版的书有北京科技出版社出版的《两部天书的对话—易经与DNA》、中国财政经济出版社出版的《一个中医在美国》、《中医成功治疗肿瘤一百例》、中国社会出版社出版的《阴阳食物养生疗病—来自营养世家的食养之道》和新世界出版社*近出版的《有毒抗癌与无毒抗癌—我的医学思考》,后三本书繁体字版也在香港出版发行。   谢医生电子信箱为: wwxie123@126.com   Xie Wenwei was born in 1949. In 1969 he went to the Inner Mongolia Construction Corps to do manual labor. He also worked as a veterinarian for seven years. In 1977 he studied at the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and became a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner at theBeijingChaoyangHospitalafter graduation. He conducted research in the fields of oncology, immunology and virology inCleveland,Ohio,U.S., in 1984. As a senior researcher atCaseWestern ReserveUniversity’sSchoolofMedicine, he taught a course on traditional Chinese medicine, which was the first such course to be taught in theU.S.   Dr. Xie returned home in 1996, and founded theBeijingOrientalCancerResearchCenter. He did painstaking research on anticancer mechanisms and clinical effects using traditional Chinese Medicine, and ultimately created a TCM-based nontoxic high-dose anticancer method, saving the lives of numerous patients. The books Dr. Xie recently published include, Dialogue between Two Abstruse Books--the Book of Changes and DNA, by the Beijing Science and Technology Publishing House, A Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the United States and Cancer=Death?—Treatment of Cancer The Chinese Way, by the China Financial and Economic Publishing House, Yin and Yang--Food Regimen for Curing Diseases--The Dietary Way to Keep Fit from a Family of Nutritionists, by the Chinese Social Science Publishing House and Toxic Anticancer and Nontoxic Anticancer--My Medical Thinking, by the New World Press. The last three books in the original complex form of Chinese characters have also been published and distributed inHong Kong.  

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