Sos 6andibdos del pantano水浒传故事(西)

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  • ISBN:9787508539614
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:291
  • 出版时间:2018-09-01
  • 条形码:9787508539614 ; 978-7-5085-3961-4


《水浒传》是我国明代长篇小说的一部杰作。它不是作者凭空杜撰的,而是以北宋宣和年间宋江率众造反起义的历史事件为素材,并广泛吸收了宋、元间街谈巷议和说书人、杂剧表演依据的“梁山泊故事”。小说描写了水泊梁山一百单八将反抗官军、杀富济贫的故事。本书是针对外国读者的改编故事版。 Outlaws of the Marsh, One of the best known and best loved of the ancient Chinese novels which have come down through the ages, written in the fourteenth century, is a fictional account of twelfth-century events in the final years of Hui Zong, a Song Dynasty emperor who reigned from 1101 to 1125. It tells why and how one hundred some-old men and women are forced by the harsh feudal officialdom and banded together on a marsh-girt mountain, became leaders of an outlaw army of thousands and fought brave and resourceful battles against pompous, heartless tyrants.




ContentsChapter 1Demons Including Heavenly Spirits and Earthly Fiends are ReleasedChapter 2Sagacious Lu Throws Peach Blossom Village into ConfusionChapter 3Lin Chong Goes to Mount Liangshan in the Snowy NightChapter 4Yang Zhi Sells His Sword in the Eastern CapitalChapter 5Wu Yong by a Ruse Captures the Birthday GiftsChapter 6Three Ruan Brothers in the Village of Stone TabletChapter 7Lin Chong Kills Wang LunChapter 8Song Jiang Slays Poxi in a Fit of AngerChapter 9Wu Song Kills a Tiger on Jingyang RidgeChapter 10Pan Jinlian Carries on a Clandestine Love AffairChapter 11Wu Song Avenges at Lion Bridge TavernChapter 12Wu Song Beats Jiang the Gate Guard GiantChapter 13General Zhang’s Blood Spatters the Duck and Drake BowerChapter 14Hua Rong Turns Topsy-turvy Clear Winds FortChapter 15The Thunderbolt Qin MingChapter 16Song Gongming is Tattooed with the Mark of His Exile to JiangzhouChapter 17In the Xunyang Pavilion Song Jiang Recites a Rebellious PoemChapter 18Mount Liangshan Gallants Raid the Execution GroundsChapter 19Song Jiang Becomes an Outlaw in Liangshan MarshChapter 20Li Kui Goes down the MountainChapter 21Shi Xiu Takes Chivalrous ActionChapter 22The First Attack on the Zhu Family ManorChapter 23The Second Attack on the Zhu Family ManorChapter 24The Third Attack on the Zhu Family ManorChapter 25Wu Yong Uses a Plan to Get Zhu TongChapter 26Song Jiang Meets the Spell in Gaotang PrefectureChapter 27Dai Zong Goes out to Seek Gongsun ShengChapter 28Gongsun Sheng Performs Magic ArtsChapter 29Huyan Zhuo Deploys an Armored CavalryChapter 30Chao the Heavenly King is KilledChapter 31Guan Sheng Surrenders and Lu Junyi is SavedChapter 32Lu the Magnate Captures Shi WengongChapter 33Song Jiang Defeats Marshal GaoChapter 34Song Jiang and All of His Men are AmnestiedChapter 35Song Jiang is Ordered to Smash the Liao TartarsChapter 36Song Jiang is Sent to Suppress Fang La RebellionChapter 37Song Jiang Returns Home in Finery but is Poisoned to Death by the Emperor

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