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  • ISBN:9787556302857
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:804
  • 出版时间:2016-09-01
  • 条形码:9787556302857 ; 978-7-5563-0285-7


《美国学生经典文学读本:graded literature readers》内容精选并翻译自美国芝加哥大学第二任校长哈里·p. 贾德森教授主编的《美国学生文学读本》英文原版(共8 册),分为上下册。《美国学生经典文学读本》全套书以英汉双语对照形式出版,图文并茂,便于让国内学生更好地阅读英语文学,感受英语语言的魅力。《美国学生经典文学读本》全套书可以伴随学生从小学直至高中阶段,同时也适合成人英语学习者提高英语水平使用。 《美国学生经典文学读本》从文章所涉内容来看,有故事、童话、传记、诗歌、旅游、历险、历史、自然、科学等。每课列出了重点难点词汇并加上英文注释,课后附有相应词汇、语法与阅读理解等练习,帮助读者更好地理解原文、训练英语阅读与表达。   this series of literature readers is edited by the president of the university of chicago harry pratt judson, as to supply almost the only reading of many children, and stimulate their taste for good literature and awaken interest in a wide range of subjects. in the graded literature readers good literature has been presented as early as possible, and the classical tales and fables are largely used. nature study has received due attention. the lessons on scientific subjects, though necessarily simple at first, preserve always a strict accuracy. these books have been prepared with the hearty sympathy and very practical assistance of many distinguished educators in different part of the united states, including some of the most successful teachers of reading in primary, intermediated, and advanced grades. we believe that graded literature readers disclose a broader knowledge of literature, better taste and judgment in its selections. a great consideration governing the choice of all selections has been that they shall interest children. the difficulty of learning to read is to minimized when the interest is aroused. school readers, which supply almost the only reading of many children, should stimulate a taste for good literature and awaken interest in a wide range of subjects. —harry pratt judson (the 2nd president of the university of chicago)


英美文学阅读与欣赏的基础读物 英语阅读与写作训练的经典范本 《美国学生经典文学读本》是一套适合国内中小学学生阅读使用的美国学校文学教材,由美国芝加哥大学第二任校长哈里·p·贾德森亲自选编。《美国学生经典文学读本》按国际标准教材开本、英汉双语对照出版,图文并茂,让国内中小学生学习和欣赏经典的英美文学作品,感受英语语言的魅力。《美国学生经典文学读本》选文题材广,包括故事、童话、传记、诗歌、旅游、历险、历史、自然、科学等,共188课。《美国学生经典文学读本》每课列出了重点难点词汇并加上英文注释,课后附有相应词汇、语法与阅读理解等练习,《美国学生经典文学读本》是一套帮助中国学生深度学习英语文学的经典教材。 


01 little bee/小蜜蜂02 how do bees work/蜜蜂是怎么工作的03 pretty flowers/漂亮的花04 the rain/雨05 the rainbow/彩 虹06 birds in the tree/树上的鸟儿07 a new doll/新娃娃08 a butterfly/蝴 蝶09 henry’s horse/亨利的马10 the tiger/老 虎11 a bird’s nest/鸟 窝12 playing ball/玩 球13 the frog/青 蛙14 you can count toten/你会数到十15 a new book/新 书16 the fox and thegrapes/狐狸和葡萄17 catching the pig/捉小猪18 frogs in the pond/水塘里的青蛙19 the larks and thefarmer/云雀与农夫20 a bird ’s story /小鸟的故事21 the ant and thegrasshopper/蚂蚁和蚱蜢22 the new moon /新 月23 the robins /知更鸟24 the voice in thewood /林中之音25 the story of aleaf /叶子的故事26 the wind and theleaves /风和叶子27 the little pinetree /小松树28 in a minute /请等一分钟29 besie and thebirds /贝茜和小鸟30 the goose and thegolden eggs /鹅和金蛋31 the way to have agood game /玩游戏的方法32 a useful animal /一种有用的动物33 a kind brother /好哥哥34 the cat , themonkey , and the chestnuts /猫、猴子和栗子35 little red ridinghood /小红帽36 james and hisarmy /詹姆斯和他的军队37 a kind girl /善良的女孩38 habits of flowers/花的习性39 the dog and hisshadow /狗和他的影子40 too many dols /洋娃娃太多了41 the garden spider/园 蛛42 the young artist /年轻的艺术家43 half chick /小小鸡44 frogs /青 蛙45 picola /碧可拉46 a talk aboutredcoat /关于小狗雷克的谈话47 the shoemaker andthe elves /鞋匠和精灵48 john ’s new horse/约翰新买的马49 litle georgewashington /乔治·华盛顿的童年50 the milkmaid /挤奶女工51 the golden touch /点金术52 the dove and theant /鸽子和蚂蚁53 the bag of winds /风之袋54 the sea /大 海55 the story ofcolumbus /哥伦布的故事56 hans, theshepherd boy /牧童汉斯57 when /当58 benjy inbeastland /本吉在动物王国59 mary allerton /玛丽·阿勒顿60 a good shot /神枪手61 the fox who losthis tail /没了尾巴的狐狸62 how lulu got lost/露露是怎么失踪的......


 《美国学生经典文学读本》作者 哈里·P·贾德森 (1849-1927) 美国著名教育家和历史学家、芝加哥大学第二任校长,其研究方向主要为宪法和外交史。贾德森出生于纽约詹姆斯镇,毕业于威廉姆斯学院,后从事教育工作,1885-1892年在明尼苏达大学担任历史学与教育学教授,后任芝加哥大学政治科学教授兼系主任,以及艺术、文学与科学系教授兼系主任。 芝加哥大学创始人兼校长威廉•哈珀欣赏贾德森教授广博的研究领域与治学风格,邀他加入芝加哥大学。贾德森教授也被哈珀校长卓越的教育规划所吸引。1892年,贾德森从明尼苏达大学来到芝加哥大学,帮助组建芝加哥大学的教育体系与规划,与哈珀共同领导和管理芝加哥大学。1906年哈珀去世,贾德森接任校长,直至1923年退休。

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