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  • ISBN:9787568207867
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:186
  • 出版时间:2015-07-01
  • 条形码:9787568207867 ; 978-7-5682-0786-7


本教程秉持“符合学情、贴近生活、服务职业”的原则, 充分兼顾高职学生的英语基础、学习习惯、学习态度及学习能力等因素, 侧重口语能力的操练, 形式多样、难易适度、极具生活化的口语练习设计为口语能力的培养提供了保障。


Unit 1 Meeting and Greeting
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 2 Talking About Weather
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 3 Directions and Signs
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 4 At the Hotel
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 5 At the Restaurant
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 6 Keeping Healthy and Seeing a Doctor
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 7 Making a Phone Call
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 8 Banking Service
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 9 Shopping
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 10 Sightseeing
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 11 Applying for a Job
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind
Unit 12 Transportation
Section One Open Your Mouth
Section Two Cheer up Your Ears
Section Three Brighten Your Eyes
Section Four Loose Your Hands
Section Five Relax Your Mind

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