

1星价 ¥79.4 (8.1折)
2星价¥79.4 定价¥98.0
  • ISBN:9787100169059
  • 装帧:80g轻涂纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:304
  • 出版时间:2019-01-01
  • 条形码:9787100169059 ; 978-7-100-16905-9


关于山东的英文书,读这一本就够了。 主创团队为资深中外记者、作家,以独特的国际视角切入,实地调研体验,文化、旅游报道经验丰富。 全方位深度了解山东的地道英文读物,深入浅出,穿插轶事、趣闻,可读性强。 汉语教学专家编写的的旅游汉语学习板块,按交际主题分类,实用、易学。 按照城市划分的景点索引,明了直观、方便实用。 富的摄影、手绘地图,呈现生动的山东影像。 外文书常用精致的开本,裸脊加护封,印刷精美。


Shandong: Rivers Deep, Mountain High(《智水仁山》)并非山东中文旅游书的翻译版,而是由一群热爱山东的外国记者用英文创作撰写、国际化团队倾力打造、面向海外发行的原创精品。该书文笔优美,故事好看,信息量大,是近年出版的Z具人文情怀的山东省英文旅游书。 《智水仁山》结合山东省丰富的旅游资源,分别为不同身份的游客量身订制旅游路线,并在此基础上,对景点做深度介绍与文化解读。本书以孔子故里、儒家文化为贯穿全书的灵魂;内容新颖活泼,囊括山东自然与人文资源,是兼具功能性、时代感、历史背景的深度旅游指南,是海外读者学习汉语,了解中国文化的入门读物。 创作团队以独特的国际视角全方位介绍山东这一国际旅游目的地。选取对外国读者Z具吸引力的话题,以地道的英文、优美的文字和不失幽默的表达,向海外读者呈现了一个真实可触、充满魅力的山东。


1 History and Heritage History Meets Myth in Prehistoric Shandong Qi and Lu States Celebrating Cuju: Football Before Football Sun Tzu: The Man, Myth, and Works Qin Shi Huang's Immortal Quests to Shandong Penglai: Gateway to the Maritime Silk Road The Grand Canal: Lifeblood of China Key Sites of Interest on the Grand Canal Shandong's Ancient Towns and Villages Timeline of Chinese History Chinese You Need 2 Nature and Wildlife Taishan Mountain: Summit of the Gods Panoramic Views at Tianmeng Mountain Magical Yishan Mountain: Where Legends Live On Jinan: A City of Springs The Wild Wetlands of Shandong Wildfowl of the Wetlands The Yellow River Through Shandong Shandong on the Shore: Beaches, Islands, and Temples Qingdao: Seaside City Rizhao: Sun City Zhucheng: Dinosaur City Chinese You Need 3 Cultural Tours Confucius in Qufu: In the Footsteps of China's Master Philosopher Understanding the Confucius Temple Mencius: The Second Sage's Steps in Zoucheng Longxing's Treasure Trove of Buddha Statues Seeking Immortals in Penglai European Towns and Architecture Building History: Gardens and Manors of Shandong Chinese You Need 4 Arts and Crafts Liangshan: The Mountains and "The Marsh" The Strange (and Sad) Tales from Pu Songling's Chinese Studio Kong Shangren and His Peach-Blossom Fan Wang Xizhi: The Calligraphy King Mo Yan: A Living Legacy Showtime in Shandong: Opera, Acrobatics, and More Weifang: The Kite Capital The Strands of Shandong Silk Famous Folk Arts: Shandong Style Chinese You Need 5 Culinary Shandong Lu Cuisine of Shandong Origins of the Kong Family Feast Banquet Etiquette: Know Your Role DIY Dish: Sweet and Sour Carp Signature Shandong Dishes Local Snacks and Street Food Chinese You Need 6 Business in Shandong History of the Donkey Hide Cure-All Tsingtao: China's King of Beers Grand Cellar: Changyu and the Wine Region of Yantai Haier: One of China's First Global Brands Hisense: From Emerging Markets to the Developed World Chinese You Need 7 Family Time Cultural Classics Parks and Recreation: Family Fun The Last Resorts: Rest and Relaxation Chinese You Need List of Tourist Attractions in Shandong


《汉语世界》是以原创中国文化报道享誉国际的一家英文媒体,已有十年的英文原创作品出版经验。《Shandong: Rivers Deep, Mountain High》由《汉语世界》杂志社受山东省旅发委委托创作,由《汉语世界》编辑部中外合作主编,编写者有来自美国、英国、加拿大等国的多位文化旅游作家,以及山东当地资深外籍作家。作者团队为杭州G20峰会新闻中心用书Hangzhou at a Glance(《杭州一瞥》)原班团队核心。

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