

1星价 ¥18.9 (3.8折)
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  • ISBN:9787569920680
  • 装帧:70g胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:496
  • 出版时间:2018-09-01
  • 条形码:9787569920680 ; 978-7-5699-2068-0


五大热卖理由 1.扫码听音 扫二维码听本书音频方便快捷 2.诵读佳句 23个经典口语励志句子增强语感 3.地道对话 111个情景会话标准真人原声常模仿 4.应急句型 1800地道百变口语句型现学现用 5.实用词汇 1700分类场景口语词汇一网打尽




Chapter 1 家庭琐事少不了 Family ................. 1 Section 1 睡觉起床Sleeping and Waking Up .........2 Section 2 洗洗漱漱Washing Up ................. . ..6 Section 3 梳妆打扮Dressing Up......................10 Section 4 一日三餐Meals..................... ......14 Section 5 收拾碗碟Cleaning Up the Dishes .........18 Section 6 亲朋好友Relatives and Friends ...........22 Section 7 花销储蓄Spending and Saving Money........26 Chapter 2 民以食为天 Eating ................. .. ..30 Section 1 商定餐馆Where to Eat .................. ..31 Section 2 点餐Ordering Food ............. ..........35 Section 3 上菜用餐Serving Meals and Eating..........39 Section 4 买单Paying............. ............. ....43 Section 5 在西餐厅At the Western Restaurant.........47 Section 6 在快餐店At the Fast-Food Restaurant ..... 51 Section 7 在自助餐馆At the Cafeteria ...............55 Section 8 在咖啡厅At the café .......................59 Section 9 在酒吧At the Bar ..................... .....63 Section 10 在茶馆At the Teahouse .......... ........68 Chapter 3 身体健康*重要 Health ........ ...........72 Section 1 感冒发烧Suffering from a Cold and Fever ...73 Section 2 描述症状Describing the Symptoms ..........77 Section 3 预约医生Doctor Appointment ......... .. ....81 Section 4 挂号就诊Registering and Seeing a Doctor ....85 Section 5 医院门诊Hospitals and Clinics .... ........89 Section 6 手术护理Operation and Care ........ .......93 Section 7 买药吃药Medicine ............... .........97 Section 8 住院出院Living in the Hospital ...... ....101 Section 9 医疗保险Medical Insurance ........ .......105 Chapter 4 公共服务不能缺 Public Service...... ...... 110 Section 1 银行Bank ....... ...... .......... .. .. ...111 Section 2 邮局Post Office ................. .. .. .. ..116 Section 3 快递公司Express Delivery ........... ......120 Section 4 美容美发店Beauty and Hair Salon ...........124 Section 5 洗衣店Laundry ...................... ......129 Section 6 电话亭Telephone Booth/Collect Calling ......134 Section 7 社区居委会Neighborhood Committee ...........138 Chapter 5 好好学习,天天向上 Study ........... .. .. 142 Section 1 初进校园Entering the Campus ....... ........143 Section 2 学校课程Curriculum .......................148 Section 3 考试测验Tests ...... ...... ...... .......152 Section 4 奖学金Scholarship ...... ....... ...... ...156 Section 5 在图书馆At the Library...... ...... ..... 161 Section 6 讲座Lecture ...... ...... ..... ...... ... 165 Section 7 宿舍趣闻Dorm........ ........ ....... .. ...169 Section 8 社团协会School Association ...... .. ........173 Section 9 校园兼职Part-Time Job ............. .. .......177 Section 10 毕业与恋情Graduation and Love ...... .. .......181 Section 11 出国留学Studying Abroad .......... .. .. .. ..185 Chapter 6 工作实现价值 Work ........................ .. 189 Section 1 求职应聘Job Hunting ...................... ..190 Section 2 职场培训Training ............................??195 Section 3 出勤与迟到Attendance and Arriving at Work Late ..200 Section 4 请假Taking a Leave .. ...... ...... ..........204 Section 5 调班加班Shifts and Overwork ...... ...... .....??208 Section 6 升职加薪Promotion and Getting a Raise ...........212 Section 7 工作会议Working Conference ..... ...... ...... ....217 Section 8 办公设备Office Equipment ............ ...... .......222 Section 9 解聘与辞职Dismissing and Resigning........ .. ......227 Chapter 7 你说我说他说 Communication ........... ............. 231 Section 1 见面问候Greeting .......................... .........232 Section 2 介绍与回应Introduction and Reply ....... ...........236 Section 3 感谢与回谢Gratitude and Reply ...... ...... ......??240 Section 4 道歉与回应Apology and Reply ........ ...... ..........244 Section 5 邀请与回应Invitation and Reply ..... ...... .......??248 Section 6 迎送客人Greeting and Farewelling Guests ...........??252 Section 7 祝福与祝愿Blessings and Wishes .......... .......??256 Section 8 接打电话Answering the Phone ........... ............260 Section 9 时间与日期Time and Date .............. ..........265 Section 10 天气情况Weather .................... .........??270 Section 11 告别Farewell ...................... .......??274 Chapter 8 以恋爱为基础的婚姻 Love ........... ......?? 278 Section 1 约会Dating ....................... ..........??279 Section 2 恋爱Falling in Love ............. ...... ..........283 Section 3 争吵分手Break-up ................. ............287 Section 4 求婚Marriage Proposal ........ ...... .........291 Section 5 婚礼Wedding .................. ...... ..........295 Section 6 结婚纪念日Wedding Anniversary .... ............299 Section 7 离婚Divorce ........................ ...... ......303 Chapter 9 出门交通少不了 Traffic ....... ................307 Section 1 问路指路Asking for Directions .... ...... ........308 Section 2 坐飞机Taking a Plane ........... .................313 Section 3 坐火车Taking a Train ............. ...... ........318 Section 4 坐公交Taking a Bus ...................... .......322 Section 5 坐地铁Taking a Subway .............. .........326 Section 6 坐出租车Taking a Taxi ................. ............330 Section 7 自驾车Driving a Car ................... ..........334 Section 8 停车与加油Parking and Refueling ...... ...........338 Section 9 骑自行车Riding a Bicycle ........... ...... .......342 Section 10 交通事故Traffic Accident .......... .............??346 Chapter 10 旅行休闲放轻松 Travel .............. .......... 350 Section 1 旅游计划Travel Planning ........... ...... ....... 351 Section 2 参观游览Sightseeing Tour ........... ............355 Section 3 公园与游乐园Park and Amusement Park ..............359 Section 4 动物园与植物园Zoo and Botanical Garden ........ 364 Section 5 博物馆与历史遗迹Museum and Historic Sites .......369 Section 6 剧院与演出Movies and Performances ........ .....374 Section 7 体育比赛Sports Competitions ........ ..... ......378 Section 8 拍照留念Photo Taking........ ........ ...........383 Section 9 酒店预订Hotel Reservation........ .... ..........387 Section 10 入住酒店Hotel Check In ........ ....... ........391 Section 11 客房服务Room Service........ ..... ............395 Section 12 结账退房Checking Out ........ ........ ........399 Chapter 11 购物狂的自由 Shopping ............ ...... ....404 Section 1 选择超市或商场Choosing a Supermarket or a DepartmentStore ..405 Section 2 挑选商品Choosing the Goods .... ...... ...... ........409 Section 3 试穿与试用Trying Out the Goods ...... ...... .......??413 Section 4 讨价还价Bargaining ................ ...... ...... ..??417 Section 5 寻找减价商品Searching for Sales ..... .............422 Section 6 结账Payment ..................... .. ..................426 Section 7 售后服务Customer Service ........ .. .............??430 Chapter 12 态度情感要分明 Emotions .......... .............?? 434 Section 1 高兴与难过Happy and Sad ............ ...... ......??435 Section 2 喜欢与讨厌Like and Dislike ...... ...... ..........439 Section 3 同意与分歧Agreement and Disagreement ............??443 Section 4 信任与怀疑Trust and Doubt ....... ...... ...........448 Section 5 接受与拒绝Acceptance and Refusal ....................452 Section 6 建议与忠告Suggestion and Persuasion ................457 Section 7 责备与提醒Scolding and Reminding ....................461 Section 8 支持与鼓励Support and Encouragement .................465 Section 9 生气与激动Angry and Excited ........ ........ .......469 Section 10 抑郁与沮丧Depressed and Desperate ..................473 Section 11 担心与忧虑Worried and Stressed ........ ............477



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