新标准大学英语   第二版

包邮新标准大学英语 第二版

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2020-02-15 18:43:37
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  • ISBN:9787513559386
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:112
  • 出版时间:2016-05-01
  • 条形码:9787513559386 ; 978-7-5135-5938-6




长篇阅读技能指南1 Discovering yourself PASSAGE 1 Maintain a healthy relationship with your parents PASSAGE 2 Red dad, blue son PASSAGE 3 Figuring out one s personal identity PASSAGE 4 Discover yourself in 20 minutes2 Childhood memories PASSAGE 1 What dads are made of PA,SSAGE 2 The problem with prize culture PASSAGE 3 Fighting against child labor PASSAGE 4 In summer, kids need real play time3 Art for art's sake PASSAGE I Come on kids, let s make music! PASSAGE 2 Can a film change the world PASSAGE3 Culture crisis: the recess=on" and the arts PASSAGE 4 Science fiction: thestories of now4 No ploce like home PASSAGE 1 How lucky we aretoown old homes PASSAGE 2 Living in a share house PASSAGE 3 The lessons of house restoration PASSAGE 4 Making new memories of home5 A place in society PASSAGE 1 Climbing the social ladder PASSAGE 2 The importance of community to individuals PASSAGE 3, How to have confidence in any situation PASSAGE 4 Tips for soc!alizing with people. 6 High days and holidays PASSAGE 1 Happy meaningful holidays PASSAGE 2 Humor: Valentine's Day PASSAGE 3 The key to celebrating holidays_with multiple family loyalties PASSAGE 4 The weirdest holidays that I have ever come across in my life7 Streets full Of heroes PASSAGE 1 The princess of sales PASSAGE 2 Reflections on real-life heroes PASSAGE 3 The evolution of heroism PASSAGE 4 Flight from the fire: a dramatic condor rescue8 Tales ancient and modern PASSAGE 1 Gods and goddesses inGreek mythology PASSAGE 2 Common types Of myths PASSAGE 3 Modern mythology PASSAGE 4 Chinese mythology and fantasiesAnswer key

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