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  • ISBN:9787557616793
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:208页
  • 出版时间:2016-10-01
  • 条形码:9787557616793 ; 978-7-5576-1679-3




《小学生喜爱的英语阅读书1》采用了英语和寓言故事结合的形式,它可以帮助孩子从培养学习英语的兴趣开始,学习形式趣味化,让孩子觉得学习英语是一种享受。 让孩子在阅读的过程中掌握常用的英语词汇的同时,也更好的引导孩子认识世界,感悟人生。 书中每篇寓言故事都安排了形式多样的练习,检验阅读效果,及时的帮助孩子加深、巩固记忆,提高学习效率。 1、经典寓言,趣味阅读 书中精选了60篇经典寓言故事,精心加以改编,难易适中,方便小学生阅读,并且配以相应的译文,中英对照,清晰易懂。 2、精美插图,生动有趣 每篇寓言都配有相关的插图,生动的形象,既可以缓解视觉疲劳,也可以增添趣味。 3、难解生词,集中记忆 选取寓言中出现的部分生词,详细列举,并注以音标、词性、释义,便于理解学习。 4、针对练习,巩固提高 每篇寓言的*后,精心设计相关练习,检验阅读效果,加深理解。


前言 使用说明 The Wolf and the Lamb The Milkmaid and Her Pail of milk The Man and the Wood The Dog and the Shadow The Woodman and the Serpent The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing The Man and the Wooden God The Hart in the Ox—stail The Fisherman and the Little Fish The Fox Without a Tail The One—eyed Doe Belling the Cat The Old Man and Death The Lion in Love The Fox and the Goat The Man and His Two Wives The Wolf and the Crane The old Lion The Dog and the Wolf The Boy Bathing The Two Frogs The Wolves and the Sheepdogs The Thieves and the Cock The Vine and the Goat The Fox and the Grapes The Raven and the Swan The Cat and the Birds The Hares and the Frogs The Lion and the Hare The Bear and the Fox The Fox and the Lion The Nurse and the Wolf The Lion and the Mouse Avaricious and Envious The Goose With the Golden Eggs The Ass in the Lion's Skin The Ant and the Dove The Peacock and the Crane The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox The Ass' Brains The Bundle of Sticks The Young Thief and His Mother The Crab and Its Mother The Ant and the Grasshopper The Ass and the Grasshopper The Frog and the Ox The Swollen Fox The Horse and the Ass The Ass and His Purchaser The Four Oxen and the Lion The Fox and the Mosquitoes The Miser and His Gold The Lion and the Statue The Cat and Venus Two Fellows and the Bear The Crow and the Pitcher The Wind and the Sun The Tortoise and the Birds The Hare and the Tortoise



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